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WHEW!!! This is why there was an extra week of break. There are a lot of cameos in here, so let's identify them all!

Starting from left to right, we have:

Huni, the bunny, from Ashley Nichols

Hi again Parsley!

Peek, the korean water deer, from PK

The mouse and lion are just random townspeople.

Skelly, the cat (yes, a normal-ass animal), from Stray XIII

Jackie, the jackal-cat, also from Stray XIII

Cur, the jackal-gerboa, from Chaon

Stoker, the bat, from Stoker Bramwell

and Trisha, the marble fox, from Patrick Kingsley.


For composition, I really wanted to have a nice big panel of the tavern and make it look really nice. And more than that, I wanted to have a very stark "the scene has changed" feeling, and of course I wanted an opportunity to smoosh more cameos in there.

Once again, however, I'm on a wild adventure of "I don't know where the script is going" because my trajectory is adjusting after every page, haha. The corgs weren't supposed to stick around this long, but they're useful for storytelling! And there's a lot I'm coming to realize you guys should learn.



Stoker Bramwell

A vest and no pants, truly a timeless look! X) Thank you


Is Tagg blushing!? Aww!