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Hey guys,

We added some cool stuff in prep for the upcoming build,

First, we added specular highlight size and contrast controls, a feature request by one of our Patrons, Adam. Will now be possible to control the size and gradient falloff of specular highlights to fine tune your character's hair. Example in the header pic of some looks you can achieve with these new controls, it should be possible to really fine tune hair now, which now have 11! editable parameters just for the material alone, not including the different hair style types.  

Second, we added some face shape changing options. Maybe a little hard to notice in these screenshots, but it's now possible to change the characters face using a few editable parameters. There will be options for the player to change the look of the face to be older / younger and more masculine / feminine. In true Virtual Novel fashion, we have only screenshots of girls, but it should be possible to create male characters in the upcoming build with the help of these new params. 

Moe style rounder face -

Older looking faces with  more defined chin / cheekbones - 

Some news about MSAA to bore everyone, we've decided to remove this feature from the upcoming test build. We love MSAA, but enabling it means sacrificing our toon outlines, so we made the decision have Fitting Room Playtest #3 include outlines in their full glory.

That's it for now, will have some video clips hopefully on the weekend showing off this new stuff.

Love devs <3



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