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Volume 2 Chapter 51: From the Morning Star!

In the vast, dark space outside the galaxy, only the faint light from distant stars brought a glimmer of illumination.

Within the planetary system, a massive celestial body, eternal and enduring, emanated light and heat, striving to illuminate the surrounding darkness, establishing a precious paradise in the endless void.

Earth was the most blessed place in this paradise.


Not far beyond Earth in the starry sky, something flashed by, leaving behind a trembling pile of particles, announcing its existence in the form of "sound."

This was the sound of rapid movement. If it were on Earth, the speed of its owner would be enough to create a terrifying impact.

But this was space, the tranquil emptiness of space devoid of anything.

So, let alone creating an impact, the sound itself could only be confined within the few particles left behind, unable to propagate, only causing the vibration of its own body.

Expanding the view from the azure planet towards the location where the pile of particles was left behind, and then seeing...

A bunch of sparkling golden objects.

What were they? Golden meteorites? Were they about to collide with that azure planet?

If anyone were to witness the scene in this vast space at this moment, they would surely be puzzled.

Because at this moment, in the boundless expanse of space.

Several dozen rounded golden spheres, enveloping themselves, were flying from the direction of the morning star towards the azure planet ahead, without the slightest desire to alter their trajectory.

At this rate, if they were not intercepted by the moon, it was highly likely that they would impact it.

If several dozen such massive golden spheres were to collide with Earth, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The surfaces of the spheres were covered with thorns, incredibly sharp, with noticeable protrusions and indentations in several places. Wrapped in something, their entire bodies seemed encapsulated, barely maintaining their spherical shape.

These were not meteorites.

Upon closer inspection, it became evident that these golden, spiky objects were not meteorites at all.

The protrusions and indentations on their bodies were too uniform, giving them the appearance not of celestial bodies floating in space but of exquisite works of art.

These things were alive.

Upon further observation, a second, more profound conclusion could be drawn. These golden constructs were alive, not inanimate objects but lively entities— They were living beings.

Eyes, mouths, wings wrapped around their bodies, tails bound to themselves, two feet coiled together.

These creatures, these golden stars, were so distinct in their bodily features that upon careful examination, one could discern all their limbs.

These dozen or so golden spheres were essentially a dozen or so golden monsters. At this moment, they were traversing this stretch of space, moving from the Morning Star to another planet.

And upon reaching that distant celestial body, what would these golden beasts do? Nobody knew yet.

The speed of these golden stars was not particularly fast among the numerous meteoroids in space, at least not compared to the large comets traveling at seventy to eighty thousand kilometers per hour.

Currently, their speed was only around fifty to sixty thousand kilometers per hour, and it was steadily decreasing.

From the gaps in the membranes enveloping most of their bodies, they continuously emitted flames to decelerate.

As for why they were slowing down their already relatively slow speed, the reason was simple.

They were about to arrive.

Yes, the azure planet was right in front of them. They no longer needed to accelerate. For them at this moment, deceleration was the most important.

It was time to liberate themselves.

Not far ahead was the location of the azure planet's moon. If they didn't adjust in time, they might collide with it.

So it was time to liberate themselves. After completely freeing themselves, they would adjust their posture using their fully liberated selves, which was safer than trying to do so while still partially enclosed by their wing membranes.

Thinking this way, after more than twenty, almost thirty days of self-restraint, and after crossing millions of kilometers, the spheres began their liberation.

Satellites near the moon captured this scene and transmitted it to the ground. Watching the gradually unfurling wings, the personnel in the command centers could only swallow their saliva in silence.

The photos were incredibly clear because, at this moment, they were only a few thousand kilometers from the satellite's position, and they themselves were so large, so the posture of these spheres, as they unfolded, was crystal clear.

And profoundly awe-inspiring.

First, the wing membranes that encased them should now be spread open.

The golden wings began to unfold, separating from their bodies which were originally enveloped by the wings, and turning into thin veils in space.

The overlapping wing bones stretched out as the wing membranes unfurled, gradually enlarging the wingspan from the original several hundred meters.

1 kilometer, 2 kilometers, 3 kilometers...

The wings of the Ghidorah's Wing grew larger and larger, originally on the ground, their wings capable of creating fierce winds were actually the product of multiple layers of solar sails overlaid with wing membranes. Now, they spread their wings.

With fully expanded wings, the Ghidorah's Wing wingspan was tens of kilometers wide, or even more. These were solar sails that allowed them to gradually accelerate during their slow-energy travel within the planetary system.

But now, they were simply stretching out.

After the wings came the heads.

The chain-like golden heads were liberated from their coiled positions, extending their necks in space, insect-like and dragon-like heads facing towards the azure planet ahead. Their exposed red eyes reflected the planet in front of them.

Legs and tails also slowly unfolded, transforming from a spherical shape to a smooth one. Their posture resembled flying in the atmosphere as they controlled their power, gliding past the moon.

Shadows cast by the dozen or so wings fell on the lunar surface as they headed towards the Earth. The golden surface reflected the sunlight, even visible from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away on Earth, shimmering in golden light.

Venus, the Morning Star, was sparkling.

No telescope was needed.

No dark night was required.

Ahead, every life on the side of that world could see those wings emitting boundless light.

More dazzling than all the stars in the night sky, visible even in the brightness of midday. The Ghidorah's Wings, reflecting the sunlight, proclaimed to the world ahead.

They were coming.

They, from the Morning Star.


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