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Keeping it Modular!

From the beginning, I've tried to focus on building my content in a way that would be accessible to everyone, regardless of what other content you use or the space available in your mods folder. Last year I hit a wall and realized that what I was doing wasn't working and that I needed to come up with a better way to build and organize my mods.

I took a break from creating and spent several months developing the new modular system that I now use as the foundation for all of my current and future content. As a bonus, this system reduces the number of downloads needed after most file updates, making it quicker and easier to update your game with new content or after a game patch.

Required Files:

Most individual downloads will require a specific 'Core' mod to function properly in game. Each download page has a section that will clearly state and provide a link to any files that are required.

Here is a basic infographic showing the structure of which files are required for what type of content:

There are several types of 'Core' Category files that are required. The names of the Core Mod files align with the categories on my site, so it's easy to know which one you will need based on the category you download content from. If you're unsure, you can always check the content download page.

My Core files make it so that you only download the resources that you need for the type of content you want to use. Another benefit of this system is that it simplifies the process of updating files. Most of the time, you only need to update a few Core files instead of having to update numerous individual files.

Core files consist mainly of new and injected resources, which are unlikely to conflict with the majority of content made by other creators. Files that could potentially conflict, such as overrides, are grouped into a separate, optional file called a 'Core Module'.


I don't usually track compatibility or integrate with other creator's mods but I'm often asked about SCCO. As of 12/8/23, it doesn't look like our mods conflict because we use completely different methods of adding custom ingredients to the game. As far as I can tell, my required files should work fine alongside that mod. My 'Core Modules' files are likely to conflict though, so you'll need to review and compare what's in them before you decide which files you want to install.

There are various reasons why I don't integrate with other creator's mods, but the biggest reason is that it gets very time-consuming to keep track of it all on top of my own mods. It also makes it harder to troubleshoot issues and puts a pause on my creating process when there are updates needed. That being said, I still work really hard and do a lot of planning to make sure that my content won't conflict with other creator's mods so you can enjoy using them together.


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