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Hey, just thought I'd check in and let you know my plans going forward. Book 2: Bog Standard Illusionist is finished. I was heavily considering doing an epilogue, but I don't think the story needs it. I might come back around to this after I've firmed up the outline for book 3, but for now it's finished.

The Bog will continue! This story has been an absolute blast to write, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm just getting started. I'm extremely grateful for the enthusiasm and support you've all shown and I hope to provide Bog Standard stories for years to come.

I'm going to take a break from updates for a bit. I'm currently editing Book 1 for an amazon release, I'm working with my publisher on hiring an artist for the cover, and I need to do a lot of work firming up the outline for Book 3. Also, I think I'll take a few days and actually take a break, you know? I know a lot of guys who can knock out a couple chapters every morning before breakfast, but for me this is a lot of work. The current plan is to continue posting on the 28th, but I'll keep you informed if any of that changes. Hopefully I'll have some art or publishing news to share in the near future.

You've been a great audience. Thanks again for your support.



Have fun!

George R

Enjoy your break

Dylan King

Take your time and have a break, you deserve it and we will be here when you're back and ready to dive into book 3

Chien Do

Great story so far. Have a nice break, author. Both Brin and you deserve it.


Qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq I'm sad that you're going on break. But everyone needs them from time to time. Have a good break. Will wait expectantly until then.


Good job ^^ Well 8 days in not a break, it's just a delay :D

Jacob Mariorenzi

Im really excited to see where this story goes going forwards. My money is on book 3 being bog standard mage? I forsee some traveling to steamshield in brin's future


I’m excited for more sad I won’t have this to read until then but better to wait awhile over you burning out. Thank you for a great story!

Martin Kalum

I Mean the last chapter could just been called a epilogue. But enjoy your break


Just a thought that's been floating around in my head, but... Why can't he remember "Prince Rupert Drops" with his glass memory? They're a fairly famous novelty, but with his glass shaping abilities, the knowledge would be truly dangerous.

Chien Do

Something being cool is not the same as being usefull. PRDrop is a minor/weird phenomenom to milk content on Youtube, barely recognizable to the public, almost no use in everyday life so I thing it is not a match to the story theme as MC adapt to a new world. In a world where you can catch lightning in your hand like a party trick, introducing PRDrop seems too much work to over complicate your story. Easier ideas can be: making lens for telescope for navigation/microscope for studing cells and micro organizations (maybe mana and Wyrd)/ concentrating light for energy harvesting/ laser,.... easy to understand and many more usages.