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Today's chapter will be delayed. I'm still working on it, and it won't be ready by the regular time. I'm still committed to posting it today, and there will still be two chapters this week.

In other news, I'm working with my publisher to get book 1 ready for print and working with an artist to get a cover. They gave me some sketches (attached) with possible poses/layouts. This isn't really about clothes, but I still told them that Brin is a lot less fancy than that :) So far I like the zoomed out 1 and 2 the most, but we're still talking about it.

When I publish Book 1, and eventually Book 2, I'll have to take them off of Royalroad and Patreon. For subscribers, I'll provide a limited-time e-arc download so that you don't lose access to something you already paid for.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the cover? Any you like, or none of the above?




Are your sure you got right book cover theme here? If enyting this pictures rise the feeling: "onwards young mages. on to see the wider world whit expired /backups/mentor/bodyguard/" whits if I understand this right, is the starting them off the next book... 3. one. Not the first book. Now if I remember correctly first book was... 1.soul form ohter world get stuck in death-now magial resuscitation... (one that have no mentions off why magic brings in MC not the boy)- boys boby. In ransacked village, where dead marches in night. 2. Is mentally and emotionally unstable, Form suddenly changes evorments. Lost off old live, integrations whit society, meanings off securing living evorment. alongside the new world game like system. 3. Starts a spiralling in sanity. Get divine intervention, in form of [truth seeing skill] by God. MC stabilise, wakes up to reality and Start taking back his "focus of control" by setting traps around the place. 4.5.6.


Chapter still happening? Just double checking


He must be still be with editor for the book :)