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Marcus honestly didn’t mind that Kiana was living in his room. It’s totally good for him.

But he is slightly spooked at how smoothly the whole process was! 

“What is it? I noticed that you like my ponytail, but I can’t sleep with it~” Kiana said with a slightly teasing tone as she released her hair and grabbed another of his T-shirts. She was preparing to change into the T-shirt as it was time for sleeping.

“Yes. It fits you very well. But you don’t mind the whole transition? I mean, you very easily accepted being with me.”

When she heard that, she had a pondering look on her face.

“...I am here to be your companion, and from the customs, I understand that ‘couples’ should be together, no?” For a second, Kiana wondered if it was the same on this Earth.

“Yes… but I mean, it went from A to Z; we skipped B, C, D and so on.” He tried to explain that, at the time, the white-haired girl used the wardrobe door to cover herself as she slipped from her clothes and into the T-shirt.

“It went from A to Z because of the method, and my circumstances didn’t allow for B, C and D. Besides, you asked for a ‘Girlfriend’, not a girl you could try dating~. I doubt you have time for that, right?” 

Kiana only saw a portion of the workshop, but the guy is a workaholic… considering when guys his age should care about sports, hot girls, discussing new cars, or chatting video games. But this guy, instead of talking, is doing it.

The girl closed the door and revealed herself in a red T-shirt.

“...Red suits you well.” Marcus forgot about what they were talking about and instead looked at her wearing his T-shirt with ‘Keep Calm and Keep on Engineering’ written in white.

“I know, right?” She puffed her chest and placed her hand on her hip.

“Reminds me of Flamescion.” He chipped that in the next second.



Kiana felt nostalgic for a second. However, she can’t recall how this form used to look. All she remembers was fire and used to wield a big sword. 

“Haah…” A teasing smile returned to her lips as she proceeded to walk towards the bed where Marcus was. 

“...What can you can tell me about ‘Flamescion’?” As she questioned him, she ended up on the bed, placing her hands on the bed and started crawling towards him like a Feline.

“... well… we can start with her being super serious.”

“...Uhuh…” She nodded, wanting to hear more.

“...Heroic…” Marcus felt quite something seeing her crawl towards him before ending up in front of him. Seeing his expression made her smirk. 

“... You do need to tell me more. I need a refresher.” While Kiana said in a way that she was pretending, she was quite serious as it was a long time ago for the ‘Honkai Goddess’.

“Of course.” He grabbed his hands around her waist and pulled her much closer.

By this point, her head was only a few inches away from his.

“Flamescion used to have those sexy stockings and white dress with a long cape~.”

He whispered to her, which made her cheeks explode. She flashed back to that moment in her Herrscher clothes, which she used to wear long ago. 

But then he pulled her into bed, hugging her like a pillow, and started to sleep. Funny enough, the lights simply turned off by themselves, and instead, a projection of nebulas and stars on the ceiling gave a feeling of the outdoors.

Not that Kiana cared, as she had a look of disbelief.

She expected some steamy action. Like cuddling or kissing…

But all she got was a hug…

So she was just staring at something…

‘What is going on?’

She wondered to herself.

The thing was, Marcus had things in ORDER. His brain still needed to process that she was here, sleeping in his hands. Maybe after processing and accepting that she won’t just pop away like how she popped in, he will start switching gears.


Meanwhile, several hundred meters under the house, machines, robots, refineries and workshops were processing metal brough in by the trucks from scrapyards Marcus owns.

Since he has infinite energy, the only thing he needs right now is resources. The inventor's lack of resources hit him quite early on, so he followed what his uncle had, which was owning several scrapyards. 

People bring in old metal, cars, or furniture; he buys it with money he earns from his royalties and licenses from his inventions, creating a never-ending cycle of invention.

But now… Marcus had an urge to create a fighting mech.

Since aliens are real, there could be some bad ones too…

So he needs protection…


Big enough to terrify the shit out of aliens if need be.

Sadly, what he is building will be… just enough to face what is coming…

As Marcus was sleeping on the other side of the planet, in the Pacific Ocean, a shadow surfaced. This shadow was enormous; it looked like a crocodilian or more like a lizard swimming through deep water.

The enormous beast surfaced. It had a black scally body and spikes going through the whole back.

This monstrosity looked a distance from where a city with skyscrapers was.

That was Tokyo…


Marcus' eyes trembled as he slowly opened them. He can’t remember the last time he slept this well.

This heat source for hugging sure is—

His eyes moved to the side, where he saw the cute face of a beauty sleeping just as good as he was.


He smiled for a second, then checked the clock. The inventor still had around two hours.

So he swiftly returned to hugging this heat source. However, he quickly realised that one of his hands held that impressive and firm bum.

However, his sleep was interrupted when Kiana lifted her head and looked at him smugly.

“Enjoying the feeling~?” The girl asked with a teasing tone.

“Of course.” He whispered back to her with a ‘dead-serious’ voice.

Her smug look disappeared and was replaced by a blush. Her tease didn’t work. Instead, his face got closer to hers.

“Shall we make this ‘official’?” 

“...Official?” She whispered back with a confused tone. But soon enough, the girl realised what he meant as he kissed her on the lips.

Her eyes slightly widened before she closed them and enjoyed her first-ever kiss!

The girl tried to keep up as Marcus was experimenting…

Then… she felt his tongue slip in and try to wrestle with her tongue.

The girl opened her eyes and slightly pouted at him. She could see that he was looking smugly at her.

Regardless, the kiss had to end as they needed to breathe.

Kiana pulled back and looked at him with a little bit of anger. 

“Sneak attack first thing in the morning?” The girl tried to accuse him of something.

“Hmm, hard to say if it was a sneak attack~ I would say a kiss every morning is a must,” Marcus said with a pondering voice as his other hand sneaked down and grabbed the other ass cheek.


“Of course~ I have Kiana snuggling next to me~ hard to ignore~.”

When she heard that, the girl’s blush returned with force.

For the next hour, the pair cuddled in bed; quite a bit of kissing and fondling happened during that period.

But then…

It was time to wake up.

The pair dressed up and went downstairs.

The feeling in the kitchen was sombre, and Marcus' father was gone somewhere.

“What happened? Where father went too?” 

Marcus asked as he saw that his father’s cup of coffee was still there.

“He went to the store.”

“Hah?” For a second, the inventor was confused, but his mother motioned towards the TV.

His gaze went where she motioned.

What he saw was ‘Breaking News’ and below it ‘Sea Monster Attacks Tokyo. At least Ten Million Dead’. 

“...What the…”

The inventor looked confused, but then he watched the footage to see what had happened.

He was baffled.

‘That’s fucking Godzilla! Why on Earth are they calling it ‘Sea Monster’!?’ 

The more he watched, the more confused he became. The reason is that the amount of food such a creature would need is insane. Godzilla is around five blue whales combined in size.

The amount of food blue whales need is huge, but blue whales are plankton, while Godzilla has sharp-as-hell teeth. It should make that thing a carnivore. If that thing is around, all of the aquatic life will soon be gone.

But then, what about other Monsters!?

‘This doesn’t make any fucking sense to me!’

His brain, which has been recovering after encountering actual aliens, once again ground to a halt.


“...Yes. Your father went to get some survival tools. Just in case.” His mother said with a sigh.

“...Great.” Marcus nodded before taking his seat.

As he did that, he looked at Kiana, who had a look of disbelief on her face.

“Kiana, come over.” 

The inventor motioned for her to come to his side. The girl snapped out and looked at him for a second.

Without saying anything, she walked over and looked at him.

But then he pulled her on his lap.


This action from him made her blush like a tomato.

The girl slightly hissed like a cat.

“Not in front of your mother!” 

The white-haired girl was embarrassed as she didn’t want to be found guilty of making Marcus change into a ‘naughty boy’.

“Mark, you can play around after breakfast.” His mother sighed as she sounded tired already.

Sea Monster's existence has made her feel mentally drained already.

“I know. But this helps me think.” 

As he said that, he leaned his head on Kiana’s back, and he could smell her fresh hair.

For a second, he closed his eyes and started to think.

‘The size of MK 1 should be enough to face that lizard, but I would need to rework the whole frame to sustain itself in water. Some of the output changes will require a change in the OS.

Since it has scales for defence, I will need some hard skin-breaking weapons.’

Funny enough, Marcus was not the only one thinking about similar things.

Kiana was thinking about how to find the lizard as well. She could just pull that monstrosity into Illusionary Space and make it starve to death.

It might sound not kind to someone who looks like a good girl, but she won’t allow anyone to disturb her new peace. Especially not some sea lizard!

“...You two…”



The pair looked angry-looking mother of Marcus.

“Eat! It's getting cold!”

“S-Sorry!” Kiana swiftly started to eat Marcus’ food. Since she was sitting on his lap…

As she did that, the inventor’s hand sneaked to the side as he pulled Kiana’ssandwichess closer. He took one and started to eat while thinking about how to improve his machine.

After food, the pair walked to school. The atmosphere in school was not better either. Even though the action was more than 10,000 kilometres away, everyone was in a state of shock.

Only Marcus had twitching eyebrows as he listened to what his fellow students were saying.

‘What the fuck… why no one recognise the monster as the Godzilla!? It was the Friday movie just a few weeks ago!’

As he was weirded out, the girl next to him thought that it was related to the sea monster. This made her steel herself further, as she would go to Japan and deal with that thing. She can’t allow him to continue looking like this!

Especially not now when they are just getting closer like this!

“Relax~ it's that thing that is far away.” She switched from hand-holding to hugging his hand.

“Oh? I am not concerned about that. It's just that the existence of that thing makes no sense. Considering how big it is. The amount of meat it would need to eat.

It simply makes no sense to me.”


Kiana paled as she realised that she definitely needed to kill that thing! She can’t allow it to continue eating food on Earth!



Leave it to Kiana to get motivated about losing food, lol


Everyone forgot about poor old Godzilla that he had to go destroy Tokyo in anger for being forgotten lol