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It's been a while since then, but the girl hasn't woken up.

Even when I examined her with Appraisal Skill, I didn't find anything particularly bad about her, so it seems like she’s just sleeping.
Other than that, I looked at her Skills, and she has Life Force Skill, Sewing at level 1, and Cooking at level 3, she doesn’t have any particularly unusual Skills.

“I don’t know if Life Force Skill is a blessing or a curse...”

Because of this Skill, she tasted a living hell, but if it wasn't for this Skill, she would have died without ever being able to meet me... Is this what you would call happiness within misfortune? Even so, I feel like misfortune is winning too much though.
I sincerely hope that your happiness will exceed your misfortune.

“Should I synthesize a Skill that seems good into her?”

I would like to synthesize a Skill that increases luck for this unlucky child.

I went outside the hut, took out a grape with Economic Fortune UP Skill from Storage, planted it on the ground, then I sprayed it with fertilizer potion to make the vines bear fruit, used Appraisal Skill to check that the grapes have Skills that increase luck, and harvested them.

I obtained large quantities of Skills related to luck, such as good luck, bad luck, love luck, work luck, dumb luck, odd luck, personal luck, company luck, business luck, health luck, career luck, athletic ability, great luck, strong luck, intense luck, super intense luck, etc.

I nonchalantly included Athletic Ability Skill, which is very much not a luck type skill, but since it's a skill that increases your ability to move your body, let's include it as well.

In order to prevent strange event flags such as a named enemy being born due these things' mutation and committing violent acts, I liquefied the remaining vines using Alchemy Skill and disposed of them, and then returned to the hut to examine the Skills to be synthesized into the girl.

“Good luck is obvious, about love luck, maybe it’s too early? Let’s put in health luck, and athletic ability too...”

If I cram in too much, it might become bad luck instead, so I decided to go with Good Luck UP, Health Luck UP, and Athletic Ability Skills.
I compounded each of them to level 1, placed the three grapes in the palm of the still-sleeping girl's hand, liquefied them and synthesized them into her.

“All right, let’s see, un. They were able to synthesize properly.”

Using Appraisal Skill, I confirmed that the girl's Skills have increased.


The girl let out a small groan and slowly opened her eyelids that have long, beautiful eyelashes as she woke up. This timing might be due to the health luck Skill I synthesized into her just now.


When the girl woke up, she looked around the room from the ceiling with a dazed expression on her face until she saw me, and in a weak voice, asked me that.

“This is inside the hut I built. I'm Lotorl. What's your name?”

When I asked her name, the girl looked down a little and opened her mouth as if to squeeze out something.

“I... don't have a name...”

It was obvious that there was a reason for her lack of name, so just not having a name is still within acceptable limits.
I'm curious as to why she doesn't have a name, but let's just ignore it for now.

“I see... are you hungry?”
“Then, let's eat some food.”

I supported the nameless girl, helped her get out of bed, sat her on a chair, and took out the children's meal set that I had put in Storage from my stomach pocket and set it on the dining table.

“I made these just for you, so don't hold back and eat. If it doesn't taste good, you don't have to force yourself to eat it.”
“Thank you, very much. Itadakimasu...”

Perhaps because it's our first time meeting, she seems nervous, but she doesn't seem to be wary. It might be because I'm just a kid though, if I was Otaku-kun from my previous life, she might have run away instantly.


Seeing the girl having a big smile on her face as she heartily eats her food, I was convinced that this was what they call motherhood.
A girl stuffing her mouth with a kid’s lunch, to think it could be so precious...

While quietly watching the scene (while smirking inwardly), I waited for the girl to finish eating, and then started talking.

“You don't have to say it if you don't want to, but then, I'll use memory reading magic, so please speak honestly.”
“As expected, I don’t want to take care of a criminal.”
“I, see... I understand.”

I am also on the run, so if this child were to be a criminal or something similar, I’m prepared to throw her into the police station immediately.
Wanting someone to be happy and protecting a criminal are two different things.

“Do you really have no name?”
“I am a slave, so I have no name until I am given one by the one who is to be my Master.”
“So you really are a slave after all.”

The word ‘slave’ made the girl look pained and her body began to tremble. She seems to be quite traumatized, but I’m going to continue asking questions.

“How old are you?”
“I'm 13 years old.”
“Unexpectedly older... I'm 10 years old.”

When I told her that I was 10 years old, the girl's body stopped shaking and she had a grin on her face.
Did she think I would be easier to deal with knowing I was younger?

Combined with my previous life, I’m the older one! I have almost no social experience, so mentally I'm still a child though!

“...Do you have any parents?”
“No. I’m an orphan.”

She suddenly spoke in casual speech. Well, it’s fine though.

“Orphan, huh? That’s the same as me.”
“...I see.”

What’s this? At first she was looking at me like I’m her own kind, but then she glared at me a little...?

Even though we were both orphans, why am I a slave while you were free, it’s unfair, I somehow felt that sense of jealousy. Am I a Newtype?

* (T/N: I don’t watch anime, so I don’t know about this but, a Newtype can read mind?)

“Why were you collapsed?”
“I was pushed away by one of the slave traders and sacrificed to a monster.”
“I, see... By the way, what is that monster?”
“The giant tribe of the desert. Their intelligence is low, but they are very territorial, and if you get close to them even a little, they will kill you. I find it strange that they left me alive.”
“You were lucky.”
“...I wish I’d have died just like that though.”

I don't know what to say to her as she laughs sarcastically, so I move on to the next question. I want to fix my communication disorder.

“...Since you were left alive, what do you want to do after this?”
“...I don’t know.”
“What about something you want to do?”
“Dream for the future?”
“Never thought about it.”
“And your favorite food?”
“That food from earlier. It was delicious.”

Now, what should I do? Really, what should I do?
If I handle this poorly, she'll head straight-up to Hiki-NEET.
A self-indulgent life of eating and sleeping and eating and sleeping.
I have to strictly guide her well.

“I understand. By the way, what will happen if a runaway slave is found?”
“Whipped and re-educated. But I was thrown away, so I'm not a slave anymore.”
“I see. Can you say the same thing if you are found by a slave trader?”
“I... I ca... ca... uu.”
“So you can't say it.”

She’s so cute when she’s sad. I want to pat her on the head.

“From today onwards, your name is Alrina. Let's live together, as my slave, not, as my sister.”

Although my true feelings leaked out a bit, I think I was able to quickly correct the trajectory to calling her my sister. It would be pitiful to be freed from slavery only to find yourself a slave again, wouldn't it? Pitiful is cute though.

“...ah, uu... really?”
“Really. Onee-chan isn’t a liar!”
“...You should be, my little sister, right? ...Uu, ugh...”

She’s crying big tears, so this time I hug her and pat her head. Sniff sniff, aah... a girl's characteristic nish shmell... buhi.


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