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Hey everyone, 

Thanks for the feedback on Fitting Room build 4 so far, we're happy to see that bug reports are in very few numbers! Seems like its mostly a matter of improving content quality and quantity now.

This month and the coming months, we're focusing our efforts on the school campus, and we think we've come up with a good way of making development progress while sharing playable builds -

We'll be working on sub-enviros within the campus and releasing play-test builds of these individually, until the entire school campus is completed   and explorable as one huge level. 

When sub-enviros contain mini-game functionality, elements of these will be included in playtest builds to add some interaction as well as just exploration, and to give you guys an idea of the types of some of the actual gameplay that will appear in the storyline as part of side missions and mini-games. 

We'll be posting some screenshots / video / news up on Saturday of the environment we're currently working on, which we're hoping to complete to a playable level by the end of the month. 

- - - 

We just made a Virtual Novel Discord server, with the main discussion topic being Virtual Novel development. The devs will be in there during most of our dev sessions and we're hoping it will become a nice place to hang for people interested in Virtual Novel / anime / VR etc.

Will maybe also be posting work-in-progress screenshots and news occasionally, before they're polished enough to be Tweeted / posted about on Patreon - so may also end up being a great place to go for early news and info.

Will follow up this post with a private post with Discord link.

That's it for now! Look out for posts on the weekend, because our new enviro is absolutely killer,





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