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Figured you guys would like to see kitten pictures at least. They deserve all the love they can get and more.

This little girl was Mina. She was 10 weeks and only 1 pound.

Apparently these pictures want to post in weird orientations.

This is Oliver / Officer Nuggs. He was the sweetest, cuddliest kitten. He spent all of his time going from person to person for snuggles and love, and then yelling a lot. He had Opinions.

This was him today at the vet before we had to let him go. He's a snuggler. Love you, buddy. You brought us a lot of joy and laughter for a few days.




I'm so sorry Caitlyn.

Luuuuuuu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 10:44:18 <3
2018-11-29 00:14:45 <3
