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“Guild, guild, kimono shop, dry goods shop, tool shop, accessory shop, drugstore, public bathhouse...  a guildless system?”

No, wait, isn’t the drugstore fine? Isn't it?
I returned to the drug store I passed and entered the store.

“Do you buy potions?”
“We do─”
“Then please.”

I took out a high potion from Storage and handed it to the dwarf girl clerk-san.
Just to be clear, if she looks like a girl, even if she is over 100 years old, I’ll call her a girl. I don’t know if this girl is over 100 years old, though.

“Wo─w, you are a box holder I see! It's the first time I've seen one─!”
“Then, let's get to the appraisal right away─”

Not using any appraisal items, she just picked it up and started looking over it, so this clerk-san must have Appraisal Skill.
...Which means that if she had appraised me earlier when it was revealed that I’m a box-holder, she would have been more surprised, so she must be a polite person. My likability toward her is rising rapidly.

“A high potion, is it... Nn─? A high potion? ...A high potion!?”
“It’s a high potion.”
“Ee─h! Did you say high potion─!?”
“It’s indeed a high potion.”
“But this, its level isn’t displayed, you know─!?”
“It's a perfected high potion.”
“Hyoe─!? Something this amazing, there’s no way I can put a price on it─!”
“I see. Then I'll dilute it with water and make it into a potion.”
“You can't!! Please don't do that!!”
“Ah, yes.”

Her tone had been sluggish until just now, but it suddenly turned serious. She looked into my eyes with a serious expression that I feel like I'm going to fall in love with her.

The dwarf girl with fluffy brown hair, a bunny face, and black eyes hid my high potion behind her back and tried her best to keep it away from me, but since I own it, I feel like playing a little prank on her.

“Then how much would you buy it for?”
“That’s... umm, uhh... about 1 million en?”
“One million en?”
“That's a lie. I'm sorry. It was 2 million en!”
“2 million en?”
“Eh, uh, umm, 3 million en?”
“3 million en?”
“Uh, 4 million en... is impossible... 3.5 million en is my limit...”
“3.5 million en?”
“Ugh, ugh, 3.6 million en, this is my true limit...”
“3.6 million en?”
“Ah, ah, 3.65 million en is really my true limit!”
“3.65 million en?”
“It’s 3.65 million en!”
“3.65 million en...?”
“It's 3,65 million en! Anymore than that is impossible!”
“3.65 million en...”
“Uh, uu, 3.7 million en... please let me off with this! Please!”
“3.7 million en?”
“It’s 3.7 million en!”
“3.7 million en...?”
“It’s 3.7 million en!”
“...3.7 million en”
“Any more is impossible! At 3.7 million en, I'll actually be in the red! I can't go any further than this!”
“3.7 million en......”
“...Uuu, at 3.71 million en I should be able to get by with my secret stash...”
“Hmm, 3.71 million en, huh... I see, I see, so that’s how it is.”
“What’s with you?! I can't afford any more than this, you know!? If you want me to buy it at such a high price, please go somewhere else!”
“Then, can I have it back?”
“That high potion, give it back?”
“Ah, uh, how can that, it’s 3.71 million en, you know!? You can only get that kind of money here!?”
“Give it back? My high potion.”
“No, I don't want to... even though I was able to obtain such a valuable potion, this is just too much...”
“Give it back?”
“Uuuu, I don't want to, I don't want to! I won't return this! I bought this for 3.71 million en! This high potion is already mine!!”
“I see... then 3.71 million en is fine, but since when did you get the idea that I only have one bottle?”

I brought out about 100 bottles of high potion directly from Storage and onto the wooden desk.

“Ah, eh, what, is this...?”
“They're all high potions, you know? You'll buy them for 3.71 million en, right?”
“Aha, ahahaha, ahahahahahaha, ah?”

Perhaps her brain had overloaded its capacity, she suddenly started laughing, but then her eyes rolled over, the whites of her eyes showed, and she passed out.
Each of her reactions was so cute that I went a little overboard... I reflect.

I put the high potions I brought out on the wooden table and the high potion she was holding tightly in her hand into Storage, went back to the entrance of the store, took out a bathtub from my inventory, poured high potions into that bathtub, and filled it with water using Water Magic, until, while checking it with the Appraisal Skill to make sure it’s just a potion, diluted its potency. All that's left to do is fill the empty bottles that have become fertilizer in Storage with it and the potion is complete.
I've filled about 100 bottles, so I'll keep only 10 on hand and put the rest in Storage.

Now then, let's wake up the dwarf girl clerk-san with Awakening Magic.

“...Ha! ...A dream?”
“Excuse me. Do you buy potions?”
“Eh, huh? Just now... huh!? What about the high potions!? How much of that was a dream!?”

It's also cute to see her confused as she can't find the high potion she was supposed to be holding tightly.

“Um, are you okay?”
“You! You came here to sell a high potion, right!? You did, right!?”
“No, they’re just normal potions though...?”

I placed the potions I had in my hands on the wooden desk.

“You have an Item Box, right?”
“How can that... is that really a dream?”

She looked as if she had been bewitched by a tanuki and started groaning.
Aaahn, if she's so cute, won’t I want to bully her even more? Guhe, guhehe.

“How much would you buy them for?”
“Umm, wait a minute... fumu, fumu fumu, amazing! All of these potions have no impurity! I can buy all of these for 10,000 en!”
“10,000 en?”
“H-how about 12,000 en...?”
“12,000 en?”
“Haa... haa... could it be, is this a dream too?”
“What's wrong?”

The dwarf girl tried to pinch her own cheek, so I cast Paralysis Magic on her so it wouldn't hurt. How kind of me. Mufufu.

“It doesn't hurt at all... so this is just a dream...”
“A dream, is it? Then you can do anything, right?”
“If I were to realize that I was in a dream while dreaming, I would quickly do something lewd with someone nearby. When I realize that I am in a dream, I usually wake up quickly anyway.”
“Lewd things... If I ask you to get naked, will you get naked?”

I put away the clothes I'm wearing in my inventory and instantly become completely naked. This will probably make her recognize that this is a dream even more. Fuhihihi.

“It's really a dream... kihi, kihihi, I've always wanted to mess with a girl as hard as I can. It's a dream, so it's okay if I mess with you, right?”
“Go ahead.”
“Aha, ahaha! AHAHAHAHA!”
“No─! Guheh!?”

Huh? She didn't mean it in a lewd way, but in a violent way... well, it's nice to be beaten up by a cute girl, isn't it?

“ORA! ORAA! Ahahaha! It feels so good!!”
“It's okay if you go harder because it's just a dream, you know?”
“That's right! It's a dream, so it's okay no matter what I do, isn’t it! Ora! Ora!”
“Guh, guph, more! More, more!”
“Haa haa, take this! Ora! How’s that!”
“Gofh, gefuh, gyah.”

The dwarf girl who continued to punch, kick, and get so happy as she showed a crazy smile was the cutest thing ever. ...This child, can I make her mine?

"Haa haa... this is the best!”
“Fufu, that's good. Well then, it's about time you wake up from your dream.”
“Ee─h, just a little more─! Ow!?”

After I canceled the Paralysis Magic, it seems that she noticed the pain in her fist from hitting me so hard. She became teary-eyed and cute.

“Eh, huh... this is a dream, right? This is, why...?”
“Since when did you have the illusion that this was a dream?”

I took out clothes from my Inventory and put them back on.
When I put them in my Inventory it was done in an instant, but when I put them on, I had to do it manually, so should I make Dressing Magic later?

“Is it from selling potions? Or from selling high potions? Or was it always reality?”
“Ah, eh, that's a lie... because that's...! It's a lie! It all happened in a dream, after all, you! You weren’t hurt even though I hit you so much!!”
“Your fists were just weaker than my body.”
“Uh, eh, no, that’s, impossible!”
“But it’s reality! Reality!”
“Ugh, reality, this is reality? It hurts, it hurts... Ahahaha, reality...”

I took out a high potion from the Storage and sprinkled it on the dwarf girl's injured fist to heal it.

“We haven't introduced ourselves, haven’t we? My name is Lotorl.”
“...I'm Okuya.”
“Okuya-san. I have a bad habit of teasing cute girls when I see them. But Okuya-san also had an ugly desire to assault girls, so we're both the same, right?”
“...What’s, your point?”
“A high potion. I will sell it to you for 1 million en, so please listen to my request.”

When I whispered erotically into Okuya-san's pointed ears, which I thought are typical of dwarves, it seemed like she felt it more than I expected. It's erotic and cute.

“Y-your request?”
“Just a little massage.”
“Yes, it’s fine, right?”

Like this, Lotorl obtained 1 million en and the right to massage Okuya-san, and she enjoys it to the fullest extent of her desires.


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