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Steve C

The really interesting thing about the Snow Queen storyline is that Disney originally wanted to go that route with Frozen by making Elsa evil. She would've been the Snow Queen, who was a villain in the original story. But early test audiences weren't fond of the idea, so Disney decided to go a different route by making Elsa the misunderstood protagonist. I'm glad OUAT liked the Snow Queen idea and brought her story into the show.

Freya Hemingway

Um, Marion’s a brunette…did no one notice that the hair they gave Rumple was platinum blonde? I’m midway through the ep. right now, so maybe there’s an explanation, but hmmm?

Sydney Peck

I don't remember if they explain it in the show, but in the Frozen movie, Anna's hair started to turn white after Elsa accidentally struck her with her ice magic. That's probably what was happening here, even if the show didn't explicitly explain what was happening

Ian Caudillo

That probably explains why before I first saw Frozen I thought Elsa was a villain .