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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

My Little Monkey- Thank you so much for another fantastic and fun reaction for Lucifer!! I really love this episode a lot too!! It's a lot of fun, and very emotional too. Especially because we get some great insight into Chloe's life as we learn how Chloe's father died and see Chloe investigate who killed him. I also really love Lucifer's and Dan's storyline as they work together to investigate who murdered Chloe's father's supposed killer and gain a stronger understanding of one another. I'm not so sure they would consider themselves friends just yet, but they aren't enemies anymore either. First... I really love Maze's overall storyline throughout this episode, as she seeks Linda's help upon realizing she's longing to find a new sense of purpose now that she no longer works for Lucifer at LUX as his bartender or as his protector. However, Linda is still reeling from Lucifer's revelation that he's the Devil. And because she now knows the truth about him, she's come to realize that Maze is also a demon just like Lucifer has told her during their past sessions as well. Poor Linda is terrified, and it's most certainly understandable. I just love how Maze does all she can to try to convince Linda that she and Lucifer won't ever hurt her because she wants Linda to remain her friend, especially since Linda is her only real friend, or at least her first human friend outside of Chloe and Trixie. Before Linda, Maze's only real friend has always been just Lucifer. But in in the end, Maze finally gets through to Linda when she assures her that she and Lucifer are still who they've always been... her friends. I love it! :) However, with that being said... I really don't like how Maze is so angry with Lucifer for revealing the truth about them to Linda. Linda asked Lucifer for 100% honesty and that he no longer speak to her in what she still believed to be his metaphors. And as difficult as it was for Lucifer to reveal what he sees as his monster side to her, he did so because she asked him to, and because a part of him really needed someone to be able to understand what he's really feeling in order to talk through his pain. Maze treats Lucifer like he scared and hurt Linda on purpose. And this is just so wrong. I appreciate Maze for her standing up for Linda and wanting to protect her from what she sees to be Lucifer's recklessness, or disregard for others' feelings. However, Lucifer had been as gentle about showing his Devil face as he possibly could be, in spite of his reluctance to reveal himself to Linda like she demanded he do if he had any hope of continuing his sessions with her and of remaining her friend. So to me... Maze is wrong to get angry with Lucifer. At least in the way that she does within this episode, without trying to understand why he did as he did. As for my favorite moments throughout this episode... I love, love, love the ending between Chloe, Lucifer, and Trixie when Chloe is making them egg sandwiches, then Trixie says goodbye to Lucifer as she attempts to hug him until he backs way uncomfortably, after which she quickly gives him a high five instead before running off while Lucifer simply scoffs. So cute! And then... I love the beautiful moment right afterwards between Lucifer and Chloe, as he begins sharing how he doesn't care much for his own father, then offers her peace of mind when he sincerely tells her he believes her father would be proud of her for all she's done to become who she's become. And in doing so, Chloe becomes emotional as she begins to cry. When she does, I love how Lucifer immediately apologizes to her out of worry, fearing that he's hurt her like he's hurt everyone else he's hurt lately too. However, Chloe simply looks up at him with gratitude and admiration for him in her eyes as she tells him to just shut up and then hugs him to get him to hold her close to him. I too love, love, love his reaction to her hug, as he comes to feel vulnerable and confused. So, so beautiful!! I love Lucifer's inability to understand why she's touched by his kindness, until he comes to feel happy and smiles as he continues to hold her close. And I absolutely love this moment between them, because it shows just how much he has come to truly care about Chloe, and how much she's come to care for him as well. And yes... again, Chloe helps Lucifer to find a little peace in his life after the loss of his brother as well. So beautiful!! :) As for another of my favorite moments... I love the bonding moment between Lucifer and Dan when Lucifer discovers the secret Dan's been keeping from everyone, as he follows Dan to his improv class and catches Dan impersonating him to try to work out his anger towards Lucifer's actions in impersonating and making fun of him over the course of the last few days. This is really the first time we see them develop more into friends than as simply two men always at odds with one another on account of their relationships with Chloe. This scene between them is very funny. And I love that they've now come to an understanding between one another, and even laugh with one another too. It's wonderful that this moment between them allows for Lucifer to share with someone how difficult it really is for him to always be the Devil without Lucifer showing his "Luciferness", while Dan comes to see he and Lucifer have something in common, given that they both struggle to be themselves and with the decisions they've made. Now... seeing Lucifer become Dan all throughout this episode in order to try to understand how to be someone other than himself because he believes himself to be a monster who hurts everyone he cares about, and then seeing Dan try to impersonate Lucifer in the end as well, is all pretty funny. It's a little cringey, but in a good way that brings a lot of humor to this episode. However, I also love that through impersonating Dan and upon seeing Dan impersonate him, Lucifer is able to find a little peace of mind after having to kill his brother, and hurting Dan, Linda, and Chloe as well upon being somewhat oblivious to her feelings during this extremely difficult time for her. And you can see in the end that he has learned the lesson he needed to and does find some peace, allowing him to return to being himself again before he returns to Chloe's home. Who would have thought that Dan of all people could help him over everyone else? And in the end... Lucifer does all of this mostly because he truly wants to be there for Chloe, as the best version of himself. And seeing that he is willing to become someone else in order to try to figure out who that is... because he fears that he only hurts the people he cares about, is truly beautiful. This shows how much Lucifer truly wants to be there for Chloe in every way. To protect her and to care for her without hurting her. And not just for Chloe, but for everyone else he cares about too. Lucifer definitely has flaws and he struggles deeply with understanding humans and their emotions like I've mentioned in my comments before. However, he learns and grows from them constantly thanks to those he cares about who help him understand when he's wrong, and upon closely observing every aspect of their cases. And he's suffered from so much pain in his very long life, that he's been forced to push it all down and to hide it away beneath his selfishness and his mask of humor and smug conceit in order to keep himself from completely falling apart like he did in the previous episode... Monster, as well as nearly in this episode too. This episode really shows this. And all of this is most definitely the strongest reasons why I love Lucifer's character and his overarching story throughout this show so much. Because all of this is what sets him far apart from all other portrayals of the Devil in movies and in other shows such as Supernatural. It's really wonderful, and I absolutely love it!! As for the main storyline with Chloe seeking justice for her father in search of his real killer... I really love it. I can only imagine how painful it must be for Chloe to learn after all these years, that the man she believed to have killed her father was really innocent, or at least that he didn't actually have anything to do with his death after all when his real killer has been free all this time. But I love how Dan and Ella are so kind and gentle with her as they help her on the case, then later seeing Lucifer and Maze become more involved and helpful to her as well. And I love that they're the ones who allow Chloe to find justice for her father when they finally catch the warden in the end. I also love how Chloe talks Lucifer out of his funk when he's stuck in his mind while hating himself for hurting everyone, when she tells him she needs her partner back. Lucifer most definitely needed to hear someone, especially Chloe, tell him that she needs him, and wants him as her friend and partner, not for him to be someone else. Because Lucifer now knows without a doubt that Chloe appreciates him and having him just for who he himself is. Then... Lucifer plays the "Me's" advocate, or the Devil's advocate, which is just so Lucifer to put himself into the common phrase, and thanks to Lucifer, Chloe is able to figure out that the warden is her father's true killer. Really brilliant! Another of my favorite moments is when Lucifer and Dan go to meet the Russian who hires people to take the fall for these killings in order to find out who it was who hired him to kill Chloe's father, as Lucifer plays the role of someone who seeks the killer out by claiming to want him to kill the monster he sees himself as... to kill Lucifer Morningstar, as he's still acting as someone else. You really see the hatred Lucifer has for himself in his eyes within this moment, and you can hear it in his voice as he's talking so coldly. It's so sad and I feel so badly for him. But I love it! Sensational acting from Tom Ellis once again, just like always. It's wonderful that Dan recognizes this too, and attempts to offer Lucifer a compliment until Lucifer shrugs it off by teasing Dan enough to make him angry with him again. It's clear that Dan was shocked by how Lucifer was able to lie as he did, yet even more shocked to learn that Lucifer actually does feel this way about himself. And I just appreciate that Dan comes to see Lucifer in a different way by the end of this episode, more so than he's ever seen of him before. I love how we see Lucifer still struggling with his brother's death throughout this episode, yet how he struggles in a different way than the complete breakdown we saw from him in the previous episode... Monster. And I love how we come to see how much Lucifer wishes he could be someone else who isn't the monster he sees himself as, until Chloe offers him the peace he needs to feel being himself is what she needs and that it's okay. Brilliant character development! :) A little trivia... the actor who plays John Decker in the beginning of this episode is Chris Payne Gilbert, who in real life is married to Lesley-Ann Brandt, who plays Maze. I really love this! Overall... this is a really fantastic episode! I just love seeing all the friendships, as well as all of the emotions involved within Chloe's storyline, as well as Lucifer's storyline as well. And seeing Lucifer not only impersonate Dan through his way of talking and walking, but also seeing him dress as Dan with his hair even parted like Dan's... hilarious! So thank you once again for another fun reaction! I am so excited for more Lucifer, and I am so happy you're continuing to love this show more and more with every episode. It's just incredible! Until next time, dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi