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Esme Ostrow

hunt isn't a soldier, he's a trauma surgeon! he has a medical degree and everything he just works in the military doing surgery on wounded soldiers, rather than trauma patients at a hospital. also, the icicle thing is unfortunately realistic. happened to my mom's brother! except he wasn't on the ground, he was standing, so when it fell it sliced his face almost clean off of his head. he was still conscious, and walked into the house holding his face up with his hands and my grandma called 911. he made a full recovery, didn't even look different/scarred at all. icicles are actually pretty dangerous lol!

Lucile Byrd

Christina is a 2nd year resident, I think the idea of relying on the residents to teach the interns is insane, especially residents who are just a year above internship. They are still learning and barely being taught by their own upper residents (who again are still students) or their actual teachers (the attendings). And primarily what they do learn from the attendings is every surgeon for themselves. All of the attendings are selfish and prioritize themselves over the interns/residents they are supposed to be teaching. So, as a 2nd year resident/student (who should not be responsible for teaching people who are a year below her) who mostly learn to be selfish from her "teachers" why do you expect she would be a good teacher herself right now?