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“Amane─, I don't understand mathematics─. Teach me─.”

“Again? But well, it's good that you're trying to learn. What part do you not understand, Himezaki-san?”

“This part here─.”

“Aah, that part? That’s a simple formula. Here, like this.”

“Aa─h? Uu─n, I feel like I understand, and I don't understand... Aah, like this?”

“...Himezaki-san, now that I think about it, you're really fast at mental arithmetic, for this one, although it's easy to make mistakes because there are a lot of multiplication digits. You did it well without doing the necessary calculation.”

“That's easy. Look, if I just do it slowly, it will look like this.”

“So the mental arithmetic is you counting using your fingers? And the movements were so fast that I didn't notice it until now.”


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