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A Lucrehulk jumped out from hyperspace over the barren world of Mandalore. The next second, Vultures were launched and rushed towards the planet’s defences.

The Mandalore’s defences were caught by surprise as they only started scrambling by the time Vultures entered the atmosphere. 

The ones on standby duty were overrun quickly, as the number of Voltures was at least 10 to 1 against their fighters.

Since it was a pacifist government, the amount fighters they had was minimal as they only had enough soldiers to deter pirate attacks.

Nothing about the ‘invasion’ fleet.

“Duchess! A Trade Federation Lucrehulk freighter jumped out from hyperscape and attacked our defences!” One of the guards interrupted the Duchess of Mandalore, who was in a meeting.

“What? But why!?” The blonde was confused. What did Mandalore do to the Trade Federation to force them to attack?

“I don’t know. The ship doesn’t respond to hails!” 

Then, the comms turned on in the meeting room, and people saw a B1 sitting in the captain's seat aboard the Lucrehulk.

“Attention weaklings of Mandalore. I am the captain here. We of the Trade Federation are here to collect credits. Give us all you have, and we will leave.” The droid said with an arrogant tone.

“Preposterous! Destroy these rogue Droids!” 

The blonde was triggered by such a bully behaviour from these rogue droids. They are rogue as she realised that they are too ‘smart’. Whatever software was used on them was far above anything the Trade Federation is willing to spend credits on.

“Yes, Duchess!” The guard rushed to his fighter.

But by this point, it was too late, as these droids and people from inside had compromised Mandalore.


Above Concordia, a vessel exited hyperspace. It was Providence Class Dreadnought. The ship was slightly customised to meet Anakin’s requirements.

The hull and shape remained the same. Anakin didn’t improve much on the design itself; instead, he worked on improving the systems he could use on his future Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser.

It was nowhere near his final design, but it was enough to lay siege on the Moon world.

“We have arrived at Concordia, bossman.” A B1 told his leader.

“Prepare the troops and Vultures. We shall lay siege on Death Watch base.” The Chosen One stood up from his throne and proceeded to walk.

“Roger, Roger!”

The droids started with their preparations while Anakin left the bride.

 A few minutes later, he arrived at the hangar, where he boarded one of the shuttles.

As the shuttle left, it was followed by more shuttles, vultures and big transporters used by the Trade Federation to lay ground sieges.

He had an army big enough to lay siege to an entire planet if need be. One could say that he is running some tests here to see how his OS fares. Unlike the Sith, who cared about the end goal, he enjoyed the process. How could he not? He was in Star Wars! He might as well perfect the OS just to make sure it's cool enough.

Anakin’s transporters flew right towards where the ‘hidden’ base of Death Watch was.

An array of blue and white-dressed Mandalorians with jet packs greeted him. The leading one had ‘horns’ and a single-shoulder cape. 

‘Found you. I can sense his Dark Saber, too.’ 

As the transporters landed in a larger clearing not far from the mine and hidden base, the Mandalorians spread out to hide and prepare for the guerrilla tactics. 

Anakin smiled behind the mask as he went down the ramp from the transporter and looked around. He could sense Mandalorians around his area.

But then they saw his mask. They could not control themselves.

The leading one came out from the bushes towards him. 

“That mask, where did you get it?” The leader of Dead Watch asked him.

Instead of replying to the question Anakin replied in Mandalorian tongue.

“You are in the presence of Mandalore. Is this how you speak with your leader?”


“There can only be one Mandalore. Prepare yourself to defend as I challenge your claim to the title!!”

The horned Mandalorian pulled out his pistols and proceeded to shoot at Anakin.

The Chosen One didn’t respond. Instead, he looked and waited for the first move, which came a second later.

Yellow bolts of energy rushed at the masked force user.

He simply stepped aside from all the bolts.

“Are you done throwing your hissy fit?”

Anakin’s provocative words pissed Pre Vizla, the young leader of Death Watch.

“I will kill you!”

The horned Mandalorian holstered his pistols and rushed at him, intending to face him in hand-to-hand combat.

A clenched fist went for Anakin’s face, but all he got was the force user to step in closer. Such a move confused Pre Vizla as the next thing he knew, his world was spinning.

‘He flipped me over?’ 

Before landing on his back, the leader of Death Watch tried to get back at him with jet pack ignition, but Anakin slammed him hard into the ground with even more force!


Before the Chosen One could get more of an upper hand, Pre Vizla ignited his flamethrower. It was an extremely desperate move. In the next second, the hornet Mandalorian rolled away and got on his feet.

He pulled out his black lightsaber and ignited it.

**Dark Saber Ignition**

“This is my right to rule! A lightsaber recovered from Jedi Temple from Coruscant!”

Anakin scoffed when he heard that declaration.

‘No wonder he lost his head to Maul.’

“It's not the weapon who decides the Ruler but the Ruler who decides which weapon represents his ideas. A weapon is just a weapon; it always was and always will be. Let me show you the truth in my statement.”

With hand motion, one of Anakin’s lightsabers flew into his hand, and he ignited his blade, which hummed loudly.

“You are a Jedi…” Pre Vizla noticed force powers being used by Anakin.

“Jedi? Just because I can use Force doesn’t make me Jedi. Jedi is a rotten ideology. Let me show you the difference.” 

With casual motion, Anakin dived in, and the hornet Mandalorian needed to defend himself as the swings from someone who was smaller than him were absurd.

Before long, Pre Vizla was backpedalling from each and every single swing he had to block.

“You are messing with me!” The blue armour-wearing Mandalorian complained as he realised that he could have died several times over!


Instead of saying anything with a swift motion, Death Watch Leader lost his blade, which was flipped into the air and ended up in Anakin’s empty hand.

“And just like that, I ‘gained’ the right to rule Mandalore for the second time.”

The blade was ignited once more as he pointed at Pre Vizla, the sharp end.

“...Fine… in accordance with the Mandalorian Code, you are indeed victorious. Kill me now.” Pre Vizla lost any desire to fight the moment he lost his blade.

“...Very well.”

With a casual Dark Saber swing, his head flew off his shoulders.


“I won’t accept this!”

A girl said from the bushes as she rushed at Anakin with her jet pack. She was followed by a group of Mandalorians who agreed with her.

“I am not asking for your opinion.”

At that moment, they stopped mid-air as someone was holding them by their necks.

“I followed all of Mandalorian Traditions. I didn’t use my force until you rose against my rule. If you resist the Mandalorian Code's core tenets, then you are not Mandalorian even if you were born and raised in Mandalore.

The Mandalorian Code binds Mandalorians, not birthplace or family name.” The Chosen One explained to them in the Mandalorian tongue. 

As he said, he looked at the attackers who were struggling in the air.

At that moment, a large group of blue-armoured Mandalorians came out from the bushes and paid their respect.

“We greet the One and True Mandalore!” 

“We greet the One and True Mandalore!” 

“We greet the One and True Mandalore!” 

Anakin grinned behind the helmet. He finally got the core piece of Mandalorians. Now, to build on it and consolidate his elite forces.

The Chosen One motioned to calm down as he holstered his lightsaber, but he kept the Dark Saber.

“Do you see? That is tradition. So what are you going to do, little girl?” 

He released his hold and looked at the girl who collapsed on the ground.

Gasp Sharp inhale

“You only want to use us!” She said that while pulling out her blasters.

“Use? I want to restore Mandalore. I already have resources and droid manpower to do it.” 

He motioned to the massive droid army behind him. They were all light grey HK units with high calibre Blaster rifles.

“Mandalorians have been used by the Republic, the Jedi, The Sith for thousands of years. It’s time for us to rule everything how it was supposed to be for a long time.”


She didn’t expect him to say that. Even the other Mandalorians looked at him with some disbelief. Is this guy nuts? Pre Vizla wanted to regain control over Mandalore! But this guy… he wants to dominate the entire galaxy!

Now, she had no ‘fire’ to oppose that.

“Very Well… Mandalore. You have both the Mask and the Dark Saber. I can’t complain against that.” 

The girl holstered her blasters and paid her respect. Her followers followed after her.

“Good.” The Mandalore nodded before looking at the gathered Dead Watch members.

“Collect all of your things. We will be leaving Concordia.” 

Everyone saluted his orders and rushed to collect their things.

As they were doing that, Anakin pulled out his communicator and contacted Jango.

“Death Watch is no longer an issue. You can move your base to Concordia.”

“Understood. However, we can take Mandalore, the pacifists have crumbled faster than even I have expected.” The Bounty Hunter sounded even more disappointed at how quickly Mandalore crumbled!

“No. If we take them by force, the pacifists will have reason to return and oppose us in the long term. What we need is to show the people that pacifism is not the way.” The chosen one said that and then pondered for a second.

“Jango, I need you to contact your friends and arrange raids to Mandalore space. We can use the excuse that after this raid by Trade Federation, Mandalore is easy picking.”

Jango’s eyes widened slightly when he heard that. 

“...I understand it shall be done.” 

“Good. Make sure there are no connections between you and the one who organised these raids. No trails, and you can use as many credits as you need.” The Mandalore instructed the Bounty Hunter.

“In that case, I can even go to Hutts and organise something big.” Jango realised that with a massive budget, he could cause pure chaos.

“Your choice. As long as there is no trail to us, you can even use Hutts themselves. After all, if you waste their resources, they will be weaker once we invade their worlds.”

Jango’s posture changed as he realised what this meant. They can get back at those slugs as well!

Hutts are annoying, but they pay well. However, they are a cartel. Mandalorians have suffered from them many times before as well. So their extermination is something he doesn’t mind at all.

“We can arrange something.” Jango smiled as he had a few ideas on how to use Hutt Bounty Hunters before disposing of them,

“Good. Then I leave this to you.”

“Very well.”

With a course of action decided, Anakin recalled his army of HK and waited for Mandalorians before returning to his Providence-Class Dreadnought.

The raid of Mandalore spread quickly through the Galaxy. Since Mandalore is neutral, the Republic didn’t do anything this time around as they had a bunch of their own issues.

However, such a raid helped the Republic, as several Neutral systems joined them, but even more started to organise their own defences.

Especially with thousands of eyes on the Trade Federation who have no way to explain themselves to anyone!

And then…

There was a wild rumour that people from Concordia spotted a never-before-seen huge cruiser, a masked man with a Dark Saber, and a massive droid army.

A rumour that a Mandalore has appeared, such thing means one thing.

A massive war is on the horizon.


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