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Hey guys, Fitting Room playtest #3 is done and the links will be up soon! The header image is a few examples of characters we made, you guys can probably do better though. 

We've had a huge amount of new supporters this month, so here's some basic instructions / tips on how to get around in Fitting Room for new people, and some known bugs to look out for at the end -

  • Long pressing the Vive menu button or the Touch A button brings up your settings, with this panel you can point to things with either controller and use the Trigger to select options and view button mappings.

  • Short pressing this same button will switch your controller modes - your controllers will either have a Hand symbol or a Feet symbol. Hand is Interact mode, and allows you to pick up objects, grab movable things like doors, and move UI elements by trigger pressing. You can't do these actions if your controller is in Locomotion mode, which is when it's displaying the Feet symbol. 

  • If you pick up an object at an awkward angle, holding the Grip button of your motion controller while keeping Trigger pressed down will freeze the object in mid-air. This lets you readjust how you're holding an item without having to put it down and pick it back up.

  • In Locomotion mode, you can teleport with trigger + aim or move with traditional locomotion using the Vive's trackpad or Touch's thumbstick. You can't do these actions if the controller is in Interact mode!

  • If you try to boundary violate through solid walls, your vision will become outlines-only and you'll slow down as if you're walking into custard. Move back the way you came to re-gain your movement controls. 

  • User Interface elements like the Settings Menu, the main Fitting Room UI, and the hairstyle book UI can be clicked with the trigger in either controller mode, as long as your controller is close enough to the UI element. When your controller is in range of UI elements, a cursor will be displayed to show you where you're pointing.

A note that we didn't include in the "new features" post the other day that will make some of you guys who experienced the earlier tests happy; the Color Presets menu on the right is now clickable. Clicking a color preset will place the color picker in your hand and take a color swatch without you having to pick it up first. You still gotta put it back manually though :D



There are some limitations with mode switching which are long-time bugs (sorry to people who have had to endure these all this time!) which we hope to be able to resolve when we next do a game engine update. These are -

  • You can't switch modes sometimes when you're holding an object

  • You can't switch modes on the Left Touch controller, only the right controller

  • If an NPC is looking at your hand and you switch modes, in some instances they will snap their head / eye aim to the other hand


Some other known issues -

  • When one of your controllers is 'inside' a UI element, sometimes your triggers may not function, even on the controller that's outside the UI element. If you find this happening and your triggers aren't doing what you expect, make sure your motion controllers aren't near any UI elements. This happens because the UI tries to override your trigger presses to allow you to press buttons and such, but it doesn't do it very smartly at the moment.

  • Picking up and putting down the color picker can be temperamental at times, it should work if you keep waving your motion controller on it, sorry about this one!

Links will be up later today in Patron only posts! We may be splitting links up for $10 and $2 Patrons, this isn't a reward tier thing necessarily, but it's so that we can divide our Google Drive bandwidth up. There's so many of you now that if everyone gets at the same link at the same time then Google might get mad at us; will look into alternative hosting soon if this becomes an actual problem. Thanks for understanding! 

Oh and a note about screenshots / gameplay videos. Feel free to do this ofc, if you do, we'd appreciate it if you made sure to mention somewhere that you're a private tester and that this isn't a finished product!

Thanks so much for the support, 

Love devs



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