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Mei, with closed eyes, was leaning against a wall while waiting for Raynor to come out of his classroom. 

It has been a while since she heard people talking behind her back. 

Her father used to be a very rich man, but some people wanted to take his wealth. He was accused of things and then sentenced. 

The purple-haired girl now knows a few things. He was with Anti-Entropy, and she did not need to do anything.

They will help him to get free. For now, Mei’s self-imposed mission is far more important. 

‘They want your crystal. I doubt funds were that important to whoever took it over.’ A cold voice said directly into Mei’s mind. This voice belonged to the Herrscher's persona. Just like last time, both personas are working towards the same goal.

That is why Mei can access the powers of Herrscher, which is still developing.

‘Yes. and it doesn’t matter. They have no idea of the bigger picture. Not even World’s Serpent knew how powerful the 9th Herrscher was. Until he descended and slaughtered everyone.’

‘...True enough.’

All Mei could remember is that World’s Serpent went silent after several hours of Herrscher of Stars descending. 

Either the continent ceased to exist, or the planet’s crust cracked, and volcanoes consumed that part of the planet.

Raynor rapidly brought Judgment with ruthless precision.

As Mei was recalling her past, the conversations had stopped.

The purple-haired girl opened her eyes and saw Raynor motioning for the females to get lost.

The group of girls with embarrassed looks rushed away.

“There was no need for you to do that,” Mei said with a sigh, but all he got from her was a raised eyebrow.

“You females are far too complex for no apparent reason. When I agreed for a whole week, that meant that I WILL be your boyfriend. It's as simple as that. So, if something like this happens, I will move in to remove the threat. What is it that you don’t understand?”

‘Oh my, he is even chivalrous. Hard to picture when he used his hand to pierce our heart last time.’

Mei ignored her ‘evil side’ and focused on the guy before her.

“I see. This whole thing is new to me, so I apologise if I am muddling something I shouldn’t.” The purple-haired beauty slightly blushed as she had no idea how to approach such a thing.

“Yes. While you said that I have nothing to do. It doesn’t work as you imagined. We either do or don’t do. Simple as that, now come, we are wasting our break.” He motioned for her to come with him. Mei nodded as she followed him to find a place to sit and enjoy their lunch.

As they walked out, the doors opened, and Kiana walked out of the classroom and looked around. Mei already told her that Bronya tried to kill Raynor.

‘This means there should be more people who returned with us to the past. I need to be careful.’

Kiana closed her eyes and used her void senses to scan the whole city. Thankfully, there are no valkyries or Anti-Entropy mechs.

She didn't even sense anyone from World’s Serpent either.

That was good; they had not noticed yet, or at least she thought until she saw her old man!

‘Damn it, was he following me the whole time?’ 

The girl looked around. She swiftly noticed the toilets; with the idea in mind, she walked over and locked herself in one of the toilet rooms before using her void powers.

With the portal manifesting, she entered the Imaginary space before appearing where her old man was looking via binoculars towards her school.

“What are you doing?” 

Her question surprised him. Siegfried nearly jumped out of his shoes when he heard Kiana talking to him!


The girl closed the portal and looked at him with crossed arms.

“Kiana, you can control your powers!?” The white-haired man looked surprised to see her wield void like that!

“Yes, why are you here?” She went right for business. Time was limited.

“What do you mean why? To watch you over.” The man was quite protective over his baby girl.

“But this doesn’t matter, do you know what this means? That you can control your powers—”

But Kiana stopped him midway.

“I know, old man, but I won’t go anywhere. Me being here is far more important.” She said with an extremely serious tone.

“...What do you mean? You know of Honkai…”

“I am staying here because of Honkai.” 

“...Huh, you know something I don’t?” Siegfried realised something was going on.

“Yes, I am here because—”

“...Your boyfriend, huh.” 

Kiana immediately blushed a storm, but she quickly controlled herself.

“Ray is the 9th Herrscher, the most powerful one ever to exist.”

“...9th? There were only two so far!”

“That's because I am from the future.” Kiana sighed.

“Let me explain, and don’t interfere in what we are doing.” 

The girl walked over and sat down on the edge of the building. She started to explain future events to her father.

The Head of Kaslana was impressed by what he heard, especially how his daughter overcame her trials.


Siegfried very quickly paled when she told him about Herrscher of Stars.

“...You think that will work?”

“...It HAS to work. Because if he becomes an enemy, we will die. The difference in powers is immeasurable. He could move celestial bodies, something I never even considered before. He dropped a moon on me.”


“Wouldn't it be better just to kill him?” He pointed out.

“And gamble with the possibility of what comes after? Who replaces him as Herrscher of Stars? Besides, I own him for all the help—

So It’s out of the question!” The girl finished with her explanation.


“...Fine, if this is what you decide.”

With a sigh, Siegfried stood up and scratched the back of his head.

“I suppose I should meet my future son-in-law then at one time.”

“Eh! What are you saying suddenly!?” Kiana got embarrassed as she looked at him with blushing cheeks.

“What? Isn’t it obvious? You are planning to become his girlfriend, aren’t you?”

“Yes! But it's because of world-ending stuff!” Kiana tried to explain herself.

“Oh? And what is the difference? You stop liking him because the world is secure?” Siegfried frowned as he was confused by what she said.

“No. It's that… it's less embarrassing that way!” As Kiana is green when it comes to stuff like that, she finds solace in being with him because of the greater good; otherwise, it's embarrassing with all the strange stuff!

“Then don’t. You like it because you like it. I didn’t fall in love with your mother because she was the greatest Valkyrie of her time.”

“It's only going to be worse when he figures out why you are doing all this.” Siegfried closed his eyes. He could imagine this guy going crazy as he figured out the reason. A guy would flip, Honkai would influence him, and the world would end again.

“I know. I am just saying we are not at THAT point where you can easily call him son-in-law!” Kiana pouted at him. The girl knows that the moment she starts trying something like this, she will start digging her grave again.

“Yeah, Yeah, I know, you're just making this too complex. Just do it or not; you do not need to make it more complicated.”

His explanation made her frown and pout at him even more.

How can he speak so casually? It’s a relationship to save the world!


“This is good. You are a great cook!” Raynor commented on the food he was having. Once again, they were on the roof, alone. It is the best place to have a meal in peace.

“Thanks, I have been… practising.”

She had wanted to say it for years, but it was only a couple of days ago since the arrest of her father. Mei had never cooked before!

“I am impressed. I thought you were an Ojou-sama.” Raynor slightly teased her after getting some good food. As they say, one can get to the guy’s heart through a stomach.

“...I was, is it a bad thing?” She asked with a curious look.

“Not at all. I would say it's a welcoming surprise.” He was surprised that this high-class lady could cook so well! It's like she is a chief!

“Good, then you can leave cooking to me.” Mei had a small smile. Internally, she had a smirk. 

‘Phase one completed!’

‘Not bad, never thought your cooking expertise would be useful beyond feeding Kiana.’ Even Herrscher side was impressed.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. This food is good, but I won’t fall that easily.” Raynor won’t fall that easily. He won’t sell himself just because a girl can cook. Such a thing is a basic need.

‘Kiana-chan sure did a number on him. I thought I was able to lower his defence enough!’

“Don’t worry! I can cook dinner for you if you want!” Mei’s smile returned with force. She can do that, too!

Raynor was slightly spooked when he heard that. This girl is trying too hard. Hell, Kiana is trying hard, too. 

‘Just what are they after?’

“It’s alright. For now, we should stick with lunch.” 

“...Are you sure? I know an array of dishes, from traditional Japanese and Chinese to American-style burgers.” The girl started to name the amount of stuff she knew, which made Raynor question if she was a chief in disguise and not a Heiress of an Electronics company!

‘Shit… I might cave in… I haven’t had proper burgers in a while.’


At that moment, Mei slightly got closer as her shoulders touched his.

“This is an opportunity. It’s a girlfriend’s duty to cook for her boyfriend. After all, today, you made those girls run away. They were your seniors, even.” Mei explained her reasonings, as she had a beautiful smile. 

‘That’s a great move!’

“This… then I will get the stuff, and you can use it to cook.” Raynor caved in; he couldn’t say no to good food.

‘Victory is mine.’

“Of course. What is it you want me to cook?” Mei brushed her hair behind her ear as she asked what he wanted.

“Burgers.”  He said while seeing her beautiful neck. This girl was very beautiful.

“Very well. Then we can go shopping after classes.” The purple-haired beauty suggested to him.

“Fine, by me.”


Mei smiled to herself as she realised that this was far more interesting than she thought. At first, it was for the sake of saving the world and getting a very powerful Herrscher’s help. But, now, after the rooftop dinner and spending close to an hour talking about things from food to hobbies, she finds it…


It's different from hyperactive Kiana. Raynor keeps everything grounded, like he is in control, which allows her not to worry about such small things and focus on the task at hand.

‘Is this how it feels like to have a reliable boyfriend?’

As she was walking back, Kiana poked her head from the female toilet.


“Mei-senpai! I just met my old man! Turns out he with Anti-Entropy.” The girl started to explain with a hushed tone.

“...Oh, that's great.” Mei smiled, and then she felt it was a great time to…brag? 

“I was able to make Raynor accept my dinner request.” 

Kiana immediately pouted on several levels. One was Mei’s cooking, and the second was getting closer to Raynor, which was supposed to be Kiana’s job.

‘But then again, I kissed him first!’

“Great. Then tomorrow morning, I will walk to school with Ray.”

‘I need to think of something, maybe ask to go on an actual date.’ 

However, she immediately realised that she was broke and couldn’t ask him to pay for it.

‘Wait! The old man was here! I could ask him to give me money! That’s what fathers do, no? They give allowances to their children!’

Kiana felt that she had finally found her golden goose! 

“Then I am going to ask him out for a date next time!” Kiana bumped her fist. She finally saw some light at the end of the tunnel. She felt that Raynor was on his way to forgive her for what she had done!



Thus Mei is from before the Elysian realm or after?


I am sorry but i seriously dislike this whole thing. Its not bad, but not my cup of tea.