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Hey Patrons!

In case you missed it, October's newsletter went out on Halloween, and covered our train system and the journey to Takayama.

Once the experience is more polished we're hoping to get some testers for comfort and suggestions, so look out for that in the coming month. (Though people interested in saving the train ride to Takayama for their first real play-through should stay away from this one!)

For non-patrons hoping to get up to speed with Virtual Novel's progress, we've added the most recent three newsletters to our website, as well as a Twitter feed for people who want to keep up with news and social in one place.

We're also experimenting with the Unreal Engine forward renderer as it develops, and the image quality gains MSAA brings to Virtual Novel are pretty stunning - once more bugs are ironed out with the forward renderer we'll be releasing a new test build.

Thanks for supporting Virtual Novel!


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