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La Folia returned to Raynor and his group. She just finished hearing what the doctors said.

“Kanon is fine. There will be a couple of operations which will remove whatever her uncle did to her.”

“Uncle? That priest-like guy was her uncle?” Liliana was surprised to hear that.

“Yes. He is Kanon’s mother’s brother.” The princess explained to them.

“I see. That explains his ‘passion’ for trying to help her,” Erica sarcastically joked.

“Yeah. Anyway, how long will these operations be?” Raynor asked. He could just turn her into a vampire and be done with it.

“It would take a couple of months. Thankfully, we can in early as if she had tried to transition more into an angel, it would have damaged her body more.” As La Folia explained, she got close to Raynor and started to whisper.

“Please, let her recover first. After she is conscious, you can ask her if she wants to be a vampire.” She said that while slightly leaning into his chest.

Her actions were classic seduction, but all this did was amuse him. How confident is she that he wants another silver-head? Sure, the girl is quite innocent-looking. It pulls his ‘demonic’ nature. But he was in Strike the Blood; he is more interested in real witches with grimoires and priestesses.

‘Ah yes, the prison holds one of the more extreme examples of the real witch, but for now—’

Raynor’s hands wrapped around the princess as she pulled her more into himself.

“Since you want my attention that much, we can take this to the room next door,” he whispered into her ear. His comment made her blush a storm. She knew that he would do things to her if he said he would.

“M-Maybe not in a hospital?” La Folia felt like retreating for a second.

She needs to delay!

“Of course, since you are a princess, you can get us a residence in this place,” Raynor inquired as he changed the topic of conversation.

“Yes. I can, I can do it now.” She said while looking away. A blush started to appear on her cheeks as she felt his hands squeezing her rear.

It would seem she needs to be careful when it comes to seduction, as he might as well take her right here!

“Oh, then be a good girl and do that.” After saying that, he let her go. La Folia swiftly retreated.

Her actions made Raynor chuckle as he commented to his other girls.

“She thought she was dealing with a classic Japanese Light novel character. Sadly, if she is channelling that she wants to ‘do it,’ then she will get what she is channelling,” The Storm King said with an amused tone.

“She expected a stuttering mess?” The witch of the group pondered.

“I would say she thought she could use classic tactics since there is no way she could overpower you. Classic female manipulation is the second choice; most of the time, it's the only option,” Erica explained with crossed arms.

“Oh, my knight sure is knowledgeable. I wonder if she ever tried something on me,” Raynor commented in a lazy tone, making Erica start to panic.

“I-I only tried subtle methods! A-And at our earliest of meetings!” The blonde tried to explain herself as she was waiving her hands. 

There was no way she was going to give this late in the game, especially given how tightly connected she is to her King!

But, all this did was take the Storm King laugh, seeing that flustered look.

“He is messing with you.” Liliana saw through this as she sighed. Sometimes, Erica can be like a brick and not see the obvious, but other times, her perception is the best of the group.

“...Oh…” That realisation made the blonde look at the hospital’s tiled floor from sheer embarrassment.

“And here I thought you were a strange group. But it would seem you are just a pack of teenagers with a lot of power,” The Witch of the Void said with a realised look.

“Oh, you still here. I thought you escaped to the hills.” Raynor casually commented. 

“For your information, this city is under my protection.” She said with an annoyed look.

“As long as you are here, I will have to look after you, making sure you don’t do anything crazy.” Natsuki tried to sound confident, but her voice said otherwise. By this point, she sounded like she hated her job.

“Oh? So why don’t we continue our ‘fight’? I do need to find that castle of yours~” Raynor’s curiosity slammed back as he looked at her like a predator stalking a lamb.

“It's a prison. All you will be doing is releasing wanted and very dangerous criminals.” She explained to him as she was feeling threatened.

“Wait, you are a jailer?” Erica realised what this meant.

“The Jury, the prison, the gatekeeper, the jailor… all of it. So if you attack real me, you could potentially release all the criminals.”

She tried to address his compassion, but it only made him amused by how quickly she was flipping through her emotions.

One moment, she is goading him. The next one, she is all obedient. 

“Then why are you asking me to break the prison?”

“I don’t!”

“But you are. Learn to read the atmosphere; otherwise, I will drop a meteorite on your prison.” He eyed her and rolled his eyes.


“Apollo’s authority, I can weaponise his chariot and sling it like a meteorite. Its power output is variable, but with Primogenitor’s extra output, I can turn into a meteorite~.”


Now, she feels like she needs to swallow that defeat and become an obedient little puppy. This Primogenitor is far too terrifying.

‘For now, that is. First, I need to find Himeragi and speak with her!’

Just like that, Natsuki disappeared. 

“Oh, She is gone.”

“She couldn’t take that defeat.” Ena casually commented. As a proud warrior, that witch couldn’t handle it. 

“Don’t matter now, does it? I know where she is all the time.” Raynor was already planning to do something about that prison.

A vampire, after all, needs to keep his cattle somewhere.

So why not just take the whole prison for himself? 

That’s the most obvious conclusion to the Storm King. If he controls the prison, he can use those chains to yoink people into the cells and then just drain their powers/authorities/bloodlines.

Very convienient power.


Yukina Himeragi groggily opened her eyes as she saw the trees and the ocean in the distance. She was lying on the side while her back touched the tree trunk.

She was swung so hard that she passed out from the shock of the impact the moment her back slammed into the tree.

That guy was incredibly strong.


She ignored her pain and slowly stood up and looked around. Her eyes immediately spotted a guy sitting while leaning against the tree. His back was hunched, and there was blood leaking from his chest.

“N-No!” She swiftly dashed to the corpse. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw that it was a mummy! The guy was completely drained her senpai’s power!

The girl gently touched him, but her hand swiftly moved back as she felt that his body was cold and very skeletal.

‘That guy used some sort of powerful magic to strip all of his power!’

A cold chill passed through her body. To think that there exists a force that could do something like this to a Vampire Primogenitor!

‘I need to get out of this island! I need to report this development!’ Yukina felt an urge to report such a development to her higher-ups. 

If this new threat can do something like this, then no one is safe. He could drain everyone's powers and make himself insanely powerful. 

If he is left unchecked, he could strip everyone's powers, and then no one could stop him. The balance of power in this world would be destroyed forever. 

After thinking for a bit, Yukina decided to bury the corpse.

Around half an hour later, after utilising her magic, she was able to bury her senpai. After paying her respects, she thought of a way to leave this island.

“No doubt that man already went to the closest concentration of powers, Itogami Island.”

For a second, she pondered her move. If he is on that island, then it could be a battlefield. Returning to mainland Japan would be difficult. 

But it's the only way she knows how to return. They are in the Pacific Ocean, and the closest civilisation is hundreds of miles away apart from Itogami Island.

She has no other choice but to go to Itogami Island.

But then her eyes widened as she saw smoke!


Yukina frowned for a second before proceeding to walk there to investigate.

However, what she saw after walking for a bit has chilled her to the bone!

‘Those are…’ 

What she saw was a small Viking village!

She saw a longhouse, several other houses and tens, if not hundreds, of Vikings doing something!

After watching for a while, she came to the conclusion that this was some sort of magic thing. Vikings are just coming out from the longhouse; they all have identical clothes, shields and weapons. 

This place was that man's doing! He has some sort of power that allows him to make Vikings and then raid!?

‘Is he some sort of diety? No other beings could do such a thing. Not even Vampire Primogenitors can pull this off.’

Something like producing warriors from a ritual that is unheard of.

‘I need to get out of here—’

At that moment, she felt a cold steal touch her cheeks.

“Little girl, what do you think you are doing?” A Viking asked with a cold tone.

“...Umm, do you know a place where I could board a ship?” Yukina asked with nervous laughter. She was trying to sound like someone who lost herself in the wrong place. It doesn’t help that she was carrying a broken spear.

“Yes, we do actually, but first, we will tie you up and offer you to our boss. No hard feelings.” 


Before she could comment, another one smacked her on the head and knocked her out.

‘They are vampires, too?’ Before she could say anything, she saw their crimson eyes before losing consciousness.


“Hmm, they captured Yukina. What a pleasant surprise! I thought that lamb ran away, but she returned to me.” Raynor, who was enjoying the city view in the evening, saw what his Vikings had shown him.

“But this does feel pleasant. I can feel that my powers have slightly increased in the middle of the night.” he lifted his hand and looked at his palm, spreading and then clenching. He could feel there was an extra feeling of a rush. It was similar to how he was about to face a Heretic God.

It was like a feeling which told him to let loose and have some fun.

‘And that is what I am going to do.’

He looked in a specific direction before starting to fly there. He was flying directly where the prison was.

As he arrived at the place, he felt that there was nothing there. He could easily pass through, but if he wanted to channel his mana and try to ‘grab’ it, there was a barrier.


“What do we have here~”

Two female voices greet him.

Raynor slowly moved his head to the side. He saw two females, no less, on brooms, looking at him.

‘Well, well, volume 4 already started?’ He chuckled, seeing legit witches.

“You want to break in, Mr. Vampire? We can help you with that,” one girl dressed like an Arab belly dancer said in a purring voice.

‘This place is full of sultry evil thots.’ The Storm King thought to himself as he looked at the pair smiling at him. The other witch was legit, with black robes and that big hat. But that smile was as evil as it gets.


krane 97

He needed servant, unless like the viking he can create Witherspoon his power


Current Raynor reminds me of Nord Vampires from Skyrim. Images he goes all roleplaying as Scandinavian Noble Vampire. All he needs is a version of a 'Sebastian' to become proper 'Vampire Noble'

Ofeq 2003
