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Raynor looked at his handy work. He didn’t expect that he would bang Grayfia Lucifuge. It was a novel experience.

Seeing her passed-out form makes him feel quite proud that he was able to knock her out just from pure pleasure. Just remembering that arrogant and proud look, she could have made him want to fuck her again.

And yet, now she was in such a state. Twitching, her pussy was leaking his seed, and there was sweat all over her body. That braid she used to have was gone as he released her hair at some point.

In other words, it was a great hunt. Now the question is, what will Sirzechs will do?

Raynor’s eyes ended up on the Queen’s piece on the floor.

‘Oh, my oh my.’ 

A grin started to appear on his face.

These– pieces have connections to the hosts. Are they not?

“What are you plotting now?” Tsufaame asked him as she finally showed herself. The whole thing he did to Grayfia Lucifuge made her quite ecstatic.

The thought that a Lucifuge would betray the original Satans' families and join rebels made her furious, but not anymore. 

What Raynor did to the maid made her feel… satisfied. 

It was far greater than simple execution. 

Fucking until her mind turned into mush had never crossed Tsufaame’s mind before. But this is a great alternative. After all, Grayfia is still useful; she is a strong devil.

“Plotting? Nothing of significance. I want to see if I can use soul and blood magic through this chess piece.” Raynor said that as he got up from the bed, he picked up the Queen’s piece.

“This is that evil piece thing current devils use.”

“Yes, and Grayfia was Sirzechs’ Queen. All of the chess pieces should have some sort of connection.” He said that while swirling the red chess piece between his fingers.

“Devious, are you planning to destroy Devils through this?” Tsufaame had complex feelings about this possible development.

“It’s a possible card which I could play. But this depends on what Sirzechs will do. Will he try to get back at me for knocking up his wife?- I mean his ex-wife.” He said while looking at knocked-out Grayfia.

“Possible, but then again, how weird he is. He will endure this as long as no one knows.” Tsufaame said with a pondering look before shrugging at him.

“Ah yes, personal sacrifice for peace.” Raynor snorted before storing the piece away. He might temper with it later, but for now, he is starving! 

Working for hours and then fucking for hours drained him.

So he dressed up and went outside. After starting a fire in the campfire and igniting the torches around the area, he began to cook some meat!


Grayfia groggily opened her eyes as she felt sore and quite weak!

For a second, she pondered what was going on, but then like a sledgehammer, she remembered how Raynor fucked her like some slut!

Shame and anger rose, but then they were replaced by horror and fear.

She never faced someone like this guy. His peculiar expertise in dealing with women made her fear him more.

His effortless way of taking life and his talent in bed made her question her attitude toward how she should behave around him.

‘The more I resist, the more he will do things to me.’ Grayfia took a deep breath. She couldn’t offend him anymore; otherwise, he would do this to her again. 

Slowly, her hands went to her clothes, and she dressed.

Her eyes wandered around as she was looking around. She was in some sort of half-finished house.


Her stomach rumbled as she smelled food getting cooked outside.

The silver head grimaced as she proceeded to dress up slowly. Her hands and legs twitched as she tried and failed several times to put on her clothes.

However, eventually, she was able to put some garb on. 

As she slowly stumbled out of the lodge, she ended up in a camp.

“You should rest some more.” Raynor casually said to her without even looking.

“I apologise for trying to kill you and for all the comments I made before.” The maid apologised. Her bow was awkward, thanks to her condition.

“Already apologising? We only had a single session, Grayfia.” 

Her whole shivering from anticipation and fear at the same time. The moment he started to speak in a suggestive tone, her body began to react.

“...It was enough for me to learn my place.” She said with a professional tone.

“That quick?” Raynor was slightly surprised and a little disappointed at how quickly she caved in.

He wanted to play with her a little bit more.

“...” His response made the maid grimace. She saw his disappointment.

‘Wait, if he is disappointed enough, he might ignore me after a while…’ Grayfia internally grinned as she figured out what to do.

“Well, never mind that. Come over~”

He motioned for her to come over to his side. She gulped down and slowly walked over to his side.

She was like a small, skittish kitten instead of a haughty Ultimate-class devil.

As she walked over, she sat on the log beside him. After all, they are using a tree’s trunk to sit on.

“Good girl. It would seem that ‘training’ exercise was enough to make you obedient.” He joked while saying that.

“...You are wrong. I haven’t heard of or encountered someone who could ‘perform’ like you.” Grayfia said as she sat beside him with elegance and finesse available to her condition.

“I see. I suppose it does make sense since I am using soul and blood magic to ‘train’ you.”

Her eyes widen for a second. Just how indifferent Raynor is to those magics?

“You don’t feel anything for fueling magic with blood?” She asked with a slight frown.

Such a question made him frown at her.

“Unlike you, I didn’t have the privilege of learning magic from a high-class household. I didn’t even touch magic for a while. I used nature’s energy first, from hunts and the blood animals have.

So no. I approached blood before I learned the fundamentals of magic and the philosophy of blood magic.” 

The maid furrows her eyebrows for a second. Now that he had explained to her, she understood his angle towards Blood magic. If this is the case, he is very dangerous as he has no reason or training not to utilise such a deadly type of magic.

For him, blood is just energy. 

As she was pondering, Raynor’s face got close to hers.

“Such loose hair looks very nice on you.”

“Hmm? Are you flirting now?” She was confused by his actions. First, he brutally does things to her, even abuses blood and soul magic to torture her through sex, and now he is flirting. Just how arbitrary are his actions?

“And why not?” He was confused now.

“I am your prisoner? I did try to kill you?” She reminded him of a couple of things. But her words made him laugh.

“Haha– You understand nothing, my devil maid~.”

His reply made her frown. It has been ages since someone laughed at her words.

“Then explain because I don’t understand.” She asked with a small frown.

“You are a supernatural being, but you are utilising human common sense to differentiate. You said that you tried to kill me. Yes, but I already took the price for that. You belong to me now.”

“...So you have no resentment for that attempt?” She enquired with a perplexed look.

“Not in the way you see. Skadi tried to kill me three times when I was in Niflheim. Now she wants my babies. As you can see, things change.”

She had a weirded-out look. How did it change? It was a 180-degree change!

“You see, to practise Nature’s energy, the basic instinct must be sharpened. As a Shaman, I am more attuned to nature. Human cultural values are secondary to me.” His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. He started to whisper into her ear.

“To put it simply, I see a girl I like. I take her, pump her full of my stuff, and make her mine.”


“Ha! It is, but your body twitched from excitement.” His comment made her shiver. He was not wrong. It is a primal part of a woman to have the strongest man to continue the line.

“But it's interesting how close you devils are to humans,” Raynor commented as he realised Grayfia clicks like a normal human girl.

“What is that supposed to mean?” She slightly frowned at him.

“Nothing. You devils are like 90% humans, maybe even more, as your instincts are almost identical to those of humans.” He shrugged and returned to cooking his food.

“You are the first human to say that. Not that I can confirm your accusations.”

He laughed again when he heard how she worded it!

“Oh my. ‘Accusations.’ Do you realise that I am a hunter? My brain is wired to compile things for my next hunt. I have hunted your kin before. I inspected devil blood, those bat wings, even the energy.

When I say 90%, I say that devils are species based on humans. It's like someone took a template and altered it before releasing it to the world.

I am not saying it like that—all I am saying is how I see after hunting Old Satan faction members and inspecting their corpses.” 

Grayfia, for a second, spaced out before processing his words. 

“...sigh...I see. Since humans can impregnate devils, it makes sense.” She didn’t want to agree but what he said was true.

“Oh, that is true as well.”


“You already forgot what you did to me?” Her red eyes narrowed slightly at him with some anger.

“No, I am just looking forward to more action.” 

Her anger immediately disappeared, replaced by fear. Raynor didn’t need much to make her feel that way!

“...I…need to rest before I can perform properly.” She tried to wiggle around this! There was no way she could take several more sessions. Her body would break!

“Oh, do you want to perform? I do want to see Lucifuge’s training when it comes to serving her Lucifer.” 

Grayfia internally grimaced. Did he just cornered her into making her act like a bedwarmer?

“Since I am your maid, I will do so. I only require several days of rest.” The Silver-haired maid wanted to give herself enough time to recover. Maybe if he allowed her to take control of the pleasing part, she wouldn’t suffer that much! Perhaps he could allow her to create a maid squad to take some heat from her.

One thing is for sure: she has enough experience running a household.

“Hmm, that is fine. We will be staying in the spa for a while until I need to return to this reality.” He said this as he looked at the unique starry sky of Westeros. 


“This is where I learned my tricks—the world stuck in a perpetual Medieval Era.”

“...So you can travel freely here?” Her eyes widened in surprise. Such a unique skill!

“Yes. Now, let’s eat.” He pulled out the barbeque from the makeshift grill.

Her eyes went to the food. There was some desire to stuff herself with that food.

~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

Raynor sighed in satisfaction as he submerged himself in the SPA’s hot bath. He returned to the Hotel, cleaned all the evidence that Grayfia was here, and now he was enjoying the rest.

He recalled Grayfia for now, as he would summon her later once he returned to Dragonstone properly.

“Oh, right, let's see her stats~”

With a thought, he summoned his Companion window:

[Grayfia Lucifuge]

[Type: Devil]

[Bloodline: Lucifuge, From Extra Devils Clans]

[Magic: Ice, Devil, Dark, Soul]

[Talents: Household Management, Discipline, Ice Magic, Servitude]

[Obedience: 80%]

[Loyalty: 50%]

‘I can bet my Dragon eggs collection that she has fetishes related to maids and being a slave to her master.’

Raynor concluded after seeing her stats.

“Stats? What are those?” Tsufaame appeared in front of him. Her eyes looked at ‘him’, more like at his chest.

“It's something I got from whatever force sent me to that medieval world. I can see a ‘summary’ of people who became my summons.”

“So what do you see?”

“Classic devil talents for a specific brand of magic and array of skills, such as household management, discipline and servitude.

It looks like what a Lucifuge should have.” Raynor explained to her with a small shrug.

“Curious ability you have.” 

To her reply, he shrugged again. After that conversation, he decided to enjoy the bath as it looked like the sun was starting to rise.

‘Well, that was quite a fruitful night.’

But then he sensed a familiar aura. A black-haired beauty sneaked into the bath and got close to him. He doesn’t even need to look to know who it is.

“It would seem you have finished those things,” Skadi commented in a happy voice as she hugged his arm and got even closer.

“Indeed. You can feel how the water is more smooth than ever.” 

“Yes~” She moved even closer as the beauty placed her bum on his lap.

But then she frowned as she sensed something.

“So what did you do to that sneaky devil maid?” The Goddess asked with a frown.

“I took care of her.” His words had several meanings. 


“You need to do me before you can do your servants. I get priority as your wife!” 

Skadi was angry not because he fucked the maid or someone else wife but because he didn’t do her first before going to the maid.

The Jotun Goddess was built differently. 

“Well, you went to sleep when she attacked me.”


“She tried to sneak attack you? These devils sure are arrogant~” As she said that, she started to rub her bum on his tool. She began to awaken the beast.

The situation was perfect for her to get knocked up. They were inside the bath, which improved their fertility.

But all Raynor did was snort internally. The goddess is trying to balance out their relationship. 

“Of course they are. Similar to my dear wife.”

“Oh? I didn’t underestimate you after our first encounter. But these devils know the truth, yet they try something silly.

As she said, she positioned herself properly to get that tool. 

Seeing that horny look, the Shaman decided to give what she wanted. 


At the morning table, everyone gathered to eat their breakfast.

Sona looked at ‘glowing’ Skadi with a small frown. 

‘This Goddess is clueless, isn’t she? She didn’t even consider that Raynor has means to control fertility?’ The Sitri Heiress thought to herself.

The devil girl realised that Skadi was working towards that plan, which she had discussed the first day they met.

It's a perfect plan for normal individuals, but this situation is not normal. If she continues like this, it will be months until Skadi realises something is off. 

But then again, this annoys Sona as she is the first girl in this world he has! That means she should now plan to do something similar. 

However, good timing is now needed. 

The trio were with Raynor’s parents, so they didn’t discuss naughty activities they were doing. 

Instead, they all discussed Iceland and stuff they saw. 

Raynor’s mother quickly fell in love with how peaceful this place was, while Raynor’s father was similar in that he found that fishing here was quite a novel experience.

This conversation would look quite nice if not for the fact that it was with a Goddess, a Devil and a Shaman. 

“What are you going to do now?” Sona asked Raynor after breakfast.

“I have an array of things to finish in Dragonstone and hunt to restock my arsenal.” 

“...I see… then we can move the plan forward. I can return to Japan and study there then?” Sona suggested she start planning her home-field advantage when she gets that done. Her peerage is full of girls. They can help, too!

One thing Skadi lacks is subordinates!

“Sure, why not? Since this SPA is my home in a way.”

“Yes, well, don’t forget that you have one in Japan, which you still have to set up.” Sona reminded him about his other SPA.

“Oh, right.” 

“Then we should get that out of the way,” Skadi suggested as she walked over and hugged Raynor’s hand.

“We still need to test out those baths, too~” She whispered into his ear.

Internally the Shaman chuckled at how horny this Goddess can be when she needs it.

He still remembers how awkward she was before this.

“Sure thing.”

Raynor agreed. Why shouldn’t he? If she wants, then it's fine with him. 

After discussing this, Sona decided to teleport them to Japan, but they were interrupted by a crimson-haired man.

It was Sirzechs.

“Morning. It would seem the totems are ready.” The Crimson Satan can sense a peculiar energy radiating from the hot baths.

“Yes. We are going to Japan now to set those up before I return to my hunts.” Raynor normally replied, as if nothing he had done over the night, nothing at all.

“Good, then I will send the word that this place is ready.” 

The Shaman nodded at him.

“Yes, do so. The totems are active. They also have some security settings. For example, if anything happens to me, they will cease to work.” Raynor shared a couple of details about the totems.

“...Oh, I see. I will keep that in mind.”

After that, Sona took them to Japan while the Crimson Satan started to investigate his wife's whereabouts.

He can’t sense any remnants of Grayfia’s energy. It's like she has ceased to exist.

The current Lucifer explored the building, the hot baths, and the empty rooms, scanning the surroundings with his senses.

‘It is possible that he killed her and swiftly disposed of her. But, if that were the case, he would have gone on a killing spree by this morning.’ 

The crimson-haired devil pondered before using other methods to track her down.



Amazing chapter! 10/10

Antonio Pires

Lol as if he'll find her 🤣🤣🤣


Funny how he thinks that Mc would kill her as so far that is all he did. But some prey's are worth keeping around