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Hey guys, thanks for your feedback with the 2nd Navigation Test, here are some fixes and improvements we have made / will be making for the next release which should hopefully be before the end of the month -

The new touch to travel and push to run for Vive wasn't very popular, we've reverted back to push to travel for now, and will explore other options for speed.

We've changed the 'Game' tab to 'Player' and added 2 options to the rotation method. The previous rotate method was to hold Grip and pan your motion controller left and right, we've added yaw and roll on top of this, with the new default being yaw. We added these to enable more comfortable seated play or limited space play, as pan to rotate required a fair bit of arm space to use effectively, now players can rotate with relatively little arm movement.

(all 3 of these methods are compatible with the Incremental Rotate option)

Added Play Style Preset option, this is like the graphics preset options in that it selects a set of options for players who don't want to go through and mess with individual settings. For seated players, forward movement is set to head aim, rotation method is set to Roll and a seated offset is applied. Standing: forward movement is set to motion controller aim, rotation method is set to Yaw and no seated offset height is added.

We are going to look into adding a button to reset your position, for seated players who have 'leaned' / travelled too far over a railing  or low wall, who then lose their ability to return back to the walkable floor area.


Our plans for the next release include the addition of interactable props, so will be a Navigation and Interaction test. We have made some improvements to the way props and doors are interacted with, so you'll get to try them out and offer your feedback.

Thanks to everyone taking part in this testing, you are really helping us to shape the game into a more polished experience!

-The Virtual Novel team


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