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“Amane, doesn't [Dark Knight] sound good?”

“Dark Knight... is this another light novel or a game or something, Himezaki-san?”

“Nuh-huh, it's not like that, it's a dream for the future! Mine, that is!”

“Haa, a Dark Knight, is it? That’s, un, it’d be great if you could become one.”

“Un un! Because I’d be able to eat as much as I want! Should I go with Go or Shogi?”

“...Could it be, do you mean [Shogi or Go player who eats red bean paste]?”

“Ha ha ha! You know me well! As expected of Amane!”

“Thank you. More than anything, Today is also a peaceful day, and that’s the best.”


(T/N: ankoku (暗黒) = darkness. Anko kuu (餡食う) = eat red bean paste.
Kishi (騎士) = knight, kishi (棋士) = professional shogi or go player.)

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