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Email: artist@cvilbrandt.com

Should you have any questions or need to reach out, feel free to contact me! You can get a hold of me via Patreon message, or by email at artist@cvilbrandt.com.

Opt Out of Public Thank You's

Some rewards involve calling out specific patrons by name as a way of thanking you, including in books and PDFs published while you're supporting the Patreon. Not everyone wants to be called out, though, so please fill out the above form if you'd like to opt out of specific recognition!

Art Studies

I plan on using Fridays to do whatever art I want to do, and that includes a list of art study topics I want to practice. $100+ patrons can submit characters to the above form -- as many as they like, including their own OCs! -- and choose the top study subjects they'd like to see that character used for.

When I pick up a topic, I'll choose a character from the pool that interests me and thank the patron in writing on the finished piece. Having your character chosen is not guaranteed. This is not a commission or a request. This is me wanting to give back to such generous folks by giving them an option to participate in my art studies.

Please note that the password for the form is viewable on this post.

Commission Discounts

Commission discounts will be applied to your invoice when you commission me.


These are exclusive to our public Discord, hosted in private Patron-only channels. Patrons with linked Discord accounts will automatically join and be given their roles. Follow this guide to link your Discord account to your Patreon account.


For your Comic PDF ($5+ tier) and TfT ($25+ tier) downloads, your discount codes are available at the above links. Discount codes can be redeemed at the Tamberlane shop.

All future main-series single-volume PDFs will be added to the Free Tamberlane PDFs perk as they're made available.

Early Comic Pages

You can read these pages on our Discord or here on Patreon under the Comics ($2+ tier) and Early Pages ($10+ tier) tags. Discussions tend to be far more active on our Discord, so keep that in mind if you want to chat about the pages with fellow readers! Spoiling or otherwise distributing early access rewards will result in your access being revoked by whatever means necessary.


Anyone who can ask questions of the cast may do so at any time, on any topic (though keep in mind we won't ever spoil things in the story, such as what is Abroad, or where did Tamberlane come from). When we have time, we'll pull a few of the questions from the form and answer them!

The format of the answer will vary. Sometimes we'll do little sketched comics. Sometimes we'll do headshots of characters talking back and forth. Sometimes, we'll schedule a specific date and time that a character will log into the Foxglove Comics Discord for a moderated discussion, where they will answer the appointed questions and converse with readers. Afterward, screenshots and possibly doodles will be provided and uploaded to Patreon, so no one misses out. What format we choose will depend on how we're feeling at the time.


This reward is prompted for and redeemed on the Foxglove Comics Discord.

Once per month, patrons who have the Taint reward can give 1 user in the Discord access to the Tamberlane Patreon channels for 1 month. This allows them to view any pages uploaded into the buffer that month, as well as participate in reader reactions, and view any private Tamberlane livestreams. It's a lovely way to give back to the community and to help readers who may not be able to afford a frequent subscription. Some folks even create contests to choose their monthly victim recipient!

(Legacy) Cameos

Cameos are no longer offered through my Patreon, but eligible patrons from the past can still check their cameo status and update or submit their characters with the links above.

(Legacy) Sketch Requests

Sketch requests are no longer offered, but patrons with outstanding requests can use the above link to check the status of the current queue.

🍂 Caytlin has chronic pain and fatigue.

If you're wondering why things are slow or release schedules are not as reliable as you'd like them to be, it's because Caytlin has chronic pain and fatigue. While she does her best to maintain a steady, uninterrupted pace, her health is her first priority and she often has to rest. This is why so many of the rewards are listed as periodic releases rather than put on a specific schedule. Thank you for your support and patience!

FAQ: Pledging

🍂 I'm interested in pledging! How can I view all the tiers on one page?

All of the current tier options can be viewed on one page here. Keep in mind that while you can make a custom pledge, doing so will not assign you to any tier or its perks, and you will not be able to see any tier-specific posts!

If you want to receive specific perks but are interested in pledging a higher amount than listed, be sure to select the tier rather than create a custom pledge, and then adjust your monthly amount as desired. Alternatively, if you are interested in just making a custom pledge and not receiving any perks, that is completely fine as well! Thank you for your support.

🍂 When am I charged?

Upon pledging, you are immediately charged for the current month and access to all of Patreon's backlog. All subsequent months will be charged on the anniversary of the day you pledged. For example, if you signed up on the 3rd of April, you will be charged again on the 3rd of May. 

Please note that Patreons using the subscription billing setup, like mine, are charged separately from the bulk Patreon charge. That means you will pay an extra fee if you are signed up to both kinds of Patreons. You can reduce the amount of fees you pay by pledging to any subscription billing Patreons on the same anniversary day, as Patreon will bundle fees together that go out on the same day. If this does not match your experience, please reach out to Patreon help for support.

🍂 I can only support at a lower tier, but I don't want you to think I'm cheap or stingy.

Honestly and truly, from the bottom of my heart, I would never think you're cheap or stingy! I treasure every lower tier supporter just as much as my higher tier supporters. In fact, lower tier support is vital to any Patreon, because high tier support fluctuates: few people can afford to stay at a high reward for long! So please don't worry, and understand that I appreciate every bit of support you offer, no matter the amount.

🍂 I have to lower or retract my pledge. Can I do that anytime?

Yes! You are welcome to lower or retract your pledge completely for any reason that you see fit, whether there has been a change in your circumstances or otherwise. Please take care of yourself first! I would much rather you be happy, healthy, and safe -- or even just spending your money on something that makes you happier!

Please note, however, that patrons who pay annually instead of monthly cannot reduce their pledge as long as their subscription is active.

🍂 Hey! I've just been banned from your Patreon! What gives?

This Patreon and its varied rewards are part of a community, and if you break the community rules, you lose access to rewards.

If you...

  • have created pornographic content of underage Tamberlane characters

  • persistently try to get around the rules (either here or on our community satellites, like the Foxglove Comics Discord server)

  • distribute Patreon-locked content to the public

  • are rude on a livestream, in the comments, or are otherwise disrespectful to myself, my team, or my community

  • treat the work myself or my team does as a disposable commodity

… you will be banned from supporting this Patreon, your current month will be refunded, and your rewards will not be fulfilled. Do note that this list is here to provide examples, and does not encompass all possible reasons for being banned.

FAQ: Rewards

🍂 When you edit the main comic, what happens to the comic PDFs I already downloaded?

So long as you downloaded them through the shop, when we update the PDF versions of Tamberlane to include the edits, you will automatically receive the edits through the shop. If you instead acquired them from previous delivery methods (like itch.io), please use the discount code Patreon provides you to download them anew from the Tamberlane shop. If you no longer have access to that code, please contact me at artist@cvilbrandt.com and we'll make sure you get your edited PDFs.

🍂 What kind of polls will you be doing?

Any kind! Whenever I need to poll for some kind of answer, provided the poll doesn't target a different demographic (like Bluesky users), I'll put the poll to my patrons. There's no specifics here, just a chance to be heard.

🍂 What's a "Tales from Treehollow"?

“Tales from Treehollow” is a collection of short canon comics and short stories drawn by guest artists! 

Whenever a new one is released, all patrons of the appropriate tier will receive a private message containing a link to download it for that month. After that month, the Tale from Treehollow is released onto the shop for the public to purchase.

As part of an ongoing effort to support community artists, Tales from Treehollow sales are split between the artist and the writer, with the Tamberlane shop taking a small cut.

While we'd love to put these out more frequently, unfortunately they are both effort intensive and very costly. So as of now, they are released as we're able to coordinate them.

🍂 Tell me about Caytlin's commissions.

Sometimes, Caytlin opens up for commissions. Patrons of a specific tier and above get special perks. She maintains her commission rates and terms of service here.

Although she'd love to promise slots, with the popularity of her work and her limited health and energy, that is untenable. She has to be able to pick and choose which works interest her the most. Thank you for understanding!


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