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Hi everyone,

We've nearly completed our navigation / locomotion overhaul and thought we'd share where we're at with it with a short demo vid.


Some key changes -

The teleport no longer deactivates when you point the teleporter further than the allowed distance. Now instead we're using a curved beam which simulates where the teleporter should "land" as if you threw a ball. This should make the distance limit less annoying and also makes it much easier to teleport over obstacles and up stairs. 

You no longer have to keep your thumb on the trackpad to rotate your teleport direction, which should make using the "teleport facing a different direction" feature better.

Traditional locomotion now uses the Vive trackpad and Touch thumbsticks for full range of motion (including strafing) and has variable speed much closer to traditional game locomotion, so the further forward you push the faster you go.

Thanks to 794 for the feedback on these issues!

For both traditional and teleport locomotion, we've added the option to switch from incremental turning to smooth turning for players who experience no motion discomfort in VR. If you leave this option On, your rotates and teleport rotates will snap to 22.5° increments.

For traditional locomotion, we added an option to switch your forward direction (for motion controller users only) you can now change whether your forward direction is where you're looking at, or where your locomotion controller is pointing.

We added a height offset option, this allows you to make yourself up to 60cm taller (this is mainly so that players who prefer to play sitting down can be at standing height in VR) and up to 20cm shorter so that players can role play as shorter / younger characters if they want.

Thanks to Adam for this suggestion!


Boundary violations have been changed up a little, we're now using a bit more of a complex system to determine boundary violations. Boundary violations now forcibly return you to the area where you violated from after a few seconds >:)

Here are our plans moving forward -

Once we've ported over these changes to the Rift we'll be releasing a small build to Patrons that contains a locomotion test scene. Once we've gathered feedback and are happy that our locomotion system is production ready, we will be moving on to interaction and releasing the test scene with more stuff added like NPCs and the VR-ADV, props and doors. We'll be using your feedback throughout the month to improve on these aspects of the game in prep for full production and a public demo.



Uploaded by Virtual Novel on 2017-02-10.


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