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A pair of armoured people looked at the caravan of carriages pulled by armoured men. They had symbols of the Church on their armour.

“Whole Caravan just for a possessed person. They truly put a massive value on them.” Marcus commented with some disbelief.

“This is even better, my Lord! Just think about it. Each time we collect one, it will join us, while they will lose their resources.” Alpha said with glee.

“You believe they will join us?”

“They will. I know you lived for a long time, my Lord, and you know much, but the feeling of rotting away and inability to do anything— it changes a person.” She said with a heavy voice.

“If you have this much belief, then so be it.” Without saying anything more, he flew over and descended in front of the caravan.

“...Hey! Punk! Don't you see that this caravan belongs to the Holy Church of Divine Teaching!? Get out of the way!” one of the guards arrogantly walked over and tried to look who it was, but before he could get any closer, he dropped to his knees.

“If you are trying to look intimidating, at least learn how to stand.” As Marcus said that, he proceeded to walk towards the ‘loot’, but by that point, like a missile, Alpha slammed into the caravan at the back.

The alchemist looked baffled to see her start blasting the knights like they were tofu.

She was killing everyone in her path.

“Hmm, she has a point. Sorry, pal, but no witnesses. That makes us world-class assassins.” Marcus joked while pointing his hand at the guy he passed a second ago.

He remembered the greatest assassin in the world. The only reason he was the greatest was because no one even saw him in the flesh.

No witnesses mean no one knows what happened, how many were there, nothing.

Especially in such primitive times, mana gathered in his palm as Marcus erased the kneeling knight. The upper portion of the knight’s body ceased to exist. The rest dropped to the ground with a thud.

He then proceeded to slaughter his way. It has been such a long time since he went down to do such dirty work. It is even refreshing.

While Marcus moves toward the caravan, Alpha enters a frenzied state at the back. The knights try to slice her up, but the small girl, by their standards, simply catches the blade with her armoured hands.

“Is this supposed to intimidate me?” As she said that, she squeezed the blade, and runes began to hum on the gauntlet. It looked like veins of mana started to pump into her hand, and the sword bent to the side.

“...W-What the!?” The Dark Knight exclaimed with shock as his sword was not a sword anymore!

“Let me show you the Light of Technomancy before you die.” She showed her other hand as white energy gathered there, and with a burst of light, the upper portion of the knight’s body was gone.

The rest of the body collapsed on the ground with a thud. Slowly, the knights realised that they couldn't fight this little demon!

So they started to run away!

“There is no escape for you filthy cultists!” With an angry roar, the blonde elf girl lashed at them and started shooting beams from her palms.

A few minutes later, with haggard breathing, it was over. Alpha just erased the whole squad of Dark Knights! And this was only a few short weeks after following her Lord!

Her growth in power is absurd!

But then she internally scoffed at herself! Of course, she is strong! She is following a being equal to the greatest hero the world has seen, no, a God-like being!

Magic, alchemy, general knowledge, even fundamental forces of the universe, he knows everything!

‘That’s right! Only at My Lord’s side WILL I get my revenge.’

The blonde looked at her armoured hand; she punched a knight through his gut. But not a single bit of blood was on her hand.

Such is the quality of these armours. There is not a scratch on these things. Even after tanking sword strikes from Dark Knights!

“Alpha, what did I tell you?” Her Lord’s voice got her back from her reverence.

“Hmm? Oh! Well…” For a second, she looked ashamed.

“Don’t get carried away. The armour doesn't have built-in batteries. If you waste all of your mana, you won't be able to fly back.”

“S-Sorry! Please! Forgive me!” The girl, in the most literal sense, dropped to her knees.

Marcus rolled his eyes for a second.

“Since you are so sorry, remember this next time.” He said with an exasperated sigh.

“Y-Yes! I will!”

After reminding her to take it easy, the pair checked around the caravan.

They found some loot.

“This is a great find, my Lord! These papers have all the checkpoints, routes, and warehouses marked down!”

Alpha waved the papers with an excited voice.

“Sounds good. Now let's see the other ‘loot’.” The Alchemist looked at the other carriage.

After removing the covering blanket, they saw a rotten brown blob with blue eyes and many sharp teeth.


Alpha trembled seeing it. She saw it for the first time. It was—disturbing. No wonder they sell the story of ‘Demonic Possession’! It looks possessed!

“...My Lord…”

“Yes, I know. Let's take it back to the hideout.”



The pair returned to their hideout with their loot. After taking off their armours, Alpha prepared another set of clothes as they knew the restored person would be naked.

Once everything was ready, Marcus used his Frequency magic; several blasts later, the blob glowed and started to shrink and take a form.



Alpha’s reaction was that of recognition! She knew the girl.

‘Well, this makes it easier.’

“Alpha, since you know her, why don't you take it over?” Marcus said that after turning around and walking to his workshop. He has things to do.

A lot of things. Batteries, computers, programming, actual weapons, an Assembly Line, a Matter Converter, robots, aeroplanes—

Yeah, that's a lot of foundational stuff he needs to make. Just thinking about that makes his eyebrows twitch.

“Yes! I won't disappoint you, My Lord!”

In the meantime, the girl looked confused when Marcus called the blonde by that name.


“That’s a story I need to tell! Now dress up! Let’s talk!”


Marcus looked at the pair. One is blonde; the other one is the silver head.

‘Damn, these two will be beauties once they grow up. What is with this strange demonic stuff? Does it target beautiful women?’

The alchemist pondered on that possibility. But then again, were those three heroes who fought the Demon Diabolos men or females?

Is gender even important? Well, he can research the more he uncovers about this conspiracy.

For now, he went downstairs to the lowest level, where the reactor was.

Once on that floor, he started to carve a new corridor. Marcus went north from the reactor room. The alchemist turned dirt into alchemist clay along the way.

His goal this time around is water pools, which will work like storage facilities for excess mana generated by the reactor.

At this moment, the excess mana doesn't go anywhere.

It continues to build up walls around the heart, which is unnecessary; such a thing eventually leads to a meltdown, ending life on the planet.

Something Marcus tested out before on larger planets than this rock.

Since he can't turn the reactors off, not to leave stuff behind, he made them enter a meltdown and go out with a bang.

It's not the best, but it's better than leaving his stuff behind.

So, for now, he turned the big room north of the reactor into four pools. Two rows, two pools, he could expand more, but for now, it's enough.

The process was quick. Marcus carved out the room and then slammed the clay on the walls, ground and ceiling.
Then, to fortify, he made the gravity reinforcement flow through them.

The next thing was to put up some lights, but then he had the pair of elves find him.

“My Lord! I finished explaining things to her! She would like to join us!”

“Don’t you know her name? Why do you call her ‘she’?” Marcus asked with a sigh. He already has a feeling he knows the reason.

“My Lord! I would like you to give me a name! The same way you gave to Alpha!” The silver-haired girl asked with a serious tone. He can sense— Jealousy? Is she for real?

“...And you want to join me? Give away your life to me?”

“Yes! Just like Alpha, I was from the same village as her; they abandoned me the moment I showed Demonic Possession symptoms. I don't want to be part of that community anymore! I wish to follow you! My Lord!” She started with sadness, but by the time she reached the last part, she had sparkles in her eyes.

Marcus can see fanaticism. In a sense, it made sense. She just went through a traumatic experience.

“...Fine, since I went with Alpha, I shall call you Beta, then.”

‘Next one should be Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Eta, and Zeta? Hmm…’

“My deepest gratitude for naming me! My Lord!”

“Yes. Now, Alpha, I want you to teach her things I taught you. Think of this as a test for you as well. I want to see if you can take over for me. Since I can't be in two places at once.”

Alpha’s eyes widened as she swiftly nodded her head.

“Leave this to me!”

“Good, then go; I have things to do.”

The pair swiftly left him alone as Marcus proceeded to work on the mana pools.


In a way, this was like the stories Beta loved to read back at her old home, about heroes and how they defeat evil demons or knights rescuing the princess from evil dragons.

Such stuff always got her attention. But this was different. The silver-head elf realised that she was not far from this!

Her Lord is a legitimate, legendary being! An alchemist from a different world with otherworldly knowledge. He shall bring justice to this corrupt world!

It has been a few days now, and she was learning all the relevant things from her childhood friend, who turned out to be part of this!

It's simple, like a story in the making! The elf girl was thinking of putting this on paper one day!

“So…umm… My Lord will get an armour of my own?” Beta asked with a hopeful voice as she looked at the pair of armours placed on mannequins.

“Yes. Alpha said she wants to run the next mission with you while I rebuild my lost technomancy.” Marcus said with crossed arms as he was working on something from liquid metal of some sort.

This stuff was still beyond Beta’s current capacities. She was still learning about the micro-world from Alpha.

“I-I won't disappoint you.”

“I know you won't. You have my armour. I want you two to get me a map so that we can start marking roads where these cultists could be passing by.”

Beta nodded at his request.

“We shall find the best one possible!”

Marcus smiled slightly, strained. These two girls were indeed turning into fanatics of his.

‘It's not like I am forcefully doing this.’

The Alchemist pondered on this for a bit before returning to his work on batteries and hardware for the Mark II.

He did create armour for Beta. It was not hard, and the armour was primitive compared to Mark II, he was building already.

The test fight they had again, the dark knights guarding the caravan, has shown that batteries are essential. Alpha was tired after killing a whole squad of swordsmen.

While the tiredness is understandable since she is just a small girl, and it was the first fight, he doesn't like chances.

Besides, he needs to re-create that tech. He can't wait.



He’d rather end all life on the planets he goes to than leave any of his stuff behind lmao that is a rather extreme stance.


Then again, he didn't encounter civilised life, at best, micro-organisms and a single aquatic world. So it's not THAT bad 🤔


I get what you’re saying. It just me picturing him leaving a trail of destruction and destroyed worlds in the cosmos. He’s like a magic/alchemy version of brainiac or the Borg (with less the whole assimilation thing but still adding the technological discoveries to his collection)


When you mention the aquatic world all I can picture in my head is the subnautica game lol.