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“Amane─, I can see black smoke coming out of the factory chimney─.”

“Yes, that's right, Himezaki-san.”

“I heard that smoke is bad for the sky and for the earth─. I wonder why they spew such bad smoke─.”

“I suppose it’s for work, it probably can’t be helped.”

“No! I think bad things are bad after all! That's why I'm going to protest now!”

“...Protest, you say, are you going to talk to the higher ups of the factory?”

“No! That's too roundabout! I'll say it directly to the smoke! Tou-!”

“...They did say 'something and smoke like high places', but I never thought they would start a fight for supremacy in the sky.”


(T/N: the idiom is this: 馬鹿と煙は高い所へ上る - fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights. But the story use ‘likes’ instead of ‘rise’)

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