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While Raynor was having fun dealing with one of the Saintesses, Ena was exploring the man-made island. Her senses could tell that this place was full of magic users.

Or at least that is what she thinks they are. Many of them are vampires and werewolves or something? Maybe not just werewolves but some other beast-like creatures.

Regardless, she was having fun exploring and looking for food to taste in the local cuisine.

Most importantly, she is looking for worthy opponents. The quicker she disposes of them, the quicker the conquest.

At least, that is what she is thinking. She has no idea what else this place has to offer or what kind of beings dwell in this version of Earth.

After a while, she noticed that people slowly started to disappear and that something was in the air.


The black-haired Hime-Miko clenched the strap of her sword holder tighter.

She realised that she was singled out and that someone was setting the field for her.

“...Well, well. I wasn’t expecting another girl to replace Kojou Akatsuki.” 

‘Kojou Akatsuki? Isn’t the name of that Vampire Progenitor, my Lord, has pillaged his powers off?’ 

The girl swiftly realised that her opponent was a vampire who could smell her Kaleid Blood. 

She turned around and saw a blond man dressed in a white suit.

The moment she felt his snake-like aura, she immediately pulled out her sword from the sheet. 

The intense divine aura erupted from the blade.

“...Oh? So that’s how you did it. I AM IMPRESSED.” The guy’s energy surged as well. 

“I am Dimitre Vatler, Duke of Ardeal. What is your name?” the blonde man said with a small smile.

“Ena Seishuuin, Hime Miko of the Storm King.” Her black blade glowed in dark purple, and the intense aura of the blade gave the vampire slight chills down his spine.

He was confused; he had no idea who this Storm King was, but this was a perfect opportunity for him to consume Fourth’s Progenitor’s power. If this girl recently acquired the vampire’s power, she should have no idea how to wield it.

All he needs to do is make her lose her sword, and then he can drain her blood!

With a smirk, he lunged forward and tried to punch her. The girl elegantly dodged it before trying to cut him. 

The vampire moved aside as well. Ena swiftly realised that this guy was experienced! Hell, he didn’t even need to look to dodge her!

‘Be careful, little girl,’ a female voice said to her.

‘Goddess Athena!?’  The Hime Miko was surprised to hear this goddess talk directly in her mind!

‘I am bored, so why not I assist you?’ 


‘You do know how to wield Divine Possession properly, right? Try tapping into my power.’

‘...I-Is it alright?’ Ena was not sure. She never channelled the power of someone as strong as Goddess Athena.

The Hime Miko took several steps back as the vampire proceeded to deliver kicks at her.

The girl was impressed by how good a fighter this guy is! He smoothly changed styles of martial arts on the fly!

‘Don’t worry, I won’t be trying to possess you properly. That much you should be certain of.’

‘Very well!’

The girl closed her eyes, and the vampire stopped for a bit. His instincts told him something was coming his way.

A dark purple aura surged from the girl, and her black hair got several strands of silver hair. When she opened her eyes, they were no longer red but purple with snake-like slits.

‘...What just happened? Why, the pressure I sense from her just skyrocketed!’

Dimitrie frowned as he got cautious.

“Round two, shall we?” The girl showed a bloodthirsty grin as she lunged at the blonde vampire.

Like a meteorite, her divine sword slammed into the ground, creating an impressive crater. She missed by a few inches as the vampire barely dodged the attack. He swiftly sent her away with another kick.

But the girl midair flipped and landed on her feet. She spits out some blood as the injury she got immediately healed by itself.

“This body is quite fragile, but it can at least keep up with my intentions,” the goddess said with a curious look as she looked at her free hand.

Regardless, she took a deep breath and calmed herself. She is so used to madness, always at the edge of her mind, that it's refreshing not to be affected and to think calmly in the middle of a fight.

At the same time, she is impressed that Ena can keep up the synchronisation running. Considering she is using her sword, she will now allow her to give it a go.

‘I should take this a little bit more seriously as well.’ 

“I do not know what kind of freak being you are. But I think it’s time we take this to another level.”

Dimitrie raised his hand as it turned black, and his veins turned red.


A big snake rose from under his feet as he got lifted into the air. He looked down at the girl from an elevated position.

“Ha! A snake construct! Now that is just amusing.” 

Athena’s aura surged as a living stone snake rose under her feet. It had a menacing purple aura. The beast’s purple eyes gazed at the familiar of similar size.

“...You command snakes as well? Interesting.” The blonde vampire was surprised by these events. 

However, what he was sensing was something strange and unfamiliar. It was some sort of extension of power. 

“Let’s see how far you will survive with this!” Athena’s snake’s eyes glowed as Dimitrie’s black snake with shades of blue started to turn into stone.

The vampire clicked his tongue as he swiftly summoned another familiar.

“Come Utpalaka!”

A dark blue snake with shades of sky blue and a spiky back manifested as it rushed to attack the girl and her snake.

“Hahaha. You are not the only one who can summon more snakes!” 

As she said, more snakes manifested around her location, and they all rushed at the newly summoned Utpalaka.

Just like Manasvin, it swiftly became stone, but the stone snakes didn’t stop as they rushed at the blonde vampire. The Duke of Ardeal swiftly realised that he was dealing with some strange enemy he had no idea how to deal with.

“Fine if this is the case.”


His third familiar rose next to him. A dark blue snake with menacing spikes hissed loudly.

“Boil her alive!” 

The snake's eyes started to glow.

“Hmm? Water? Fufufufu!!!” 

The girl chuckled before starting out right laughing.

“You want to use water!? Don’t make me laugh!!!” 

Athena channelled the blessing that Ena had as the snake opened its mouth and released jet streams of water.

It was like several waterfalls descending on confused Vampire Duke.


The current of water rushed through the streets as it blasted the vampire away.

‘Time for our reward~’

‘Are you sure it’s fine?’ Ena knew what Athena was thinking. 

‘Of course it is. Our King will be pleased that we are the first ones to contribute to our ‘family’.’ The Goddess sarcastically mentioned their ‘family’.

‘Very well.’

Athena floated towards where the regenerating vampire was.

She walked over to him and grabbed him by his hair, lifting him up.

“Thanks for the meal~” 

The Demonic Goddess showed her fangs as she bit his neck and used the pillage power to get everything from him.


The vampire screamed as he sensed how all of his power was taken away, more like drained away!

Several moments later, she dropped the husk away and looked at her hands.

“Interesting. So this is how familiars work.”

With that said, the possession was cancelled as Athena gave back the control to the Hime Miko.

Ena breathed out as she looked haggard.

“...That was intense.” 

‘I did try not to break the synchronisation. It was fine control between power output and how much your body can withstand.’

Athena smoothly clarified as she was proud of what she did. It was expected of a Goddess of her calibre.

‘Yes. Ena understands. I do sense that my body was pushed to the limit.’

‘Indeed it was. However, as a vampire, it’s swiftly adapting to intense battles. After several more possessions, I should be able to utilise all of my powers through your body.’

The Hime Miko was surprised that being a vampire allowed her to withstand all of the Goddess’ might. It just shows how absurd these beings are.


“That was beautifully done, Ena.” Raynor landed a few metres away. Behind him was Natsuki, who was looking around in annoyance.

The city looks drenched, and stone is everywhere. After the possession was undone, the snakes ceased to exist.

“It was all thanks to Goddess Athena. It was her victory.” Ena bashfully told him that it was not her.

‘That is right! I have beaten that Vampire and added his powers to the pool!’

The Goddess said directly to Raynor.

‘Heh, I see.’

“Still, it was Ena’s body which did all of that. So it means the power you drained is yours. All I am going to do is copy the familiars and store their information away for future, familiar creation.”

As he said, Ena’s body glowed neon green and sky blue. She could sense that all of Dimitrie Vatler's familiars became hers!

In addition, her power increased slightly, and she acquired all of his fighting experience.

The Hime Miko just became much stronger.


‘What about me!?’ Athena pouted inside his head.

‘What could you possibly want from that vampire? His power will have minimal effect on you.’

He sighed as he felt how she pouted at him.

‘I don’t want any of his power! I want you to reward me for all the hard work.’

She puffed while saying that.

‘It’s about time you remove all the limiters on me.’ Athena stopped playing around and told him what she wanted.

‘I doubt you want to mingle around normal people.’

‘I don’t know, but your group is no longer normal. We all are vampires~’ That is right. Athena doesn’t have to excuse that they all are humans with limited lifespans. Now, they all are superior beings, which won’t lower her pride as a Goddess.


With that said, black and dark purple mist left Raynor’s body as it formed into a silver-haired, purple-eyed beauty.


The Goddess exclaimed as she looked at her hand.

“Happy now?” 

“Indeed. Now, I can join the main battlefield~” The Goddess grinned as she looked at Natsuki and the other girl, who was slightly out of touch with what was going on.

“...What just happened?” Natsuki was confused. Who is this woman? She felt dread coming from her!

“Natsuki, this is Goddess Athena. I am surprised that you didn’t meet her in Olympus.

“That is because I didn’t want to meet all the new additions at once. You added five people in a single day.” Athena huffed, feeling that her status as a Goddess would shrink if she popped in to greet them constantly! It was fine when it was one person every few weeks.

Not like this!

“...Whatever you say, Athena.” Raynor shook his head at Goddess' antics as she looked at Natsuki.

“This is Goddess Athena; she is my subordinate Goddess.” He introduced her to the Witch, who looked in small disbelief.

“...I am more surprised how she didn’t ascend. Being god in the human world is practically unheard.” The Witch of Void said with confusion and disbelief.

“...Hah… so that the roof I have been feeling for a while. It limits my powers. It appears to have limitations in this world.”

Athena replied as she looked around.

“To answer your question, I do not know. But it's most likely because I have the darkness attribute and that I am bound to my King.” The Goddess pondered out loud as she looked at the sights.


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