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“Good morning!”
“Morning, Lotorl.”

After spending the night, I ate breakfast at the inn with Myaa-san.

“It's sudden, but I've decided to look after Myaa-san!”

Hyuu hyuu don don pafu pafu! If this were an anime world, that sound effect would reverberate in the air, but since it's real life, it only reverberates in my mind.

* (T/N: hyuu hyuu = flute sound, don don = drum sound, pafu pafu = trumpet sound. I think.)

“...Um, thank you.”
“I don't want to cause you that much trouble nya! I'll take care of the rest myself nya! I thought you'd say something like that.”
“That's what I actually think. But I don't think I'll be able to handle it on my own... and I think I'll be able to pay back the money I borrowed more quickly if Lotorl helps until I can earn stable money.”
“I see, then I won’t hold back and support you.”
“I’ll be in your care.”

Without “nya” at the end of her sentence, it feels out of tune or something...
I could make a tsukkomi here, but I'm sure Myaa-san has her own thoughts, so let’s refrain.

After finishing our meal, we headed to an unpopular forest.

“...How far are we going?”
“I suppose around here is okay...”

I slowly approached Myaa-san, took her hand, and pulled her face close enough that I could feel her breath.

“Um, what are you...? Lotorl?”
“You must never tell anyone what is about to happen here, okay?”
“O-okay... Please don’t hurt me too much, okay...?”
“Hurt? ...Do you think that I’m about to do something lewd to you?”
“...Am I wrong?”
“You are. As expected, the difficulty level of outdoor play is way too high, it's impossible. Wait, that doesn’t matter, after this, I'm going to give Myaa-san a Skill, so please definitely don't tell anyone about this, okay?”
“Umm... you're not joking?”
“I guess I’ll synthesize Economic Fortune Skill as a test.”

I take out an economic fortune grape from Storage, place it on Myaa-san's palm, liquefy it, and synthesize it.

“The grapes melted and disappeared though?”
“Please take a look at your card's Skill section.”
“Okay. ...Mya!?”

She’s surprised, she’s surprised. Smirk.

“With this, Myaa-san shouldn’t have to worry about money as often.”
“I-Is it okay for something like this to happen?! Increasing my Skills this easily is a blasphemy to god nya-!!”
“Ueh!? God!? Is Myaa-san a religious person!?”
“I’m not, but many beastkins are deeply religious nya. If this were to become known, Lotorl would be imprisoned, or worse, killed nya...”
“Hieee... Ah, ah, Myaa-san! Definitely! Please definitely never talk about that! If you do, I'll kidnap you and run far away!”
“There’s no way I can say something like this nya! ...Uuu, I thought you were a strange kid, but I never thought it’d be this much nya...”

W-wwwwhat should I do!? Should I run away? No, I’d have to bring Myaa-san with me too. For now, it seems dangerous if I don't move from Furia continent, where there are many beastkins, so I have to go to Aribia country and then quickly go to Lycorus country.

“I will take good care of Myaa-san, so will you come with me to Khizr country?”
“Fue? We don't have to go that far, I won't say anything, you know?”
“The destination of my trip is Khizr country, and I want to go there with Myaa-san! Is that no good?”
“Hmm... sorry. It's just so far away that I’m scared nya...”
“Is that, so...”
“...Ah, uu, really, I’m sorry...”
“I suppose it can’t be helped. ...I have no choice but to erase your memory.”

It will be troublesome if she resists when I make her drink the oblivion potion, so let's use Universal Magic Skill to activate Oblivion Magic.

“Don’t say something so disturbing nya... I really won't tell anyone, you know!”
“Even if Myaa-san doesn’t say anything, Myaa-san herself will be in danger if someone uses Skills or magic to read your memories, do you still want to remember it?”
“Aa─h, yeah. I understand perfectly. I got it nya! You can erase my memory!”
“Memory, disappear─!”
“So quick!? I’m not mentally prepared yeyeyeyeyeye!?”

I used Oblivion Magic to erase her memory of the past five minutes. It's my first time using this magic, so I hope her brain doesn’t become completely empty.

“Ah? Eh?”
“Myaa-san, don’t you have such an amazing Skill?! With Economic Fortune Skills, you won’t have to worry about money!? That’s so nice! I’m jealous!”

I will trick her with a realistic acting that is consistent with her memory of five minutes ago.
Even if I’m a ham actor, all I have to do is push through with vigor and momentum and it’ll be okay.

“Umm? What are we talking about?”
“Eh? Before I knew it, I awakened to Economic Fortune Skill nya! That's what we’re talking about though?”
“Hmm? Was that what we were talking about? Huh?”
“No waay. Even though Myaa-san is still young...”
“Mu. I have a good memory, okay nya?!”
“I see. Well then, I'll lend you 1 million El, so please pay me back tenfold someday.”

I took out my card from Storage and transferred 1 million El to Myaa-san's card that she was holding.
I've been splurging recently, so I need to earn some money soon or my travel expenses will be in trouble.

“Wha!? What are you doing nya!?”
“Eh? Didn’t we come to this unpopular forest just to lend you a lot of money?”
“Eh? We did?”
“That right?”
“Somehow, I can’t really accept it nya...?”
“It's okay if it’s Myaa-san. For now, let's stop carrying money around in cash, okay?”
“Uuu, I got it nya...”
“Then, let's go back to the city.”
“I feel like I'm being deceived...?”

We returned to the city from the forest and I parted ways with Myaa-san at the city gate.

“I'm traveling to Khizr country, so we’ll part ways here for now.”
“Ueh!? That's so sudden nya!?”

Myaa-san has also forgotten that I'm going to Khizr country, so I'll have to act perfectly so that I don't get exposed here.

“It seems that it will take about six months to a year before the gate to Lycoris country will be open, so I am thinking of going through Aribia country, but Myaa-san won’t come with me, right?”

I'll try inviting her one last time, but if this doesn't work, I'll give up on having a trip with Myaa-san.
Besides, if I get lonely, I can just teleport and meet her anytime anyway.

“Ugh, as you’d expect. Aribia and Khizr countries are impossible nya... Ahaha.”

I guess it's no good after all... Aah, uuh, I feel so lonely after all...

I can't just force her, so I’ll give up with the force of tears of blood.

“My plan is to return to Difas country in about two years, when Myaa-san will probably be making a lot of money, so please make it big by then, okay?”
“Lotorl's expectations are heavy nya... but I'll try my best nya!”
“Yes! Then in two years, in Difas country!”
“See you nya!”

With painful reluctance, I parted ways with Myaa-san and departed for Aribia country.


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