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The next thing I knew, it was the next morning.
I think I fell asleep naked yesterday, so that’s why my body was cold.

“I’ll go take a bath...”

After quickly taking a bath, I’ll have breakfast in a refreshing mood.

I put the Flame Skill’s fireball in the stove (just the fireball without adding any wood as it will cause smoke), adjust the heat, and when the water in the pot comes to a boil, add potatoes and boil them.
Everyday life is a great way to level up my Skills.

I sprinkle salt on the potatoes that have been boiled. Chomp chomp, munch munch.
Un, I know now that wild potatoes don't taste good.
After I finish eating, I think I’ll use my Synthesis Skill to create the ultimate delicious potato.

I tore the mushrooms to pieces by hand and sautéed them in a frying pan.
It's delicious without any seasoning. Yum, yum, yum.
Mushrooms are small, so I’ll need to synthesize them to make them bigger.

After I finished breakfast, I went out to the garden and started my work.

Potatoes are poisonous, so I used Compounding skill to remove the poison and synthesized them with Synthesis skill. And now, whether it was their buds or leaves, or even their seed, I can eat them like tomatoes.
Rather than just like tomatoes, they were basically tomatoes. They were too sour to eat as they are, but I can eat them one way or the other with my Compounding Skill.
When I analyzed the names of their breed, they were displayed as three varieties: Potato Tomato, Potatoma, and Tomatato. Well, once harvested, tomatoes are still tomatoes, and potatoes are still potatoes though.
I can harvest them immediately by spraying Hi-Potion, so it's nice to see the results of selective breeding right away.

I used Synthesis Skill to make mushrooms bigger, and then used Alchemy Skill to liquify them, and sprayed them on logs, and then sprayed Hi-Potion on top of them, and gigantic ghost mushrooms grew one after another.
Ghost shiitake, ghost mushroom, ghost shimeji.
I synthesized those three and created a new species called Shimashitake, so I grilled it with a mini fireball lit on my fingertips and tried eating it.

“So goooooood!!”

This mushroom has the most delicious taste and flavor!
I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen if all edible mushrooms are synthesized.

Next is meat!

“Female calves, piglets, chickens, also goats and sheep.”
“If you put them in an item box, they'll die quickly, so be careful, okay?”
“I understand.”

Currently, I'm at the animal market in the city.

Hunting? No way. Too bothersome.
Besides, it has many problems such as butchery, dissection, and parasites.
Compounding Skill can remove poison, but not living things.
I can liquefy them with Alchemy Skill, but doing it one by one is just too hard.

I teleported back to my home garden and released the animals from Storage.
They seemed to be a little low on energy, but the Hi-Potion made them energetic quickly.
As expected, was it because there was no air in the item box or storage that they became weak?

I don't want my fields to be destroyed, so I build an animal shed next to my house using aero adamantite, an alloy of aeronium and adamantite, and I take my animals there and close it off with a fence.
Even if a meteorite hits this shed, it will probably be safe.
I will also synthesize adamantite into the walls of my home later.

Next, I synthesized the grass seeds I bought at the market, made them into nutritious grass seeds, sowed them in the field, sprayed them with Hi-Potion mist to make them grow, and harvested them with a sickle made from aero adamantite.
A sickle made only from adamantite is heavy, but a sickle made from aero adamantite is super light, making it easier to work with.
I spread a large amount of cut grass in the shed and in the feed tray, and it’s complete.
I make a brush and brush the animals while I’m at it.
After all, since I’m going to do this anyway, I want the animals to become attached to me.

I use Alchemy Skill to turn their excrement into powder, solidify it, and process it into a fertilizer potion.
I use the fertilizer potions to grow even better crops by pouring them into my fields.
It's a perfect cycle.

By the way, I don't defecate. Because I'm an idol.
There are some fertilizer potions in my Storage, but it must be just my imagination.
The toilet in my home is for guests. I don't use it, you know. Because I'm an idol.

When I need to take animals’ meat, I’ll put them to sleep with an anesthetic potion before I tear them off.
After I take them, I’ll heal them with a mega potion, so I can eat all the meat I want almost indefinitely.
Whether or not I can tear them off depends on my mental strength though.

After I finished all my work, it was time for lunch.

“The stunning steak! Munch munch much.”

This is meat I bought at the market.
Until the animals grow up, I’ll buy them at the market.
Even children can take the meat, but they need to be mentally prepared to tear them off.


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