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Raynor, with a smile, was walking through the corridors of the high school.

He was intrigued to see the difference between his Sobu High and this one.

“What is the name of this school?” He asked Natsuki next to him.

“It's Saikai school. It’s middle and high school combined into one.” The Witch of Void explained to him.

“The reason for that is that the island has limited space.” She clarified to him.

“I see.” He looked around while the pair were walking towards somewhere.

It would seem there are quite a few magic users in this place. His senses, which easily surround the whole school, can pick up these people.

Eventually, they arrived at an office.

“Stay here. I will find her and bring it to you.” Natsuki said to him. Her eyes were telling him to behave.

“Sure~~~” His reply was half a tease as he smirked at her.

The witch groaned as she swiftly left her office and walked towards one of the classrooms where she knew the girl should be there.

As she left the room, Raynor sat down on one of the couches and closed his eyes for a second. Since he had some spare time, it was time to check more of the loot he had.

First, he built a library in Olympus. This was easy to do; he only needed to have a need, and seconds later, a white marble building was erected. It was like a storage facility for grimoires.

While he lost the Black Bible, he can easily recreate it now. The same is true for Aya’s grimoire since he saw her memories, and the same is true for Natsuki.

Since he had some free time, he recreated those books and stored them in a library. 

‘To think I can mess with people's memories. This is quite a Hentai power. All I need now is Time Stop and grow my hair a bit longer to hide my eyes.’ Raynor chuckled to himself how close he was to a Hentai protagonist.

After storing the books away, he checked the other stuff he had. One of the Beast Vassals he acquired from a female vampire prisoner allows him to control other beings, which is quite a naughty power.

He could easily infiltrate enemy groups and spring a trap.

Apart from that, he learned a method to seal away spirits and use them as a power source.

This came from some evil monk who was in prison as well.


His eyes went to the windows.

He saw a paper bird sitting on a branch and felt it was looking at him.

The energy reading was similar to that strange attack which tried to attack him when he was absorbing the Fourth Progenitor’s power.

This attack did no damage to him whatsoever. The reason for this was that non-Divine doesn’t work on him. He was a Godslayer before, and now he is a God. Mundane, which means without substance, doesn’t work on him.

In fact, it was so unnoticeable that he only now realised that someone had tried to attack him a while ago.

Such a thing made him think. Who could have done it? 

After pondering for a minute or so, he recalled that there was a girl from the same organisation as Yukina ‘Senpai this’ Himeragi. 

A girl who can attack a person in his past. That means she tried to take him out when he was ‘vulnerable’. However, his vulnerable state was too much for her anyway.

“...Heh… well, children's gloves are off, sweetheart. Let’s play this game of cat and mouse.” 

Raynor lifted his left hand as it turned black, and his veins turned red.

“Come out, Aguijon.” The Demon God summoned one of the lesser Beast Vassals he has.

A swarm of bees manifested around him. He pillaged them from a female Vampire kept in the Prison he acquired.

They will be good enough to find what he was looking for.

“...Go, find this naughty girl~.” 

The bees rushed through the window. First, they took care of the bird. They brough the bird to him.

Raynor took it and used his senses to inspect the bird. He tasted the mana before spreading his senses wide. 

He quickly pinpointed the location as the source of mana was there. It was exactly like the one from the bird.

‘Found you~’

The bees rushed there.

As they were flying there, the Demon God unfolded the paper and made it into a plane.


“I am back.” As Natsuki announced her return, she saw a paper plane pass by her.


The witch’s eyebrows twitched for a second.

‘At least he didn’t burn the school to the ground or summon his Vikings.’

“Welcome back, Natsuki-chan~” 

Raynor teased the black-haired witch, who ignored it and instead introduced a cherry-blonde girl.

When the Storm King saw her, he was impressed. This girl was hot. It was the same girl he had in mind before as well.

This girl is the ‘Cyber Empress’ and Priestess of Cain, Asagi Aiba.

Oh, and she has a huge crush on Kojou Akatsuki, whom Raynor killed yesterday.

“Aiba-san, this is Raynor Valeron. He is someone from outside our world, and he is a Godslayer.”

Natsuki’s introduction has caught the girl by surprise! To say the least!

“...Wha-? You said there is something I need to do… but this!?” She looked at him with some trepidation! 

“...You forgot to say that I am a God as well by this point. Taking Authorities of Gods makes us as close as we can get to a God.

But that was before I arrived at this world.” He shrugged at them before standing up and walking over to the pair.

“...Did your sensei tell you what I am planning for this island?” He asked the cherry blonde Cyber Empress.


“...You see…” He looked at her before smiling.

“You will help me to conquer this place~”

Her eyes widened in horror for a second.

“...You will be instrumental in making sure mundane people survive the moment my armies arrive.” He explained to her.

When he said it like that, she slightly calmed down.

“...I could control certain sections of the gigafloat.” She said after calming down.

“Precisely, herd the mundane people aside while I enjoy my fights with whoever arrives to try to interrupt and stop me.”

“...Y-You are crazy!” The girl exclaimed with disbelief.

“Not really. It is a simple show of force. I am only interested in strong people.” He shrugged at her exclamation.


“Just follow what he requests. Otherwise, he will do something worse.” Natsuki interrupted her.

“See. Follow your teacher. She knows what is for the best~” He teased while seeing how Natsuki interrupted the cherry-blonde hacker girl.


Asagi slightly nodded. This whole thing is just horrible! Who is this guy!? He just randomly popped from nowhere.


“...” A girl with pigtails and glasses looked perplexed as she sensed that her Shikigami was destroyed.


But then her danger senses flared as she heard a noise! Loud noise!

The girl jumped back several steps and looked around. The noise grew larger and came from all sides.

‘...Bees? A Beast Vassal?’ 

At least, that is what her senses tell her. Soon enough, she saw a huge swarm of bees rushing at her. The girl made a hand motion, and a large chunk of the bees instantly died.

It looked like they had been cut down by something sharp. But that didn’t mean a thing, as all the bees were replaced the very next second.


The regeneration of the bees was insane, to say the least!


She proceeded to fight and use more of her power. Her power, Paper Noise, allows her to strike someone from a distance at any time in history—though it's pointless with how many of them there are!

Not only that but the amount of bees is only growing.

‘Is there some sort of queen? If I kill the Queen, they all should scatter!’

Not that she had much time to think of alternatives. 

But then some bees eventually got close to her and proceeded to sting.


Her world started to spin as she sensed that she was poisoned or… infected by something.

Before she could collapse, a sound wave blasted away a majority of the bees.

“Shit! What the hell of a Beast vassal is this!?” A guy said from the side. He had brown hair and headphones.

The girl, with a shaky gaze, looked to the side.

“...Yaze-kun!?” The girl shook her head as she tried to control herself. 

“Yeah, sorry for being late, but I wanted to figure out what was going on,” the guy in a Saikai school uniform said with a nervous look. He noticed that the bees were rapidly regenerating, and their aura had surged.

‘I used quite a bit of energy for that surprise attack. If this battle prolongs, it will be bad for me.’ The guy was ready to use more pills to boost his hyper-adapter powers, but at that moment, a male voice greeted them from the sky.

“...My oh my… so that's a Hyper Adapter. A human descended from Devas.”

The brown-haired teen looked up, and the girl who was trying to maintain her consciousness looked up as well.

“When you said it like that, it sounds impressive. But I am nowhere near as powerful as I would like to be,” the teen said with a nervous chuckle.

“True. Those pills you are taking stimulate your powers, but it has drawbacks.” The being landed on the ground, and an oppressive aura surged from his body.

It makes the brown-haired teen’s knees feel heavy just from standing in front of this guy!

“It would be better if you didn’t intervene in this.” The Being’s brown eyes changed into blue and red. He stopped hiding his true nature.

“...Sorry, can’t do that. This girl is my girlfriend.” The guy put on a tough front.

“...Haah… so you bagged one of the Saints? I suppose you used all of your life’s luck in that instant.” As the Being said, the bees instantly multiplied into absurd numbers.

“...hahaha…” The guy laughed for a second as his knees started to tremble.

Then the bees rushed at him. 

The guy used sound blades to cut the bees, but three will replace each one killed.

In addition, his power is not easily spammable. Before long, he faltered, and the bees ended up stinging him.


“...That takes care of that.” 

He swiftly moved aside before he could turn around, and his hand got cleanly cut off!

“...Oh… you were able to cut me…” Raynor was slightly impressed that she passed through his Divinity.

“...W-What are you!?” The girl with glasses looked shell-shocked to see the guy barely damaged! He should be dusted by this point!

Instead of replying, his body nearly instantaneously got regenerated, and even the school uniform he was wearing got fixed.

“I am a Demon God, Third Saintess of Lion King Organisation Koyomi Shizuka.” He said to her as he looked at his new arm.

“It will take a while to get used to this new arm.” He said that with a frown as he looked at his other hand lying on the ground.

His eyes glowed slightly, and the hand with all of the blood simply burned away into nothing.

“Now it's two times since you attacked me without any reason.” After inspecting his new hand, he spoke to her as the poison in her system was getting worse by the second.

“...Reason? You broke the prison! And released wanted criminals!” She said with a sweaty forehead.

“...Oh, that. Why do you even care?” He snorted.

“You should spend whatever time you have left to enjoy life. Instead, you barged in and tried to police someone you can’t even comprehend how to fight.”

As he said that, his right hand turned black, and his veins turned black.

“Come fort…Zombiemaker…” A whip appeared in his hand, and he made it rush at her casually.

The girl gnashed her teeth as she tried to resist with her Shikigami, but the whip smashed right through it and wrapped around her waist.

At that moment, her eyes turned red and distant, as if she was possessed.

“...Honestly… this world is full of absurd abilities. It only has been a day, but I can mind control, mind reading, brainwash, memory alter and other crazy shit…” He mumbled to himself as he wondered what to do with the Saintess.

Honestly, he can’t pass on such an opportunity. This girl is one of the leaders.

‘...Oh… I know…’

A bookshelf appeared next to him with a burst of black flames. He pulled out one of the two available books.

The pages moved by themselves as he found what he was looking for.

‘14th grimoire, Aya’s favourite book, let’s use this to get a mole in Lion King’s organisation.’

With a grin, he made the girl stand up, and then he moved his free hand to touch her forehead. He proceeded to read her memories and place a powerful seal that would slowly corrupt her into following his commands.

While he wouldn’t mind adding her to his Olympus, people in the Lion King Organisation would immediately find out that she has become a Vampire.

‘...Oh… wait…’

He then realised that he didn’t need to transform her!

Regardless, after placing the seal, he grabbed her and pulled closer before biting her neck and tasting her blood while pouring his mana into her.

Just like that, her soul was moved to Olympus, but she did not transform into a vampire.

‘Her magic signature should return to normal after she heals.’

Raynor needs to be careful with her situation. That means she won’t get any of the benefits, as if she gets his powers, people will notice his mana radiating from her.

For now, she won’t be getting anything.

After adding her to Olympus, he dismissed the bees and the whip.

The girl’s eyes returned to normal as she swiftly realised how close this guy was!


“...Relax~~~. I won’t be doing anything to you…yet.” He said that, released her, and then disappeared in a burst of black flames.

“...T-That guy!!!” The girl swiftly touched her neck. Her eyes widened in pure horror!

He bit her!


Leonel Gutierrez

Isn the mc an otaku? Shouldnt he check for anime and games when he is not doing anything mayb he'll find the novel campione! 🤞