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“Mama, this is so delicious!”
“We have seconds, so make sure you eat plenty.”

After that, I cook dinner for Nrva-chan, who has regressed into a baby, and we eat together. By the way, at Nrva-chan's request, I cook a lot of vegetable dishes.

“We’ll stay together forever, Mama.”
“You’re such a pampered child, Nrva-chan.”

I also seem to have awakened my maternal instincts, so I’m firmly acting as Nrva-chan’s mama, but how long should I continue this?

“Kefu, I’m full!”
“You ate well. Admirable, admirable.”
“Fufun. Nrva's stomach is a great forest after all.”
“That’s amazing.”

Don't calm down and think about it, Lotorl. There was no need for a sanity check, you are already in the embrace of insanity.

After finishing the meal, I listened to Nrva-chan's recent stories, the kind a child would tell, such as how she found a beautiful flower and saw strange butterflies flying around. When she got tired of talking, we went into bed and I sang her a lullaby and put her to sleep.

The next day.

“Please forget everything.”
“Nrva-chan is cute. Good girl, good girl.”
“Please, stop it... I'm so embarrassed, I’ll die...”

Nrva, who had regained her senses after a good night's sleep, remembered yesterday's silliness and her face turned so red that smoke rose from her head.
She’ll be too pitiful if I tease her too much, so let's stop treating her like a baby.

Now then, the bathtub I made yesterday was rather in the way, so I used Cleaning Magic to clean it and put it away in my Inventory.

“Ah, I guess you’re taking it with you...”
“Shall I sell it to you at my asking price?”
“How much would you say the market price is?”

I don't know the market price of a bathtub, but I think it was around 50,000 to 500,000 yen in my previous life. Huh? Was that the price for the entire bathroom? How much is the price of just the bathtub?
I suppose there’s no point in thinking about it based on the market price in my previous life.
It’s not widespread at all in ordinary households in this world, so it probably costs around 300,000 El.

“It’s 10 million El.”
“That’s too expensive.”
“I'm just kidding. I don't know the market price, but I think it's probably around 300,000 El.”
“I'll buy it!”

She is a ponkotsu elf who fell for the fraudulent trick of first saying an exorbitant price and then offering a fair price, which makes it seem like the price has gone down.

Nrva transferred 300,000 El from her card to my card, and I took out the bathtub from my Inventory and put it back in the same place. Kekeke, what a profitable business.

“If you don't have Skills or magic to replace the water, preparing a bath can be quite a hassle. Is that okay?”
“Yes, it'll be okay as long as Mama is here, right?”
“Ah, no, that’s not it... Totorl-chan, right?”
“It's Lotorl. To think you got my name wrong, Mama is so sad...”
“I-I'm sorry, Mama! I mean! Lotorl-chan!”
“Better yet, it’s fine if I officially become your mama, you know?”
“It’s fine!? I mean! I'll refrain!”
“Nrva-chan is a good girl. Come to Mama.”
“There, there, good girl, good girl, Nrva-chan is so cute.”
“What, are you guys doing...?”

As I did mama play with Nrva-chan and was teasing and cuddling Nrva-chan who couldn't resist regressing into a baby and hugged me, Stia came before we knew it, and Nrva-chan's face turned bright red as she was showing an unthinkable disgraceful behavior.

“This is, different, okay?”
“Your friend is here, so let's continue later, okay? Nrva-chan.”
“Un!! ...Wait, that's not it, this isn't what it looks like, Stia will understand, right?”
“Yes, I understand very well. Lotorl-chan, would you please come to me? If you are near that deviant, your head will turn weird too.”
“You don’t understand at all!?”

After that, misunderstandings continued to lead to misunderstandings, and in the end, they pulled my left and right arms toward them, each saying, “Mama is mine!” and “I'll raise this child!” They fought over me, just like in the story I saw in my previous life, about people fighting over a child.

My body is made of aero adamantite, so no matter how much they pull me, there will be no problem, but unless I get hurt, it seems like they'll keep pulling me forever, so I wanted to see how long the two of them could hold out with their stamina, so should I wait for a while and see how it goes?

“Let go!”
“You too!”

10 minutes have passed.

“Enough already!”
“You first!”

20 minutes have passed.


30 minutes have passed.

“Haa haa...”
“Fuu fuu...”

1 hour has passed.

“I can't do it anymore...”
“I can't do it anymore...”

Lotorl WIN!

Geez, that was a long battle, wasn’t it.
In the end, they both let go of my arm at the same time and collapsed to the floor.
It was so much fun watching these two beauties fighting and abusing each other over me.

“I'll be going now, so both of you please be moderate in your fighting and live in harmony from now on.”
“D-don’t leave me behind...”
“Let's, live together...”
“Well then, Arrivederci!”

Lotorl coolly left the scene.


(T/N: that Arrivederci, apparently, it’s a JoJo reference. I don’t watch anime much, so I didn't know about this until I googled it.)

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