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“Threa─d, pull pull, threa─d, pull pull, pu─ll it, pu─ll it, boom boom boom.”
“That’s one weird song.”
“Dear threa─d, wind it up, wind it up, dear threa─d, wind it up, wind it up, mince it up, mince it up, again, again, and again.”
“...It’s really weird, you know?”

After that, I restored Alrina's Skills back, disguised the Skill section on her guild card, and right now, the two of us are currently working on the thread winding quest in the Sewing Guild's workshop.

It's a simple job of winding cotton or wool onto a large wooden bobbin using a spinning wheel, but if you wind it roughly, the thread will get tangled and you'll have to start over, so it can be quite nerve-wracking.

“So this one large bobbin gives 100 el... It's still easy because the spinning wheel is the type that you turn with your foot, but next time let’s take cotton delivery.”
“Ee─h, isn't this fun? I might be able to do this for the rest of my life.”
“Have you gotten hooked into it? After this winding is finished, I’m going to accept a request to deliver cotton, but what will Alrina do? Do you want to continue?”
“I think I’ll try doing 10 more.”
“You're perfectly hooked into this, aren't you? I'm going to the forest to get some cotton, but Alrina, please stay here.”
“I got it─.”

I took the one bobbin I finished winding to the receptionist onee-san and completed my request to wind the thread.

“We'll give you the bobbin you made to commemorate the completion of your first request. And here is your 100 el reward.”
“Thanks. About the next request, does the delivery of cotton include the roots?”
“Just the cotton is fine. If you bring more than the requested 100g, we'll purchase it for 1 el per gram.”
“I see, I understand.”
“Do your best.”

And so, I went to a deserted back alley and teleported to the forest.

“That’s what I wanted to do, but I already erased everything that could serve as a landmark... I guess I’ll run.”

I cast Stamina Recovery Magic on myself and ran to the forest without stopping. I feel like it's been a while since I've done any proper exercise.

“Fuu... magic is convenient after all.”

Having to run every time would be a pain, so I decided to go deep into the forest where no one else comes and build a hut that would serve as a landmark.

“Pan, don, zumomo.”

I'm just saying it, and I didn’t try to pose like a state alchemist.

I took out wood from Storage, placed it on the ground, used my Alchemy Skill to turn it into wood powder, and then built a secret base-style hut.
The problem with wood is that you cannot process it as freely as you can with clay using Alchemy Skill.
I wonder if a Woodworking Skill will drop somewhere?

Let's leave that for the distant future, I should look for cotton now.

I remembered a news story from my previous life that the sea had dried up due to cotton cultivation, so I thought that if I went to the river, I would see some growing there, but as I was walking towards the river, I found them growing normally on the roadside.

Even though they are growing, the amount is small, so I collect them and regenerate them using high fertilizer potion over and over again as usual.

I can't think of many uses for these, but collecting 1 ton should be okay.


“Yes, the request has been completed. Eh, twice? Um, your seamstress level has increased to 2. Congratulations.”

I gave the Sewing Guild onee-san 200g of cotton, enough to complete the cotton collection request twice, raising my seamstress level.
It seems the part where you can level up by completing level 1 requests three times is the same with the Sewing Guild.

I go to the workshop and take a quick look at Alrina, and it seems like she's still engrossed in the spinning wheel, so I go to check on the level 2 requests.

“Making cotton fabric, collecting wool, making handkerchiefs, making buttons. Fumu fumu.”

Making buttons seems the easiest.

“Make buttons that look like this sample button in a large, medium, or small size, and the request will be completed.”
“Then if I make 6 sets of that, can I level up?”
“Yes, but it’s harder to make than it looks, you know?”
“Piece of cake, Yocchan.”
“Yocchan? Who is that?”

* (T/N: that yocchan has no meaning, it’s just a meme.)

Moving everything to the workshop everytime is just a pain, so I'll just make them right in front of Onee-san.

I took out a wooden stick from my Storage Skill camouflaged as my stomach pocket, placed it on the counter, used Alchemy Skill to turn it into wood powder, and created 6 sets of large, medium and small buttons that looked exactly like the sample button.

“It’s done.”
“Eh, ah, yes. The request is completed, you have become a level 3 seamstress... wait, ee─h!? You can do that!?”
“Alchemy Skill is convenient, you know. If Onee-san has a chance to obtain them, please do so.”
“You don't get Skills that often!”
“You can get one if you pay with your money or your body, you know?”
“...You mean buying a magic item? I don't have that kind of money... and I don't want to pay with my body either... wait, what are you making me say!”
“Is that so? That's a shame.”
“Uuu, the reward is 600 el! Cheater, go check the request board now!”
“Cheater, you say... well, I'll still take a look though.”
“Shoo! Shoo!”

The receptionist has a bad attitude, huh. Isn't that why this place is in a slump?

Seeing an onee-san with a bad personality makes me want to bully her, but I resist the urge and go to see the next request.

“Sewing pockets, making accessory cases, delivering animal skins, making aprons, making T-shirts. Fumu fumu.”

I guess I’ll go with the T-shirts

“Make a T-shirt according to this sample, and the request will be completed. Fufun, you can’t use Alchemy Skill for this one!”
“I wonder about that.”
“What did you say?”

Just like before, I took out wood from Storage, turned it into wood powder, and processed it with Alchemy Skill to make it look exactly like the sample T-shirt. Since it is originally made of wood, its color is ivory, but let’s call that its charm.

I forgot to ask about the number of requests I need to complete before I can level up, but if I just make 10 of these, I should be able to raise my seamstress level.

“That's ten requests completed, right?”
“Gunununu, with the request completed 10 times, you have become a level 3 seamstress! Congratulations! Here is the reward of 10,000 el!”
“Go to the Alchemy Guild instead of this one!”

As I was putting away the reward money I received into Storage, Onee-san retorted at me, so this time, I’ll actually bully her. Gehehe.

“I don’t want to, because I want to see Onee-san’s face.”
“Eh, w-what are you saying all of a sudden... don't say something weird...”
“I don’t want to, because I want to see Onee-san’s lovely face!”
“Hau!? W-w-w-w-what are you saying!? I’d be in trouble if you suddenly said something like that!”
“I’m staying here because I want to see Onee-san's lovely, cute face!”
“Auauau... you-you-you-you-you-you, you’re teasing me, aren’t you!?”
“Onee-san is so cute! Onee-san is so beautiful! I love Onee-san so much!”
“...E, ehe, ehehe. More, say it more... praise me more, pamper me more... love me more...!!”

She has fallen.

“What are you doing?”
“Ada!? What, it’s just Alrina, huh?”
“As soon as I take my eyes off you, this happens!”
“Are you satisfied with winding threads?”
“I made 20 of them, so I’m satisfied. Will you please move away since you’re in the way of my report? Unfaithful Lotorl-san?”
“Praising onee-san is my purpose in life.”
“...If you want to praise someone, praise me...”
“Even if you only whispered that, I can hear it completely, it’ll be embarrassing-bohe!?”
“I'll hit you, okay?”

Even if you say that, you already punched me in the face...

Alrina physically restored Onee-san whose spirit had been broken by my bullying, and smiled with satisfaction as she received a reward of 2,000 el, an increase in her seamstress level and one bobbin for completing a request for the first time.


(T/N: changed ‘El’ to ‘el’. Apparently, you don’t capitalize currency. I just found out today.)

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