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A brief update on how we're getting on with UI-chan!

Many of the character parameters are now programmed in. The three types of parameters (colors, sliders, and modes) update the character in real time right in front of you.

For Skin and Hair we thought an 'overall color' option would be a good idea. This changes multiple parameters at one time for people who don't want to really spend time tweaking individual params. 

For people who do want to spend time doing that, you can feel free to delve into all the advanced options like hair tips and shadow color, and skin shadow color! It is easy to make hilarious and bad looking characters with all these options, but we will allow the freedom to do that :)   

Expect a video on the weekend demonstrating this stuff and then you guys (Patrons <3) will get to playtest shortly after, and give your feedback on suggestions and improvements. 

In fact, if people have any small suggestions or ideas now feel free to let us know and we'll consider the possibility of implementing! Or if people have experience any good character creation systems in other games that we should look into then let us know too. We have done exhaustive and very scientific research into Estival Versus' dressing room mini game and have come away with a few ideas already >:)

That's it for now hope everyone is having a very enjoyable Wednesday 




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