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I dressed myself and departed for the market.
The market was buzzing with activity, already starting to get busy this early in the morning.

“Welcome! Welcome! We got some good stuff today too!”
“If you fill this ball with water... look, this happens!”
“That's a bit of a tall order, sir.”
“Lower! Lower! Please!”
“Hehehe, mister is bad too...”
“I won’t care if anyone is listening, okay? Fuhahaha”

Umu. The weather is nice today too.

I immediately entered a clothing store with a fashionable exterior and started rummaging for cute clothes. I have the money, so I get a lot of choices.

“A white T-shirt, navy blue shorts, and a light blue one piece, aren’t they nice, aren’t they nice, aren’t they cute?”

They’re choke-full of Otaku-kun's taste.
I also picked out a few other outfits and some white panties. I wonder if it’s still too early for a bra?
Once I return to the inn, I’ll dye the panties to make light blue striped panties. Polka dot ones too.

My bag is bulging with all the clothes I bought, so let's go check out some backpacks.

“Expensive... but I can buy it!”

The magic bag was on sale for 200,000, so I bought it right away!
It doesn't have that much capacity, but it's definitely better than a backpack.

When I put the bag I was carrying into the magic bag without taking anything out of it, I was able to store it easily! It's amazingly amazing!

Next, I want to go for accessories, but I can make them with my own Alchemy Skill, they’ll be not just cheaper, but free. It will also help me level up my Skills.
Let’s just look around and see what designs accessories have.

After looking around the decoration shops, I bought everything I thought I would need, like daily necessities, and went back to the inn while eating some delicious food I bought at the food stalls. It was truly an extravagant spree...!
I'm sure I'll be hurt later, but I'm in the spirit of ‘it’s fine as long as I’m having fun now’.


“I want my own house. I need to save up some money...”

I guess I could say ‘as expected’, somehow...

My magic bag was stolen. It has everything I bought today. Ah, my bag was taken too, damn...
I put the valuables such as Hi-Potion on a shelf, so they were safe.
It seems that the thief was after my magic bag, so fortunately he did not search the room.

“I was just going to the bathroom for a bit, seriously!”

Since there is no one I can direct my anger to, I vent my anger by stamping the ground on the spot.
I'm not in the mental state to think that I’m causing a nuisance to other customers.

When I told the innkeeper that my bag had been stolen, he apologized sincerely, and I wanted to say something like, “What is the safety management of this inn doing?” but I couldn't get angry.

Afterwards, the innkeeper called the guards, but I was told that even if the thief was caught, I should not expect the stolen items to be returned. You want me to buy them again? I see... Gunununu.


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