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“Amane─, what sign are you?”

“Are you talking about the zodiac sign? It's Aries.”

“Heeh─, speaking of Aries, it seems to be a golden sheep that flew into the sky to rescue cute princes and princesses from the bad guys.”

“What is it, Himezaki-san, are you into the myths of constellations?”

“Yeah! Because it's fashionable and cool!”

“By the way, Himezaki-san, what sign are you?”

“I'm a Libra! It seems to be the scale that measures the good and bad of all things! It's perfect for me, who has a pure heart!”

“I see, by the way, Himezaki-san, the cake in the cupboard disappeared, but do you know where... Hey! Please don't run away to heaven like a golden sheep, Himezaki-san who measures good and evil!”


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