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Chapter 57

Albion should have known it was coming; Alex's lightning was too powerful for this place, so the dungeon adjusted and gave this rhino.

"Partner! Use your bow! It has a Balance Breaker now!"

The teen, still stunned that his couple years of work were useless against this thing, swiftly snapped out of it and summoned his Starling Blue.

The bow glowed and formed an X-shape frame, and it had four bowstrings.


The teen happily exclaimed when he saw the transformation of the bow.

He quickly got over it and proceeded to pull the bowstring. Instead of turning into an arrow, it only gathered a lot of energy.

Once he released it, it became a swarm of arrows of pure energy. These energy arrows, with a large amount of force, slammed into the black iron Rhino.

The impact cracked the monster's entire left side of its armour.

"Great! The power is enough to crack it! Girly use your fire!"

"I know!" Julis was already creating scorching flames in the form of arrows.

With hand motion, she released the white flaming arrows.

The flaming arrows slammed into the spot where Alex's bow cracked the rhino's armour—causing it to heat up and shatter!

The group finally saw the soft tissues of the beast.


The damage has pissed the beast off! It started to trash around, lifting its front hint legs and slamming them down. It's the same with the rear legs, as it would slam after slamming the front ones.

Rinse and repeat before the whole place starts to shake!

"W-What is it doing!?" Julis, on shaky legs, tried to hold herself and not fall to the ground.

"Frenzy. It's like we entered the next stage of the boss fight! You need to hold yourself to something! Or fly up!" Alex swiftly explained to her as he looked around for a place to wait through this beast's frenzy.


The girl ignited her flaming wings and blasted into the sky. She then created more flaming arrows and shot them at the beast.

But to their surprise, the beast stomped again! This time, the earth rose and acted like a shield against Julis' attack.

"So that's what it is! I was wondering why it was dispersing its energy through this field!"

Albion realised that it was not an aimless hissy fit.


The beasts turned towards them and released another screech, but this time, the blast went into the wall, shattering into thousands, if not millions, of fragments of rocks, blasting towards the purple-haired girl who looked at this with wide eyes!

Her flaming wings intercepted the attack, but there were far too many! They hit her anyway!


Alex blasted into the sky and grabbed her falling form.

He swiftly landed on one of the massive boulders and laid the girl gently on it.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern as he saw her bloody looks. The rocks made a mess out of her, mainly because she used her flaming wings as a shield! It didn't help!

"...Ugh…Fire as a shield— doesn't work…" She complained with a pained voice.

"...Though…I am fine. The blast only gave me superficial wounds."

"Rest then; I will deal with this thing!" Alex was furious at the rhino as he got back on his feet and turned around, gazing at the black rhino with fury.

He summoned his bow once again and proceeded to drop down.

'Hmm, while it's bad that his mate got hurt, this can work in our favour. Partner gets very serious when this happens.'

The white dragon was right, especially with dragon blood flowing in his partner's veins; he could enter a lesser version of an outrage.

As Alex landed on the ground, he released a swarm of arrows.

The rhino stomped on the ground to block them. But, there was no point as the teen moved extremely fast with Dragon Thunder Force augmentation.

The rhino wasn't fast enough to react to the attacks coming from multiple directions.

A few moments into this, the rhino's armour was full of cracks.

"Let me finish it!"

Alex stopped in his tracks as he looked to the source of his girlfriend's voice.

The White Dragon Emperor's eyes bulged out as he saw a massive ball of compressed white flames she was holding.

"...All yours."

He jumped back while saying that. The next second, the ball of flames fell on the Rhino, who screeched from fear and anger.

Upon collision, the ball exploded, turning the battlefield into a scorching earth.

The ground turned into glass from the amount of heat the flaming ball generated.

Even the erected walls of the Monster Rex turned into something akin to a glass dome.

"Alex! Shatter it!" Julis exclaimed as she generated more fire, this time in the shape of a sharp, compressed flaming spear.

"On it!"

Alex shot another volley of arrows, slamming into the glass dome.

The impact shattered the dome, and all the glass became an explosive blast, flying in all directions, mainly into the beast inside that dome.

*Pained Roar*

The black rhino, which was not black anymore, was more like dark red; its iron plates started hurting it, especially around the face where they were still intact.

"This guy doesn't want to die! Let me help you with that!" The girl proceeded to ignite her flaming wings and descend into the beast before throwing the spear made from compressed fire.

The pink-haired girl used the inertia from her fall to add more force to her throw.

'Damn…' Alex commented to himself how…scary the girl can be once you piss her off.

The spear slammed into the rhino's face, detonating upon impact.

The beast's face exploded like a watermelon from the spear's sheer force.

*Breathing haggardly*

The girl landed on the ground, collapsing on one of her knees; her breathing was all over the place.

Alex rushed to her side.

"Not bad. You took care of that thing."

"...Hnn… yes… but it was terrible…I think…" The girl, at that moment, passed out.

"She glassed the whole field. That was beyond her capacity." The white Dragon commented as he floated over to their side.

"I know, it's her shonen powers all over again." The teen didn't know how to feel about the girl's actions.

"...Well, at least she should have levelled up by now." Albion looked at the bright side of things.

"Yeah, let's get going."


After dealing with the rhino, Alex took his girlfriend into his hands and started to travel back towards the Safe House.

The trip is going to take a while, but it's okay. The group was in no rush.

When it was time to rest, the teen checked out the loot he got from the rhino

[Black Iron Ore]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Rank]


[Black Rhino Ivory]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Rank]

'So I get iron and ivory. Ivory Is like bone; it might work nicely in some magic craft…'

Apart from that, he got another rare ticket, which makes it two now.

As he pondered that, he looked at his girlfriend's passed-out form.

'Let's see if I can get something interesting from the gatcha.'

With a thought, his phone manifested in his hand; he went to the exchange option and started changing all his Common tickets to uncommon tickets.

1916 Common tickets, that's quite a bit. However, for now, Alex changed 500 of those into Scar-minator tickets. And the remaining 1400 into 14 Uncommon tickets.

Uncommon tickets rose to 77, with Common ones dropping to 16. Not that teen stopped here. He proceeded to change all the Common crap he had.

1991 Common crap of fangs and pelts each! With the exchange ratio being 1 to 10, he got 380 Common tickets.

Once again, he changed and got another three Uncommon tickets. The total amount went to 80 Uncommon tickets.

With only 20 missing, Alex exchanged ten of each Uncommon pelts and fangs; he got the remaining 20 Uncommon tickets.

With 100 Uncommon tickets, he changed them into 1 Rare Ticket.

With three pulls, he might get something decent.

Without wasting more time, Alex turned on the wheel app and placed a Rare Ticket.

The wheel ignited into blue light, and texts and pictures of items, powers, and other things appeared on the wheel's surface.

The White Dragon Emperor proceeded to read what was on the wheel.

'Not bad; rare tickets give decent powers, but they all need work to be good.'

Alex saw several powers with 'kinesis', such as Pyrokinesis, Electrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, and even some rarer powers or, more precisely, esoteric ones like Shamanism.

Of course, there were some Sacred Gears as well—the sword ones like the Blacksmith and Swordbirth.

Nothing excessive like Devil bloodlines. Not that Alex was gunning for those powers. How would it even work? Will he become a devil in the process?

Well, whatever. The teen pressed the spin button, and the wheel started to spin.

Then he pressed stop, and the wheel slowed down until it stopped on something.

"You have to be kidding me…"

[You got: Pyrokinesis]

Alex groaned. Why do they have duplicates!?

"Well, that's just bad luck, partner."

Albion, who was sneaking a peak at the whole process, commented.

"It's just- should I add this power to myself? It's kind of—I don't know— it's Julis' thing?"

"Well, you should give it to her. Her manipulation should improve so that Flames should not hurt her."

With a sigh, Alex returned to the lottery wheel and gave the second Rare Ticket.

The wheel ignited blue once more, and new prizes appeared.

"...Oh, the Sacred Gear remover is there."

"Check that out. It's a Manual for Touki! That would be great for you!"


After seeing that Pyromancy was not there anymore, Alex pressed the spin button.

Once the wheel was going fast, he pressed the stop button.




[You got: Blade Blacksmith]

"...Isn't this the Sacred Gear wielded by Jeanne d'Arc?"

"According to your memories, it is hers. It's a Sacred Gear which makes Holy swords."


"You should use it for yourself. You could potentially shoot those swords like arrows. If I remember correctly, Emiya Shirou is using this method."

"How do you even know him?"

"With your advanced Electrokinesis, your memories are like videos now. I can watch them without any sort of issues."

"So my memories work like YouTube to you now?" He deadpanned at his partner.

"Hey, I am researching! Not every day I get a host like you! I have nothing else to do!"


"Whatever… let's see what the last ticket will get for me."

Once more, Alex used the app and placed his last rare ticket.

The wheel ignited blue, and the pair checked the stuff on it.

"...Hmm, there is martial arts stuff and a healing magic manual."

"...Yeah, and Terrakinesis… kinda cool, reminds me of Earth Bending."

The pair commented and pressed the spin button. Once the wheel was going fast, Alex pushed the stop button.

[You get: Sacred Gear Remover]

"...Well, this is not bad."

"Indeed. Just don't add Red! I don't want to hear his voice all the time!"

"...Ugh…I think having one speaking dragon in my head is enough."

Alex grimaced just from thinking that he could potentially have a secondary being speaking in his head!

Yeah, just no!

"If you say so. Regardless, you could get something nice if you kill a stay devil and get their Gear. Those things are common around Kuoh and other devil-dominated places."

"...I guess…Rias did say that I should join her on her hunt." Alex remembered the crimson-haired girl's proposal.

"Then you should take on that offer."

"I guess I will…"

(All spins were randomly done with a simulator)

[Alexios Komnenos](*old)

[Lv 2]

[STR: I 0]

[VIT: I 0]

[END: I 0]

[AGI: I 0]

[MAG: I 0]























[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield](*old)

[STR: S 976]

[VIT: SS 1033]

[END: S 972]

[AGI: B 845]

[MAG: SSS 1101]












Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x91

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x91

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x64

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x64

Multiple encyclopaedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x6

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x2

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x1

Duct tape (Outside Item) x5

Sharpening Tool Kit (Outside Item) x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x16

Gajau Skin x52

Gajau Whiskers x 14

Basics Of Arcane (Book)

A copy of Basics of Barrier Magic

History Book of Katanas (Outside Item)

Exorcist Gun (Outside Item)

Backpacks [With clothes] (Outside Item) x5

Frost Lion Pelt (Common Rank) x6

Frost Lion Claws (Common Rank) x6

Black Iron Ore

Black Rhino Ivory

Scar-minator ticket x5


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

A copy Of Potioneering Compendium

Pyrokinesis (rare)

Blade Blacksmith (rare)

Sacred Gear Remover


[World List]

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru (Common World) [No Supernatural]

Guilty Crown (Uncommon World) [Low Supernatural]



"Albion what's this new 'research' folder doing in my head, and why is research in quotes?" *Albion panicking* "don't look in there!"