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I remembered that I had left my insect cage at the orphanage, so I went to a secluded back alley, opened a teleportation gate, and came to the back of the orphanage.

“I have to retrieve the insect cage quickly.”

It's only been a few hours since I left, so I don't think it's likely that it was sold to a merchant, but more than that, I can see me getting scolded by Sensei for coming back to the orphanage so quickly. I hate that.
I have to collect the insect cage secretly and more importantly, quickly.

“Slowly and quietly, slowly and quietly...”
“What are you doing?”
“Uwa!? Wait, it’s you, Lefie? Please don't scare me.”

Even though I sneaked into the orphanage without making a sound, Lefie immediately found me.
I was conceited, thinking it would be fine even if I didn't use covert-type magic. Failure failure.

“Did you forget something?”
“That's right, that’s right. I forgot my insect cage. Did Lefie leave it in the room where we were?”
“Insect cage? Who knows? I don't know.”
“I see. Well, it's probably there.”

Since Lefie found me, I decided to stop sneaking around and walk openly through the orphanage. If Sensei finds me, she’ll find me. I’ll talk about the situation honestly then.

“I'm pretty sure it was in this room... oh, there it was. Aah, I’m glad.”
“Hey, hey? What kind of insects do you keep?”
“Eh, they’re beetles or crickets though?”
“Can I see?”
“Sure, that's fine.”

I don't want to stay in the orphanage too long, but I can't refuse my cute little Lefie's request.
I remove the cloth bags and put the insect cage on the floor.

“Waa, what a pretty stag beetle! There's also a rhinoceros beetle!”
“Isn’t it? Isn’t it? Just by listening to the chirps of these bell crickets and crickets, your injuries and illnesses will heal. Isn't it amazing?”
“It’s amazing! H-hey, Lotorl-chan... I have a favor to ask of you.”

Lefie is fidgeting and wriggling around while looking at the stag beetle.
I'm a very perceptive person, so I knew exactly what Lefie was going to ask for.
It's a request from the cute little Lefie, so I can't bluntly refuse it.

“It can't be helped. I'll give you the bell cricket and cricket.”
“Ee─h! I want the stag beetle!"
“No. When Lefie becomes an adult, it might be okay to give it as present for a commemoration though.”
“Really. I won't lie to Lefie.”
“Yatta─! Thank you, Lotorl-chan!”

Aa─h, how cute the happy Lefie is! I want to hug her, pat her head, and shower her cheek with kisses right now!
Haa, so cute! Leffy-chan I luv you!

“Aaan, Sensei want a present from Lotorl-chan too.”

Before we knew it, the blonde gorilla had arrived and her eyes were fixed on the golden-colored rhinoceros beetle and rainbow-colored stag beetle. Where did you come from, you damn third wheel?

* (T/N: third wheel literally means disturbing insect.)

“Ah? What?”

As expected, these insects aren't things that can just be given away, so I have to somehow deceive her...

“No, it’s nothing... Well, it's about time I go.”
“Ee─h, you are leaving already?”
“Let's meet again somewhere, Lefie.”
“Yeah! See you, Lotorl-chan!”

I wrapped the insect cage containing the rhinoceros beetles and stag beetles in the cloth bag and quickly left the room.

“I. w.a.n.t a present.”

However, Sensei went around and cut in. I can't escape.

“...Haa. Haa, then, have some insect food here.”
“The chirps of the bell crickets and crickets have a healing effect, so if you breed them properly, won’t you make a profit?”

She didn’t specify the gift, so I took out six months' worth of insect food from Storage and gave it to Sensei before running away from the orphanage like a fleeing hare.

“Ah, hey! Wait! Jewels! Leave jewels behind!!"
“I don't want to! By the way, crickets are really delicious, so they're good for emergency food! Goodbye!”

The blonde gorilla going ‘gya gya’ while chasing me like a monster hag, to put it bluntly, looked like a monster.
So that the monster wouldn't catch up with me, I used Acceleration Magic and escaped.


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