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What? A new page?? HOORAY! It occurred to me over the weekend that rather than hoarding a bunch of almost-finished pages to get done in a spree, maaaaybe you guys would prefer to see pages finished more often during the break ;) It's no difference to me one way or the other; it's about an hour to finish a flatted page, so I can knock em out easy.

So expect more pages uploaded this week!

In the meantime, thank you SO much for your patience. This break was extremely helpful for getting a big bunch of work done and a nice big buffer so I have lots of lead time to work with when I'm sick. 

Want to keep track of what's being worked on? You can check out the Tamberlane Team's Airtable here, which has the status of a bunch of pages for ya! This will continue to be maintained after the break (just like it existed before the break, but I never thought to share it XD)

ANYWAY, looks like we're about to get into SPOOKTOWN!!! Piper has a wicked story of haunted transportation to shock and entertain +_+




Is her bell getting bigger, or is she getting smaller?


The Phantom Wagon! anything but that!.....eh whats the Phantom Wagon?^^