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December’s “Tales from Treehollow” bonus comic is by the amazing Nicole “Thornwolf” Dornsife!

Parsley’s brother Cilantro helps him navigate his feelings around losing a loved one through some helpful brotherly advice. How will Cilantro’s words help Parsley learn to cope?

While this month’s storyline deals with a heavy topic, my hope is that Cilantro’s words will resonate with and help anyone else who’s lost a loved one, too.

About “Tales from Treehollow” Bonus Comics

Can't get enough of Tamberlane? Tales from Treehollow is a collection of short canon quarterly comics and monthly short stories written by myself and Ari “Metajoker” Borhanian and drawn by guest artists for the Tamberlane Patreon! Each comic and story is released via private message as a PDF download. The PDF contains not only the 5-page guest comic but behind-the-scenes artwork and writeups, extra lore and worldbuilding, and lots of awesome stuff you don't get to see in the main comic!

Every month a new one is released to all patrons who, on the fifth of the month, are pledging $5 or more. After 1 month, they're made available for purchase to all patrons; after 3 months, the public can purchase them as well!

Half of all sales go to the artist who drew them. Support your local indies!

If you're not already, be sure to pledge at $5 or above before 11:59pm PST December 4th to be added to the list to receive "Signs of Grief"!

Missed out on previous Tales from Treehollow?

Get previous Tales from Treehollow here

Discord: Next month’s “Tales from Treehollow” bonus comic is “Signs of Grief” by Nicole “Thornwolf” Dornsife/@Thornwolf#6372

In this comic, Parsley’s brother Cilantro helps him navigate his feelings around losing a loved one through some helpful brotherly advice. How will Cilantro’s words help Parsley learn to cope?

Pledge at least $5 to the Tamberlane Patreon before December 5 to receive this comic! patreon.com/tamberlane




Yes, it's a sad topic, but I think that sooner or later, unfortunately, everyone is faced with this in their lives (after all, this is difficult to avoid and it is not in our power), so Cilantro’s words will come in handy for many