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“Now then, this is where we part ways, Rin-san.”

As Rin-san took the trouble to guide me to the Gate to Ganasaki Island of Khizr Country, I bid her farewell.

“We'll meet again, right?”
“Yes, next time, I plan to come with my older sister, so please take care of us then.”
“So you have a big sister.”
“She's a cute older sister, so I'm sure she'll get along well with Rin-san quickly.”
“Fufu, then I'll be looking forward to that time.”

I waved to Rin-san and went to the counter floor to buy a travel permit for Ganasaki Island of Khizr Country, where the receptionist told me that it costs 500,000 El, and I returned to Rin-san.

“What’s wrong?”
“Money, I didn't have enough...!”
“I see.”

Rin-san looks kind of happy. As for me, I feel like if there's a hole, I want to be buried there.

And so, I headed to the Adventurer's Guild with Rin-san to make some quick money.

“Requests with high rewards are always really difficult, you know?”
“I’m thinking of selling some potions.”
“I see.”

When I entered the Adventurer's Guild, there was a silver-haired receptionist with lizard-like features who was arguing with Rin-san from yesterday, so I asked her to buy some a high potion.

“I’d like to sell this.”
“Good morning. Selling a potion, is it. Please wait a moment.”

She took out a magnifying glass for appraisal and carefully appraised the high potion, but there are no strange ingredients in it, you know?
Or is it that having zero impurities is strange instead?

“...I'm sorry, but please wait a little longer. I cannot determine the purchase price, so I will call the person in charge here.”
“I understand.”

Could it be that the Appraisal Skill Level of the magnifying glass was low and they couldn’t find out their ingredients and potency?

As I waited for a while, comforting myself by massaging Rin-san's soft hands, I saw a pink mini dragon flapping their wings and coming towards us from behind the counter.

Eh, CutE...

“Sorry to have kept you waiting! You said you would like to sell a potion, but is this not a high potion?”
“That’s right, so...?”

Is there any problem with high potions?
Or rather, this mini dragon, her voice is also crazy cute though, can I take her with me?

“I see. Well, I'll buy the high potion for 2 million el!”
“So high!? Lotorl, it was 2 million el!!”

When she heard the high price of 2 million el, Rin-san grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me in excitement.

“Please calm down, Rin-san. But that's certainly a high price. It was 1 million el in Lycorus Country, is that the correct price?”
“EEH!? It’s 1 million el in Lycorus Country!? If so, I'd like to renegotiate to a lower price! How about 1.5 million El?”

She’s way too bad at negotiating prices, but she’s cute so it's OK!

“You can’t! Lotorl too, don’t say unnecessary things, that’s a big loss isn’t it?!”
“Now, now, as long as I have enough money to go to Khizr country, I’m fine with that.”
“I suppose it's true that 1.5 million el is too low! How about 1.9 million el?”
“Like I said, you can’t! You said 2 million El in the beginning, so it has to be 2 million El!”
“Uuu... then we'll buy it for 2 million, el... hics."

I feel a strange sense of guilt as if I'm bullying a mascot character, or rather, why should I feel guilty when it's Rin-san who is bullying the mascot character?

“Then let's do this; in exchange for fulfilling my wish, you can buy it for 1.5 million el.”
“What kind of wish is it that’s worth 500,000 el?”
“Well, um, I want to hug you, I guess... is that okay?”
“That’s a cheap price to pay!”
“EE─H! 500,000 el for a hug!?”
“That just means it's worth that much to me. Rin-san too, if you let me hug you, I'll pay you 500,000 el.”
“Uuu... we're best friends, just a hug is, I’ll give it to you for free, you know...!”
“Rin-san... gyuu─”
“Lotorl... gyuu─”
“Um, I’m...”

It seems that Rin-san has deep trust in me.
I feel like my friendship with Rin-san has deepened even more.
In my head, a mysterious voice whispered.

Thou hast at last obtained the bond of truth.
Here, the power of friendship opens its innermost depths.
I grant thee the ultimate power of friendship.

Lotorl has obtained the irreplaceable power of bonds!

Friendship Bonus Skill has been added!!

“What is, this...”
“What’s wrong?”
“I feel like I received some strange radio waves... No, it's nothing.”

When I checked my Skills with Appraisal Skill, I found that a Friendship Bonus Skill had been added.
Something must have happened to the rebellious god Sananouta who became the assistant of the god in charge of Skills. How scary...

But well, I guess I could at least take a look at the explanation of the Skill she took the trouble to give me.

Friendship Bonus Skill, adds a 100% bonus experience point for every connected friendly unit within the Skill's area of effect, and also adds a 10% bonus experience point to those friendly units.

Does this feel like a game? Right? But it's an insanely useful skill, so I'll leave it as is. Thank you very much, goddess Sananouta-sama.

“Um... what about the hug...?”
“Ah, yes. Let me hug you.”

It turned into something strange, but it wasn't a bad thing, so let’s hug the pink mini dragon-san tightly now.


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