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And the second page up for patrons today! I haven't been able to get two pages done in a week, much less a day, in a very long time. Perhaps my new meds are starting to pick up, or perhaps this part of the scene was just easy. Only time will tell!

Artist's Commentary: 

That 2nd panel combined with the long panel in the middle were done to give a feeling of a long beat of silence. The length or size of a panel will always change the amount of time the eye travels across it when you read it, which will alter the perception of how much time is passing in the panel. It's a really nifty trick. And having the silent panel beforehand really stretches that out; plus the zoom-out in panel 2 emphasizes the emotional isolation they're feeling.

Originally, the word bubbles in panel 3 were situated at the beginning of the panel, but I felt that that interrupted that long silent beat too much. It works much better at the end. I also tried it with one part at the beginning and one part at the end, but this works much better.




Wilford B. Wolf

Oh, Belfry, you're still in the running for best Mom, but dang that's tempting fate with that promise....


almost sensing a "hero's journey" vibe.where Tamberlane does go to Abroad,but not without Belfry,and Oakewood,and Tess,and maybe Milo to assist Oakewood in his research.