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The moment Qui-Gon Jinn started to meditate, someone yanked him out!!

The feeling he experienced was something he never felt before!

He quickly looked around and saw that they were floating in space!

The planet below them was Tatooine!

"W-What is going on?" He asked with a worried tone.

"This is a combination of astral and force projection. This method is what I have been using to travel throughout the Galaxy." Anakin said to him as he looked at the Tatooine below next to the Jedi Master.

"...You telling me you pulled yourself… and me as well!?" There was some utter disbelief in his voice. Though he could see as if he knew this was not a delusion!

"Indeed. For this, you need to see the cosmos through not the narrow-minded eyes of a Jedi. No, for this, we will go to Tython."

As Anakin said that, he pulled Qui-Gon Jinn, who wanted to ask him how they would reach– Tython!? That world is quite literally more than 40 thousand light-years away!

Then, the Jedi Master saw the stars blurring, the tail tale sign of—Hyperspace Jump!

By this point, he realised just how powerful this 9-year-old boy was! No one, to his knowledge, could do this! Not even Grandmaster Yoda! He doubts that even the Jedi or Sith of the old could do this without sacrificing themselves.

"Don't look surprised; this is not a new thing. I am using the same Force Technique created by Rakata over 10 thousand years ago. They used this to create a hyperdrive. However, their force-based technology only allowed them to travel to highly force-sensitive worlds.

Lucky for us, Tython is one of those.” As he said that, they jumped into hyperspace.

The Jedi Master was baffled to see hyperspace in flesh like that!

“Even if we use hyperspace, it will take over a day to reach the core of the galaxy where Tython is.”

“Incorrect; you do realise that we weigh nothing?”

As Anakin said that, they left the hyperspace!


As he said, they looked down on a unique world.

It was a garden world with black and white moons. These moons were always on different sides of a planet. These celestial objects give a unique contrast between black, green and white.

“Look, this is Force in the physical realm. The light side and the dark side are just satellites of what is known as force.” As the boy said that, he brought the Jedi Master closer to the orbit.

“In old times, when one derailed from balance, towards the light or dark side, they would send them to opposite moons to meditate until they got back to the Balance.”

“...I never found out why such a powerful order ended.” Qui-Gon Jinn pondered out loud.

“Same reason why the Old Republic ended, why the Sith Empire ended. It's time; the cycle of life and death doesn't care about such things. Time will turn everything to dust.

Only Force will remain.”

The words the boy spoke made him ponder.

“If you need answers, come with me; I will show you how someone who accepts both sides meditates.”

Once again, they moved, appearing in a place which looked like ruins of something. It seems ancient; the building material has turned to stone.

However, the place—

It was breathtaking. On one side of the sky was a black moon. On the right side was a white moon.

“...How do they shine like this?”

“It represents the cycle; it depends on the sun and moon alignment. At this moment, the sun shines on the light side of the force, but it's ending. It represents the end of a cycle.”

His words have sent warning bells to the Jedi Master. Does the boy know something?

“Let's start; we can meditate until the morning.”




Qui-Gon Jinn gasped as he opened his eyes and looked at his hands. They were sweaty, which wasn't because he was on a desert planet.

“Your connection to the force requires more training, Master Jedi,” Anakin said from the side as he stood up and stretched out. Instead of looking tired, he looked refreshed!


“Did the meditation session go well? Did you find what you have been looking for?” Anakin asked the Jedi Master.

“This…I don't know yet.”

“I see.” After hearing that, Skywalker left the room and went to get something to eat.

By then, the Queen was already up and waiting for the Jedi Master.

“Morning, Padme; how was the sleep?”

“Oh, Anakin. Morning, I am fine. Did you see Master Jedi?” She greeted him with a smile before asking him.

“He is getting his bearings together; we have been meditating all night. It appears he is not used to my style of meditation.”

When the Young Skywalker said that Qui-Gon Jinn walked over, he sighed when he heard that. What he experienced wasn't meditation. It was much more like a vision and astral projection to the other side of the Galaxy!

It would take him months to get used to that!

“Anakin, why don't you come with me to Coruscant? You should join the Jedi Order.”

To his suggestion, Anakin frowned heavily. He doesn't want to join them; he won't, but he needs to leave Tatooine.

‘If I am to follow him, I will meet Maul, relinquishing his lightsaber. Of course, I need to follow Padme and get aboard that Trade Federation ship. Then, download all that data they have on Vulture droids, B1, and other stuff.

Maybe they could give me some direction on ship designs.’

Thinking on this for a bit, he does want big capital ships; how can one not? He was in Star Wars; if you don't have capital ships, you are wasting your life.

“I will go. Not that I expected the Jedi to accept me. Not that it matters.”

“Don’t lose hope that easily.” The Jedi Master tried to cheer him up.

“It's not hope-related, Jedi Master.”


After breakfast, and giving a heartfelt goodbye to his mother, well, it was genuine for his mother who thought that she wouldn't see her son again, while Anakin in question just cringed for a bit as he knew that he would be away for just a couple days.

As the group of three humans and one dry Gungan were walking back towards the silver chrome ship, Anakin sensed a dark presence.

‘Oh, he is here.’

Instead of paying attention to the incoming enemy, Anakin commented on the ship before him.

“So, can I buy one of the Nubian starships?” He asked the Queen next to him.

“...I guess? I don't know if they are up for sale; you should ask people from the Palace who work on them.” The Queen didn't know much about them.

“Hmm, I guess we will find out soon.”

As he said that, he looked away from the ship, turned around and stopped walking.


The Jedi Master stopped as well and looked in the same direction. His eyes widened for a second as he sensed a person strong in the dark side of the force approaching.

“You three go! Get into the ship! I will cover you. We are not alone!”

The Gungan and the Queen nodded and started to run towards the ship; by this point, the Hyperdrive was already brought into the starship by Anakin’s droids. The crew should have finished the repairs.


“Yeah, Yeah, I hear you. But that assailant has something I want.” The boy smiled as his connection to the force surged, and his green eyes started to glow.


Regardless, there was no time, as a man dressed in black jumped off his speeder.

Well, he tried to do a ‘cool’ entrance with a flip and engage the Jedi Master in a duel.

But he was caught midair when Anakin lifted his hand and used force.

By this point, Qui-Gon Jinn already had his lightsaber out and ready to fight, but he stopped when he saw this!

“You are an Assassin, no real Sith. Your connection to the force is—limited. Your Master taught you the basics, but that's about it.

You need to train more. Anger is a strong motivator, but anger without purpose makes you weak and blind.” As the Chosen One said that, he gathered force in his other hand and then blasted a shockwave infused with Golden lightning.

It slammed into the assailant and sent him flying into the desert.

Before he could go away, the boy yanked the double-edged Lightsaber from the Sith wannabe.


Qui-Gon Jinn was out of words when he saw that.

Did this kid just blast a legitimate Sith in a way like it was nothing!?

“Let's go. I got what I wanted from that guy.” Anakin showed the double-edged lightsaber.

“...you knew he was on the planet the whole time!?”

“Of course. I am force sensitive; the question is why didn't you sense him?” The boy ‘smiled’ while saying that.

“...I… guess I still need to learn a few things.”

“At least you acknowledge that your skills are lacking. Not many can do that.”


“Master, are you okay!?” a brown-haired teenager rushed over to Qui-Gon Jinn's side.

“I am fine, Obi-Wan; the boy over here disposed of the assailant. It was a Sith.” The Jedi Master patted the shoulder of Anakin.


“It was not a real Sith. It was a dark acolyte assassin. It's not the real deal; this means there are at least two more of them.” The boy said with a ‘duh’ voice.

“Hold it! How do you even know any of that!?” The teen Obi-Wan asked with a baffled voice. This little guy is a random kid, but he knows stuff even Jedi don't know!

“Oh right, Obi-Wan, I believe this is the Chosen One. He knows more about the Force than anyone I have ever seen.” Qui-Gon said that as she went to the pilot to tell him to get going. They need to reach Coruscant as soon as possible.

“Wait, Master, don't just leave without explaining everything!”

The teen went after his Master, leaving Anakin; by this point, the Queen was already gone as she was most likely went to change out of her disguise.

She was leaving the Chosen One with a Gungan, who was on a different wavelength.

“Right… then I shall play with Maul’s lightsaber.”

The boy used the force to guide him to an empty room in this spaceship. It's pretty big compared to how it looked from the outside.

After exploring for a bit, he found a place to sit on the ground.

“Oof… it's pretty cold; I can't believe I would say this, but I miss the heat.” After complaining for a bit, he placed the lightsaber on the ground before him and used force.

A few seconds later, the boy and the lightsaber started to float.

Anakin frowned as he felt the crystal ‘bleeding’, and he could feel anger, hate and other negative emotions flowing from the lightsaber.

At first, the boy proceeded to heal the crystal; to do that, he needed force to flood it and calm it down.

It lasted for a while, but when he finished, the doors were open, and he was face to face with a girl who looked like Padme—but she was not Padme.

‘Her double, as far as I recall, wasn't her double played by Keira Knightley?’ Anakin looked at her for several more moments. They look very similar, crazy so! Almost like twins!

“You are not Padme. But you look similar to her—hmm, you are her attendant and double?” Anakin said with certainty.

“...My name is Sabe; I am the Handmaiden of Queen Amidala; she requests to see you.” After saying that, she walked away, and the girl looked spooked. Well, flying people do that from time to time.

“Very well.”

As he said, Maul’s lightsaber reassembled itself perfectly; the crystal was no longer red but white. He is sure it will gain a proper colour after being exposed to Anakin’s connection to the force.

Once he landed, the weapon flew over to his side, and the boy collected it.



It would be hilarious if he met Palpatine and started saying shit about him being a Sith, but weak because his training was wrong, or other things.

Kam Newton

I felt kinda bad when his mom assumed that she would never see him again😅💀