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Hi there! Sorry for the radio silence; I was fighting bronchitis for the last month or so. But I've been thinking about this story pretty much non-stop. I think I've figured out the first part of the story, making it adequately gripping. (Since this is really the first time I've set out to make a serious attempt at writing, there's a lot of circling and prodding I'm doing, which I recognize, but it's certainly coming along) Anyway, in the interim, Grooveshark shut down which means I lost my playlist for this comic and I've been rebuilding it on Spotify. (You can listen to that here: https://open.spotify.com/user/121688995/playlist/2nlp5IFLUxRGp59LOIU3Kd ) Today I've been trying to get back into the groove of drawing so I decided to do some sketches as each song came on, depending on what part of the story might strike me at that time. Here's the full size version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tz7ivfndat4q6l/Music%20Drawings.png?dl=0 As you can possibly see, Aika has gone back to being a human instead of a wendigo, mostly because I felt it fit other characters better and added too many complications to keeping her character a clean read. Anyway, things are chugging; I've been trying to scan a lot of my sketches but our scanner is being a butt :| so we'll see how that goes.



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