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 WHEW!!! This is why there was an extra week of break. There are a lot of cameos in here, so let's identify them all!

Starting from left to right, we have:

Huni, the bunny, from Ashley Nichols

Hi again Parsley!

Peek, the korean water deer, from PK

The mouse and lion are just random townspeople.

Skelly, the cat (yes, a normal-ass animal), from Stray XIII

Jackie, the jackal-cat, also from Stray XIII

Cur, the jackal-gerboa, from Chaon

Stoker, the bat, from Stoker Bramwell

and Trisha, the marble fox, from Patrick Kingsley.



Welsh Rat

A bummed out Milo... Hi, Parsley!


Another ale, Parsley. Put it on my tab.