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Today's comic is written by me and drawn by Leah Briere for the Chapter 3 book. Go check out her comic at LazJones.com and support her Patreon for lots more wonderful content!

Tamberlane  is currently on break until I have 10 pages of buffer! Want to keep  track of what's being worked on? You can check out the Tamberlane  Team's Airtable here, which has the status of a bunch of pages for ya! This will continue to  be maintained after the break (just like it existed before the break,  but I never thought to share it XD)

Thanks for your patience! Pledge $5 or more for content in the meantime, and to watch me work on pages during the weekday.



Garrett Simpson

Aw!! Your characters look great in her style!


very nice,go and save your sister Belfry! :-)


This is such a cute comic, I was touched by his soulful and warm attitude towards his sister.