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After swimming and getting another fish for Albion, Alex got out of the water and dressed in new clothes. 

“The corpse of the snake has disappeared. So what did you get for it?” Julis walked over to her boyfriend.

“Hmm, let me check” With a hand motion, he summoned his phone and checked his inventory.

[Calydonian Boar Tusk]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Item]


[Calydonian Boar Hide]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Item]


[Calydonian Boar Meat]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Item]


[Titanoboa Scales]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Item]


[Titanoboa Bones]

[Crafting Item]

[Rare Item]

“Got scales and bones from the snake. A rare ticket, too.” Alex said to his two companions.

“Hmm, bones are good for weaponry. Considering how strong the life force was of the beast.” Albion chipped. 

“Yeah. Maybe a spear or something.” The host of White Dragon Emperor shrugged before looking at his girlfriend.

“We should finish the floor now that only the floor boss left.” He suggested to her.

“Yes. I was thinking the same thing.” She nodded as her gaze was on the aftermath of the fight. To think that she will see a massive prehistoric snake rampaging through a forest. Such a thing was not on her bucket list to do.

Other monsters they faced were not this destructive. Not even Calydonian Boar. However, that pig had a death wish as it killed her boyfriend before, so they never had time to see what that pig could do.

“Great. Then we should continue with our trip.”

“Hold it for a second! You need to get me some of those fishes!” Albion complained as he didn’t get his full of those.

“Not my problem, buddy. We don’t need to eat food in this place. Remember?” 

Just like that, Alex and Julis returned to their travelling. Albion shouted as he needed to catch up with them.



The journey lasted around a month, give or take, as Albion was grumpy about his fish. Dragons can be quite stubborn as they don’t easily give up or let it slide.

Regardless, they quickly noticed the enormous tree sticking out from the rest. It was so massive that they could see it from a distance. Considering how big the regular trees were, this one was sticking out and casting enormous shadows.

“This is the third time I've seen it, but it still impresses every time,” Julis said with awe as she looked at the world tree in the distance.

“Yeah. It’s hard to make out its actual size.”

The group continued to travel, and soon enough, they ended up in the clearing where a large truck-sized black wolf was sleeping in the middle.

“...Is that the boss? Can you tell its name?” Julis whispered her question.

“Yeah. I can see it.” Alex sounded relieved.

“It’s a wolf from Greenland myths. Amarok, the man-eating wolf.” He explained to her as he looked at what was written above the wolf.

[Mythical Wolf Amarok, Floor Boss Lv2]

“...I see… perfectly honest, I never heard of him.” Julis sounded embarrassed to say that.

“I only learned about him after seeing a wolf in the obelisk; I needed to do some research,” Alex explained about him as he only learned after doing his research. 

“Okay. I think it's time for us to finish this.” Julis summoned her sacred gear as she started creating a compressed fireball.


Alex summoned his bow and started creating a very explosive and thin sword for an arrow.

A few seconds later, with a loud whistle, the sword arrow rushed and slammed into the wolf, who was waking up from all the noise. The wolf released a pained roar as the arrow exploded upon impact.

The next second, the compressed white fireball slammed into the black wolf, creating another explosion that pushed the wolf away several metres. The wolf shook the attack off as it blasted from the smoke and looked at the attackers.

The beast’s amber eyes gleamed angrily at them.


A soul-shacking howl spread through the area as thousands more howls spread through the forests.

“W-What?” Alex looked around and saw hundreds, if not thousands, of amber eyes looking at them from all directions.

“That thing’s howl can summon more wolves?” Julis, with a pale look, looked around.

But then something crazy happened as Amarok rushed towards them! The wolf rushed towards Yggdrasil before kicking off from the tree trunk and lunging right at them!

“SHIT! Scatter!” Alex jumped aside, and Julis rushed to the other side.

With them gone, Amarok landed on the branch before jumping once more, but this time, he slammed Albion into the ground with his pawn as the Mythical Wolf decided to deal with the smallest opponent first.

“Holy, he took out Albion just like that!” Alex, standing sideways on the tree trunk, looked at what had just happened to his companion.




Alex looked around. He saw hundreds of wolves standing around trees and the open field. If they were to land on the ground, it would be game over—those things would maul them!

“Alex, I will distract it. You prepare your arrow!”

Julis, who was flying around, got her boyfriend’s attention.


Alex proceeded to create another arrow as Julis proceeded to annoy Amarok with her flames.

A shower of flames slammed into the black wolf, getting the beast's attention.

The black wolf kicked off and jumped towards her. One of the wolf’s pawns glowed black and extended, becoming like a claw the beast tried to slice the girl in half.

Julis swiftly moved away as she created more flames in the shape of lances.

The attacks rushed at Amarok when he landed on another branch.


With another soul-trembling howl, the attacks disintegrated before they could land on the wolf.

‘Not only did he destroy my attacks, but they barely do any damage to speak off.’ Julis nervously thought about this.

If she lands on a branch, Amarok will easily cross the distance and pounce on her. If she lands on the ground, the smaller wolves will maul her to death.

It's only a matter of time before it's game over for her.

“Julis! Make him jump! Middair, it can’t change direction or dodge!” Alex instructed as he had an arrow ready and was only waiting for her.


Pinkette flew to the side so Alex could have a clear shot. She then shot several flames at Amarok, who was looking at her like a slab of meat. After all, Amarok’s favourite food is human flesh.

The flames provoked the beast as it lunged at her.

As Julis looked at the incoming wolf, a spear-shaped sword slammed into Amarok’s head, sending it flying away.

It was a clear shot which should have one-shotted a beast.

The pink-haired princess sighed in relief as she trusted her boyfriend’s aim.


Furious winds rose from Amarok as the beast opened his mouth and released a stream of crescent-shaped winds at Julis.

The girl looked dumbfounded as she never expected a supernatural attack like this! Especially from such a distance!

The girl grimaced as pain erupted from her body. 

Before she exclaimed from pain, she started to fall down. The girl could not feel her limbs anymore.

‘Shit, that attack went through me like a knife through paper tissue!’ 

They were both Lv 2, but Amarok was on a different plateau!

“JULIS!” Alex roared from shock.

‘Shit! I know that she will awake even if she dies in the dungeon but GODDAMN!


A draconic voice whispered into him to let loose!

With a furious roar, he dived to the ground. His hand grabbed a random wolf’s head and slammed into the ground, exploding like a watermelon under pressure.



The earth shook crazily as swords started to rise from the ground all around him.

Impaling wolves in hundreds around him. He continued to feed energy as the blades started to glow, and then…


The explosion caused whaling wolves to blow up as well.

One after another, wolves explode like balloons, blood, organs, bones, and brain matter spread out throughout the whole area.

It took seconds to turn a green and brown forest into bloody red.

Yet, from all of the blood, Amarok was still alive. A bunch of swords are stuck in the beast’s body as it looks like a pincushion.


With a loud howl, the swords in its body shattered, and the beast growled at him with a snarling look.

“Let's end this, you mutt.” Alex stood up, removed his hand from the ground, and looked at the wolf with anger and hate.

White lightning surged as the White Dragon Emperor ended up enveloped in a white layer of energy. Then he formed thick-looking hand blades.

After taking a stance, Alex kicked off towards the beast.

Amarok opened his mouth and released another stream of sharp crescent wind blades.

Alex angrily snorted as he increased his speed and got out of the way of the attack. Second later, his hand blade rammed into the side of the wolf’s face.

“NOT OVER YET!” Lightning surged into the beast as the beast lit up like a Christmas tree.


The black wolf tried to slap him away as one of his pawns swung towards Alex.

To counter that, his other hand blade stabbed right into the incoming pawn.

With this, even more lightning started to flow into Amarok and to wrap this up, the White Dragon Emperor started to drag his blades to cut the beast open.

One of the beast’s legs flew away as the blade in the beast’s face finally reached the brain! The monster’s skull was thick!

Seconds later, the beast finally collapsed, but Alex was not done as he proceeded to chop the Man-eating wolf’s head.

After that, he released a satisfying scream as he had finally done! 


Once he settled down, he released a deep breath and looked around.

What he saw made him grimace quite a bit.

But then Amarok’s glowed and got brighter and brighter before exploding!

“What the—”

The light consumed Alex as before he lost consciousness. He heard birds chirping as if the land had become alive.

‘What is going on…’

It was the last thing he heard before the light consumed him. The dive was over, as the dungeon decided that the floor was done and that it was time to move on, so removing the explorer was necessary.



Alex opened his eyes. For a second, he wondered where he was. But then he recalled that around three months ago, he moved to Guilty Crown and got an apartment there.

But then he forgot about that and swiftly hugged his darling, who woke up in his hands as well!

“Julis, are you okay?” He asked with concern.

“Umm? Yeah…” The girl mumbled as she opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Did you finish that thing?” She asked with a small frown.

“Yep, it's dead. Cut its head off and killed all the wolves in the area at the same.” He sighed as he hugged her more tightly before rubbing his cheek into hers.

Julis sighed in relief before hugging her boyfriend back as she was quite scared about her death. Each time she remembers, her body turns cold, and she feels chills.

“You know. That Floor Boss should give you something nice.” She finally spoke after a few minutes. But Alex didn’t care as he continued to hug her.

“That can wait. I need to recharge my pink-haired princess energy.” Alex said that with a serious tone, which made Julis roll her eyes as she accepted his affection. She just closed her eyes and decided to laze around for a bit.

As the pair were doing that, a girl was poking through the small gap into the room. If Alex had been more attentive instead of basking in Julis' presence, he would have noticed that the other pinkette was curious about what they were doing!


Top hats slime.

Hey quick question somewhere around the line I lost track of what was happening one moment you were starting to upload like crazy then the next I lost track and some fics stop or kept going in certain times like this fic previously you uploaded mostly every other week I think and now is maybe once a month?


Its polls, read my post about those. If people don't vote then I won't write those


Thanks for the chapter I've been looking forward to reading this can't wait for more 😁