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Hey guys, I just realized I never dropped a heads up over here. Due to a string of very bad luck, I have been out of commission the last two weeks. I should be back to working soon, but no guarantees as to when.

I hadn't mentioned it here before, but in July, Pepper -- the cat that Piper is based on -- passed away. After a long period of mourning, my husband and I decided to get another cat to be friendly with Tony (Anthony).

We picked out a kitten last week, a little runt we named Mina. Unfortunately we only had her for 15 hours before she'd been to the emergency vet twice and had to be put down.

After that, we rallied and tried again, picking out her brother who was named Officer Oliver C Nuggs. After a good few days, he too crashed and was in the emergency vet for the last five days. Today we had to put him down too. 

This, all on top of medical issues for myself and helping some dear friends and family with serious issues. I don't feel bad taking a break at all, but I'm glad that I have a buffer to support it. Thanks for your patience. (I'm doing okay and I'm well supported. Thanks <3)

Mid-December I've got a 30th birthday trip that'll take me out of the country, followed by a minor surgery when I get back, with recuperation. Then Christmas. So you can pretty much expect there won't be anything happening hardly in December, haha.


I might take an update break in there to make sure I've got time to catch up when I get back, which means fanart/comics are always appreciated. But mostly, things are okay, if a little heartsore.

I figured it would be good to know. Thanks for your support, everyone. <3



I'm so sorry for those cats you had to let go... Take as long as you need


Rest when you must. And wish you a very early happy birthday :D


Sorry for your loss. A break is for the best. Your health is more important, so take as long as you need.


Wow my condolences and hope you rest well.