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Breaking Bad, The Expanse, The Fosters, and Fringe are all coming in 2024 at the same time. Yall are about to get some of those episodes really soon. That does not mean you are getting them consistently like the other shows. Until I have a confirmed date when those shows are to be posted on YouTube you will get them randomly and not on a schedule or timeframe. I want everyone to remember that when they start being posted, so I don't have many questions about where those shows are after some are posted and you don't get more for a while.. When they are given a confirmation date they will come consistently. I will be releasing them when I have them available and ready to release for now. You will be getting Breaking Bad first followed by The Fosters and The Expanse. All this does is give them to you earlier than you should be getting them. 

You are still owed 911 and Friday Night Lights videos, I have not forgotten


Sydni Cockerham

I'm so glad that breaking bad is coming first

Howard Sanderson

Just wondering about Criminal Minds. I know its on a schedule, just curious if its coming soon.

Esme Ostrow

curious if you had an estimate about buffy?


He said a while back that it is on the schedule to be watched when one of the shows he’s currently watching ends

Kat Fleur

Can’t wait for Mentalist & Castle.


Will Bones be coming back ?

Melanie Marie

I’m excited for 911!