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209: https://ws.onehub.com/files/joofr1iw

210: https://ws.onehub.com/files/d3ktyhir

211: https://ws.onehub.com/files/wee73ri2


Mark Wood



So the original season 2 ended after episode 11, then Netflix announced the series was canceled, on that cliffhanger. Imagine the feeling the fans had. The fans protested - a lot. After a lot of back and forth, Netflix finally relented and let them do episode 12 to conclude the series in a satisfying way.

Alyssa S Allan

They really tried to end it at S2 E11. Okay...??? No. Flip flops were mailed, petitions were signed, offices were bombarded with letters. I'm not a fandom type consumer of TV, but I was really proud of that